「キースがいなくなってしまった…(中編)」 (Kiisu ga Inaku Natte Shimatta… (Chuuhen))
“Keith Disappeared… Part 2”

Well Hamefura, it may be a conventional arc, but it’s definitely a boisterous one. Or shall we say beguiling since, you know, that’s now a thing. a food thing. Am I hungry? You bet your romantic competition I am. At least on the plus side we can expect Katarina to help smoothen over the hunger pains, because nothing says distraction like childish distraction.

As has been consistent throughout Hamefura of late, the newest threat to harem security is dark magic. Well, technically envious family members out for a bit of revenge, but dark magic nonetheless. After all, when you’re combining crazy eyes with magical experiments gone wrong best be sure that angry relations are only the tip of this chaotic iceberg. Keith will be rescued fairly easily in the end given who Katarina has providing support (Alexander in particular, heh), so the interesting bit is what our little witch has done on the side to invite the attention of Suzanna and her thoroughly overworked compatriots. Evil schemes? Plotting for power? My bet is on finding love – because the harem must grow.

Speaking of harem, the Keith development is very much approved. While we aren’t really getting much more on Keith himself thus far, it’s quite nice seeing just how big an impact he has on Katarina. Keeping her company, providing useful distractions, preventing that stomach from dominating all: it’s little things, but things which you never appreciate the value of until they’re gone. Seeing Katarina come to acknowledge this impact is a pleasant development because it helps further move from the current harem free-for-all into a more complex and colourful arrangement. Many of the current cast for example harbour romantic desires regarding the Bakarina, but all who aren’t Mary or Geordo are under no illusions that they are likely to obtain them. Keith’s fleshing out is just the latest example showing how in the end Katarina herself must decide on her future and that those around her may not be a part of it in the way they desire.

How that decision plays out will certainly be influenced by what comes up next week, because something Katarina may have a bit of heart to heart to do to get Keith fully back to normal.

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