「日記)」 (Nikki)

Well, only two weeks to go, but what a fun two weeks they’re going to be. Love, potions, love and potions – truly the most Sei-ist of Sei things at work in Seijo no Maryoku, and just the tip of what is likely to be a pretty hefty iceberg. Just when you thought it couldn’t get better, it very quickly does.

As fully expected given the hints in earlier weeks, a Saint’s unique magic stems purely from feelings. The usual kind of feelings. Honestly it’s not too surprising given the setting and atmosphere at play in Seijo no Maryoku – i.e. a laid back romantic slice-of-life – but I like how restrained (or rather broad) the mechanism is here. A Saint’s power as shown doesn’t stem from romantic love alone, it’s obviously triggered through deep-set attachment and affection which can be familial or brotherly in nature. Sei’s of course was sparked by Albert these two instances, but I would bet anything happening to the likes of Johan, Liz, or even Aira would cause her powers to manifest. No matter how romantic Seijo no Maryoku’s undercurrents might regarding Sei and Albert, they’re undercurrents which firmly believe in slow and steady.

Such realization, however, leads into just how Sei activates her powers at will. Have to extirpate the latest batch of miasma-borne monsters somehow after all, and the locals are also apparently looking for a bit of agricultural kickstarting – hard to keep Albert under constant (and believable) threat for both these needs! It’s anyone’s guess just what the solution will be, but I fully anticipate discovering the reason before this arc is through, and not just because it’s certain to provide plenty of additional smiles and embarrassment that melt hearts at ease. And mad scientist Yuri faces, cannot forget those too. With Sei’s magic being the last true unknown for Seijo no Maryoku answering it will give a nice sense of completeness to the current proceedings and give good reason to see just what this bundle of adorableness gets up to next.

After all, Seijo no Maryoku may not ever get a proper second cour, but there’s plenty of source material to catch up with afterwards.




  1. Pacing-wise, the anime looks set to cover the 1st 4 LN volumes.

    The 7th LN only came out recently in Japan, so they’d likely have to wait for more books to be released before considering any potential 2nd season. But if slow-paced stories like Grace of the Gods can get a S2, anything is possible.

    1. Whoa, Grace of the Gods actually got a S2?! That really surprises me considering how rushed S1 was. Heck! They even skipped an entire arc that’s kinda important o.O

      The manga translation is still stuck at chapter 30-ish for the last 6 months so I might watch S2, but not having a lot of faith that S2 will be a good watch.

      Thx for the heads-up btw.

    1. Even outside of the otome focus these sorts of stories are never that popular to begin with in my experience. You really a certain mindset to enjoy them because the focus is more on relaxation and healing than outright action and entertainment.

      I think it’s disappointing many don’t even bother trying them out, but hey, all the more for us to enjoy 🙂

  2. Funny but I’ve been thinking that Sei’s white robes look pretty good since she began wearing them a few episodes ago. Looks like someone in the show noticed them as well. Lots of robes in anime but I think they did a good job with hers, especially given how lacking the design is in other cases.

    I guess it didn’t matter because neither of the people seated beside Hausner, presumably wife and child, had anything to say —they didn’t even eat— but it was kind of goofy to have this huge flower arrangement between them on the table. I guess it allowed Hausner to focus on Sei without any distractions. Oddly, they were on his other side in the next capture.


    Meanwhile, given how Albert is moving in on Sei, I dunno if you can say ‘undercurrents’ anymore.


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