「破滅の時が訪れてしまった…後編」 (Hametsu no Toki ga Otozurete Shimatta…Kouhen)
“The Moment of My Doom Arrived… Part 2”

Probably not the episode I expect many were anticipating, but since when has Hamefura ever been by the book? For all that was lacking in Bakarina charm (mostly) we got a bit of reminiscing and newfound determination, and also some further cross-world teasing just for the giggles. It’ll be a relatively conventional end to this arc and season next week, but it certainly won’t be boring.

After all the foreboding hints towards chaining up the dork and forcing a schoolwide search, the actual results proved a little less explosive. Hard thinking what Sirius had in mind leaving a comatose Katarina out and about when disappearance likely would’ve worked better (having people drop by your hidey hole unannounced at least would be unlikely), but hey, I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt since thinking straight with a demon in your head probably proves challenging. Considering by all looks Sirius’ backstory involves murdered family members at the likely hands of someone with the outward personality of Katarina (his hatred of her at least isn’t entirely personal), we can probably expect some reconciliation and harem assimilation after the guy figures out just how wholesome and innocent the girl actually is. All defenses, no matter their strength, will fail in the face of Bakarina supremacy.

Evidencing this point in particular are the changes in everyone else’s opinion of the Bakarina, or rather her co-opting of what was supposed to be Maria’s role. From Georgo on down each major player found what they were missing or quietly desired in her actions, and with it a reason to stay by her side and strengthen rather than weaken the harem. None of it is particularly surprising given what we learned in the prologue, but it’s pleasantly surprising seeing Alan finally recognize his feelings towards Katarina and Nicol not only acknowledge his own, but also accept he’ll never realize them. Simplistic romcom or not, I love it when romantic realism factors into the narrative. Then of course we get to Sophia, although for all the real world learnings nothing new really made its presence felt. Sophia still doesn’t know she’s Acchan reincarnated and Katarina naturally cannot piece two and two together. It’ll be hilarious (and heartwarming) to see the reactions once either of them finally finds out, but that certainly won’t occur anytime soon. Potential plot point for future second season? A true question to mull over.

Well, right after we further grow that burgeoning Bakarina collective next time.


  1. Not gonna lie, the final farewell between Bakarina and Acchan got me. Just the thought of a love one dying suddenly and never getting to bid each other farewell is sad. For all the good that Bakarina has done since reincarnating, and Acchan struggling to overcome the lost of her best friend, it was a bittersweet moment. It must mean a lot to Acchan that after all this time, Bakarina still cherishes her and still held lingering regret about not being able to say one final goodbye.

    1. I couldn’t stop the tears. With the whole world disintegrating like that, I couldn’t help but remember Little Busters Refrain. Damn wholesome friendship *sniff*

  2. Georgo stealing a kiss under a false pretense, disgusting. /team any of the other harem members

    Why do I get the feeling that the latest episode had all the character centric recycled/flashback material because otherwise the conflict would have been cleared this week already? Not a fan of the pacing.

    1. It sucks, but IMO it’s better than the other option of rushing through and condensing material better spaced out.

      And at least it was an honest kiss for Georgo, much better than his other attempts XD

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