「双葉大好きおじいちゃん」 (Futaba Daisuki Ojii-chan)
“Grandpa Hearts Futaba”

Sometimes I forget that I actually have to write about an anime after watching the episode, such as is the case with Senpai ga Uzai. I thoroughly enjoy this show, and such was the case once again this week. Finally, we get to meet Futaba grandpa properly named Ojii-chan (Ootsuka, Akio) According to MAL that’s his official name, as the episode didn’t present any other name, even going as far as having Harumi call him gramps after they finally settled down and properly acknowledge each other as being decent human beings. Even if they are very similar, Harumi is not just not going to back down from a fight, especially one that was started out of miscommunication on the part of Ojii-chan. I mean he could try and talk to the guy before he decides he’s a complete menace. I found it funny how they encountered one another on their day off, and basically just did the same things. From the batting cages to the fishing spot in Ichigaya, they basically are one and the same (I mean that toilet scene!). I don’t want to think too much about it, and just pronounce it as wholesome fun! Because, well, let’s just say when we seek out love (romantic love) in other people, we do seek out those tendencies and biases that we’re already accustomed to in real life and the people we see around us the most. AKA our family.

Let’s not get all Sigmund Freud on this episode, but I believe Ojii-chan’s jealousy of Harumi comes out because he took one look at his build and instantly assimilated past experiences unto him. Judging him up without taking the time to actually get to know the guy. But after he declares war, Harumi is not one to back down, both of them hitting as many home runs, fishing as much as possible, even giving back the prize’s so that the kid could have his own. It provided some laugh-out-loud moments that really resonated with me. Just don’t look too deep into it, and you’ll come out winning on the other side.

On the other hand, I loved the length Harumi is willing to go to prove to grandpa that he’s actually interested in Futaba. I mean that’s what the show has been implying all this time.

On the other hand, we sort of got a White Day episode, the reversal of Valentine’s Day where guys get to give some type of gift to girls, it doesn’t need to be chocolate, like the little moment Touko and Souta got. Souta brought a whole box of macarons and Touko really appreciated it. It was really cute. But on the other hand, Harumi just blatantly invites Futaba to some dinner as a thank you for gifts she gave him on Valentine’s Day. It’s the little things that go a long way towards making sure we let the other person know that we care about them.

Finally, we got to see a little bit of a backstory with Futaba and her grandpa. Was he the only one that was left to take care of her, or did he just come to visit a lot? But when Futaba says that she has to live on her own and can’t depend on him for the rest of her life, made me really think that both of them are the only thing that they have left. Has Futaba mentioned anything about her parents? I forget.

Anyway, after some hijinx, Harumi and Ojii-chan were finally able to see eye to eye, and share a beer after spending an afternoon helping out the community by picking up trash. One thing they can both agree on is protecting Futaba, as some junkies pester Futaba over her height, she cowers back in fear as one would do, and finally, Harumi comes into action, snapping at all of them. Both Ojii-chan and Harumi apologize to Futaba over how this happened because they left her alone. But it’s not something that they could have predicted anyway. Ojii-chan goes overboard with the theatrics though. And all three of them go and have dinner together. That’s the end of a funny yet wholesome episode!

End Card

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