「理想に燃ゆる王女に奇跡が舞い降りた」 (Risou ni Moyuru Oujo ni Kiseki ga Maiorita)
“A Miracle for the High-Minded Princess”

You know, for all the potential problems floating under the surface, I still wind up really looking forward to Skeleton Knight. Whether it be this series’ simple, lighthearted nature or just the fun of having bony boy go hog wild on unsuspecting victims, there’s just a good deal of fun to be had in one way or another. And hell, it’s definitely hard finding fault when you’ve got this bundle of fluff helping lead the charge.

With elf slavery currently being the name of the time, what we got this week was largely transitory and focused on the non-Arc side of things. At least mostly. While loyal princess Yuriarna winding up victim of court shenanigans courtesy of opportunistic brothers (personally though I only suspect one rather than both) was a given, having said princess actually die was pretty surprising, especially when combined with how visually tame the sequence of events was. Skeleton Knight after all has thoroughly indulged in provocative scenery with its captive elves before, kind of shocking not to see the same fate befall the current damsel in distress. Though I guess it makes some sense in hindsight; when you’ve got ossified OP machine reincarnating the dead just to test it out, it’s hard really topping such things no matter the desire.

As for Arc himself, pictures once again serve the purpose nicely. Angry wolves for example are yet another pointer towards quick confrontation with the local nobility, for nothing says problems (read: hilarity) than giving the local skeleton man ideas someone is trying to screw with his fantasy. Chalk on that princess resurrection (ensuring the perpetrators are found out sooner rather than later) and the return of kemonomini ninja girl and we’re almost certainly looking at a villain speech and accompanying Arc beatdown very shortly. And hey who knows, it might even be the event which elaborates some more on just what curse Arc finds himself saddled with.

After all, if Arc cannot immediately fix his problem guaranteed it’s something needing quite a bit of time to properly figure out.




    1. I am not sure how royalty name works but If you compare her full name and her brother full name in ep.5, you can see that she share the same ‘Rhoden Olav’ as the king while both her brother don’t. (they are Rhoden + other name)

  1. You know despite knowing how the scene where the Princess was commuting would play out I was not expecting both the maid and Princess getting a fatal blow. I mean I knew they were going to get offed but I just didn’t know when and how.

      1. btw, i hope that if Arc here meet an real Goddess High Priest. That the Priest do not faint when hearing his name.. You know Arc… Archangel 🙂

        The High Priest would think of Arc as Archangel Michael 🙂

        1. Yes, the same that appear Maria the Witch. Perhaps the same Voice Actor if he made an Easter Egg appearance. But to be honest, i can not remember his Voice anymore. Just a Holy Tone would be enough

          oh.. my white Horse of Speculation want to break free.. i am falling into my old Habits, sorry

    1. You’re not the only one! I figured there would be some ambush or similar bringing Arc into contact with them, but not actually having princess and maid both die in the process. Nice little curve ball though; this show has a knack for throwing interesting things.

  2. I was pleased that the poor mooks guarding the princess were resurrected as well – most of them, anyway….
    “They may be called the Palace Guard, the City Guard, or the Patrol. Whatever the name, their purpose in any work of heroic fantasy is identical: it is, round about Chapter Three (or ten minutes into the film) to rush into the room, attack the hero one at a time, and be slaughtered. No one ever asks them if they want to.
    This book is dedicated to those fine men.” – Terry Pratchett


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