「キャロットとミリア」 (Kyarotto to Miria)
“Carrot and Millia”

Peach Boy Riverside’s sixth episode sets up what I’d imagine being a massive Blues Brothers-esque pile-up of different humans and ogres who happened to have pal’d up with each other over time. With Meki and Hatsuki entering the fray as former ogres joining Sally and Mikoto’s respective parties, the reunion isn’t looking like it’ll be as sweet or welcome as it might’ve looked at first glance.

Meki’s fury was at an all-time high, but in this episode, there isn’t as much of a conclusion as to whether she can let her animosity for Sally go for her role in Sett’s death. Without hesitation or any thought as to whether Meki might’ve known Sett, Sally had no qualms about telling her she never regretted murdering Sett.

Sally’s ultimate damage control came through when she punched the racist shop owner from the last episode. It was one gesture that influenced Meki to let bygones be bygones for now, but it didn’t feel conclusive enough for Meki to be okay with Sally as a person. She’ll have moments of respecting her gumption to punch the guy, but then stared daggers into her soul when she decided against murdering him. At the same time, things are looking up for Meki as she gains a newfound respect for Sally not letting the racist shop owner off the hook for insulting Frau.

This episode also has Mikoto gaining a Meki of his own by helping out a former ogre named Hatsuki. This is also a bittersweet development because it took intervention from Mikoto’s dog to not have him murder the girl in her sleep. At the same time, when Hatsuki’s memories came back and she remembered being a runaway ogre who was accosted by Sally, Mikoto gleefully decides to let her and her adversary duke it out until he can swoop in the murder the winner.

While Hatsuki’s memories show us a darker side to Sally’s peach eye, we’re at least given a glimpse at the relatable moments Sally has as a person. So far, there has been absolutely nothing likable about Mikoto and his brand of sociopathy. There’s the smug, edgy cockiness that comes out whenever Mikoto pretends he’s in The Searchers and gets emotionally prepared to relish in any ogre murder opportunities he comes across. You really need a character like his dog to drag him out of his worst urges. Otherwise, you’ll just get more scenes where he’s kicking children and giggling to himself.

Hatsuki being the same character as Meki is also a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s very spicy that both former ogres are gonna flip their lid when they find out their leader’s best friend is their sworn enemy. On the other hand, it’s underwhelming that these two characters have so much in common that there’d be no surprise if there isn’t as much variance with how they develop as characters.

I suppose Sally and Mikoto’s mentorship are two completely different styles, so if Sally’s moral high ground ends up mellowing down Meki and Mikoto’s rage ends up fueling Hatsuki’s bloodlust for Sally, it might prove for something fun and explosive. Otherwise, if it’s just the former ogres learning to love humanity and those around them, it’d be hard to set the characters apart.


  1. And here I thought that the jumping around was over and we were all chronological order now for the remainer of the show. Seriously annoying. I should have waited until all episodes aired and then watch in the correct order.
    As for what happened, seems pretty easy to simply cut down the horns of the oni and they‘re allowed to live.

    1. I don’t understand the decision of showing the episodes out of order.
      I knew that yhey hadn’t stopped because there are a lot of chapters that they jumped over.
      And it isn’t that they are using flashbacks or anything to make the story internally consistent.
      Really… What were they thinking? Agggh!! And I love the story and the manga. T_T

      1. I’m sorry to hear this from you and other manga readers. The fact that we don’t see how this non-chronological order can avoid an anime-original ending because I’ve a feeling it’s still gonna be made even if it’s like a last minute input ala Wonder Egg Priority.

        And yet I’m still watching because Sally has finally got a proper character development for I was thinking she’s gonna be peaceful with the racist humans for the rest of the story. Turns out I was wrong when she punched that racist shopkeeper and this goes to show she somehow aware that being peaceful doesn’t help reduce the constant blind hate towards demi-humans & former oni beings.

  2. Actually Hatsuki is quite different from Meki, exactly because she willingly tore out her horn. She seems to have decided to turn her back on the Ogrekind, after some other Ogres have dissed her for being defeated. What’s more interesting to me at this point, though, is what exactly is Frau. My personal hunch being some kind of fallen angel, as her conversation with Atla suggests. And I would like to see what’s both of them backstory…

  3. I have just watched the episode.

    Funny thing, you forgot to comment the most important thing. The dog’s words when he is holding “Mikoto’s” swords.

    He has a backstory too. You know. He is not a sociopath by the lolz. Anyway wouldn’t it be onipath because he only kills oni?

  4. The conversation between Sally and Carrot, from my perception. Sally Don’t care about ogres or humans they can all drop dead as long as Sally has Frau and Carrot. Rightfully so I think since Sally want to have a journey with friends, anyone in her way is a problem.

    The conversation between Mikoto and Dog. (Man’s best friend needs a better name…) Dog implies that Mikoto was going to murder a defenseless ogre with no memory. This is odd to me, while Mikoto does turn Ogres into sashimi during battle. (mostly instigated by ogres) Often times he is passive towards the ogres. Who’s to say that Mikoto wouldn’t just remove the horn of a sleeping ogre rather than make us think he would murder the ogre.


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