「館山城水着男女回遊戦!」 (Tateyama-jou Mizugi Danjo Kaiyuu-sen!)
“Tateyama Castle Swimsuit Skirmish!”

I may have my concerns about where Sigururi plans on taking us, yet there’s no denying: this show knows how to, well, put on a show. Beach episodes and swimsuits galore pft—it’s all about manly clapping here.

Considering Sigururi is taking its sweet time in actually providing narrative substance to its premise I’d normally be up for criticizing the hell out of current episodes, but I’m a little hard-pressed hating too much on this week. For the promise of going full fan service you arguably don’t get more bait and switch than this episode, where it might’ve been all about getting our Valkyries back to fight off the latest Pillar threat, but the saviours of the day were undeniably in the male support cast who did everything (and then some) to see them complete their mission. Yes, it was corny as hell and played to everything you love (and hate) about fan service episodes, but was it executed to perfection? Oh you betcha. I always said from the start the support crew were one of the pleasant surprises of this show, and this episode helped confirm it in spades.

Of course, learning anything beyond the jumping prowess of Miyako was largely absent as Sigururi is wont to do at this point. Besides learning that the Pillars display or communicate via ultrasound (itself not a bad argument to explain why this latest batch of teenage prodigies was selected by for magical girl duty), we also got some foreshadowing in Azu’s inability to sleep and the Pillars choosing curious locations in which to plop their Nordic bottoms. Not that I have any idea where this is all heading (again relating back to this show playing its cards incredibly close to its chest), but at least it’s getting easier seeing what might be coming down the pipeline.

One way or another we’re growing overdue for big fight with the enemy, and something tells me when it happens our little cast of cutie pies (and new arrival surprises) are going to find themselves wholly unprepared for the proceedings.


ED Sequence

ED: 「Fly High」by Muguruma Miyako (Hieda Nene)



  1. Would really like to know what manoeuvre they were doing. Can’t say I recognize the terminology used. Certainly don’t get why: “Azu-chan no ecchi”.

    The second part of the episode was a blast. XD
    Everyone in swimsuits and it kinda makes sense. Props to Ikemen-san for surviving all that and making his perversion look heroic.

    Also, Misato shouldn’t really worry about not being able to here it. That part of hearing deteriorates quite early. High chance none of the bridge bunnies can hear it since all three are 20 or older.

  2. Ep 05:

    This Episode is only a bit Fan Service while they are at the Bath. But then little bit of Story Progression is done and recycled stuff in the background. An keen and experienced eyes see how they try to buy time and shortcuts in production. Let us hope they need this for future Episodes. it is their own fault if they are now in crunchmode

    But i want to believe it will pay out. Lets see

    So not an full Fanservice episode, but surly the Bath scenes was part of the OAV, too

    1. If my Story idea on reddit helped them to forge an path, then be my guest. As i said every time, it is Win-Win for me. Also i am loyal to randomc.net this is some sort of my secret base over the years, here.. Even with my faults


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