「コスモス」 (Kosumosu)

Now that was a wild ride. Just not the sort of ride I was expecting. Dealing with Huge gone Lily only to be true Lily in the end? Claps all around. Big new Huge threatening the safety and stability of all? Oh yes, gimme more. Doing all that in the span of a single episode? Welcome to the world of Ferrari plot pacing.

While I’m predisposed to finding enjoyment every time I tune into Assault Lily (something something yuri), it’s episodes like this that really highlight how lacking the show is at times. Plenty of plot tangents, from Yuyu’s dark past to the ominous nature of Riri’s special skill, have been noticeably thrown out into the open, given some time for all to fawn over…and then seemingly left hanging from any sort of further elaboration. The subterfuge surrounding Yuri’s origins are just the latest example of this, for while adequately set up as a good bit of mid-season—or for that matter season finale—material, the entire thing was wrapped up and given a pretty bow in the span of seconds. To be fair of course it’s entirely possible we aren’t through with this plot point just yet considering Yuri looks like she’s about to give her Huge genes a workout (note that Moyu never said she lost them as she “humanized”), but right now all I see is it being abandoned in favour of maximizing lovey-dovey legion rescue time.

As for what comes after the rescue, well, that’s going to be the interesting part. Given how Assault Lily has played out so far I firmly expect Riri and friends to successfully find and rescue Yuri, but I’m still half-anticipating some sly twist in the last inning like an artificial final form Lily being thrown at the good girls (since we’re mentioning boosted Lilies now as well apparently) or even the Huge being artificial creations themselves and made solely to forge Lilies into perfect weapons of war. And before you doubt that hot take too much just remember what the real-life Gehenna is known for. Yeah, probably won’t get that crazy in Assault Lily anytime soon, but hey, a man can dream.

After all, need something good to give reason to bring the gang all together for the big finale fight.



End Card


  1. This show is such a mess. They shouldn’t have introduced Yuri at all. They should have explored the plot points they had already set up instead. Also, they should have fleshed out the actual team members some more. We hardly got to know them before Yuri hijacked the show and sidelined everyone but Riri.

    1. IMO Yuri can work with everything else, it’s just everything else is already so disjointed that adding her in does nothing but create a bigger mess. I really feel the sheer number of characters shown is what primarily screwed this show, if the focus had purely been on Riri, Yuyu, the rest of their legion, and a few enemies it likely would’ve been easier to sit down and hash out a coherent plot. As it stands this just a pick your waifu infomercial where the value is measured in individual character screentime.

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