「フリージア」 (Furiijia)

Not sure what warranted Assault Lily having a special episode in place of the normal forbidden love shenanigans last week, but if it was to prepare for the even greater confusion on display this episode, well, I’m down with that. I’ve always been a firm believer this show wouldn’t be fully vanilla cute magical girls doing cute magical things, and while such thoughts aren’t entirely proven yet, we’re one step closer to realizing such reality.

Getting the fun out the way right away: yes, Yuri is absolutely suspicious, and oh yes, you couldn’t come up with a better name and innuendo than that. Pure and wholesome mama Riri puttering around while the gruff (yet equally adorable) papa Yuyu does her thing? If the doujins haven’t already come up with some yuri story like that already they sure as hell are now. Although that’s obviously just cover to distract from where Yuri originated and the implications of it. Random Lily emerging out an apparent cocoon being covertly and autonomously transported to some nondescript location? I’m not saying we’re in the realm of Lilies being wholesale manufactured just yet—but it sure seems like some of them aren’t the result of storks working overtime. Particularly when it’s not impossible our current crop of pick-your-waifu were raised by families who they may not even be blood related to. Remember, if there’s smoke, there’s fire. Usually.

What throws a wrench into the works and further muddies the waters though are the remarks by Kotomine Kirei the Academy Director. The discussion around Yuri’s attendance suggests the Academy itself isn’t aware of where Lilies originate, or if we also include Moyu’s current and prior musings, that of the Huge as well. I somewhat hope that this isn’t entirely the case, as while evil organization does a bad is the bread and butter of these stories, having the apparent good guys (girls?) and their school in on the evil would be a good bit of spice for a show that hasn’t really found a way yet to stand out from the crowd. Doubly so if we get something like the Huge being fallen Lilies or failed Lilies, because oh boy that would be a riot. Maybe not for the cutie pies involved, but hey, the suffering god demands suffering.

Or you know, scones, nothing wrong with a few of those too.



End Card


  1. Have this crazy idea that Lilies that are KIA ends up powering the Huge. Like biological magic batteries. That ship at the start has loads of them. The dead Huge has several flat green blobs around it’s remains. besides the intact one Riri found. Also they haven’t checked the database for dead Lilies, just the ones that are missing.

    Getting quite fond of Shenlin. Even though her appearance has been quite limited, really like when she pokes and prods at others.

    1. Definitely could be, though I don’t believe we saw similar stuff surrounding the earlier Huge defeated (although that could just be my memory being horrible or the show deliberately not showing such things). Would certainly fulfill the sense of foreboding that keeps steadily building up week by week though!

      As for characters Tazusa is my favourite right now, if just for that ridiculous (yet hilarious) love of cats and food. The offering of cat food to Yuri killed me XD

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