「エセ貴族とは違って」 (Ese Kizoku to wa Chigatte)
“Unlike You Wannabe Nobles”

Got to hand it to Mobseka, this is one ride which only knows how to go up. Every week has a real knack of hitting its material out of the park, whether that be in terms of relationships and associated learning or the simple enjoyment of humour done right, and this week was no exception. Where we lacked in overt action we more than made up with introspection, and the best part is it’s only the start of the fun.

While Mobseka has delved into the misunderstandings fuelling the disconnect between Leon, Olivia, and Angelica, this episode was the point where it finally all came together. The key of course is what happened with Angelica: taking her as hostage with only Olivia and Leon fighting back shows for all the talk just how much they each care for one another and how they’re still very much missing the forest for the trees. If Leon could recognize his own worth to Olivia and Angelica, if Olivia could see the only thing stopping her friendship is her own beliefs, there would be no problem for their friendship (or even more besides). The first inklings of that recognition are there, it’ll simply need another push to finally blow open proper understanding.

Where that push will come from is undeniably Leon himself, because for all the kid can be a dick he certainly knows how to say what’s required. Lambasting the nobility for refusing to fight back was the correct move: your position is only worth the price you’re willing to pay to keep it, and if you’re going to die best do it on your feet with a few dead enemies for company. Hell you can even tell the kid knew exactly what he was doing with that speech (well, mostly), which in part gives some good impetus to finally realize Olivia’s internal struggles. If the nobility can stand up for themselves then Olivia can too, in the vein of Angelica, grow into her own. Leon has the right idea a lot of the time, but he now needs to appreciate how much things have changed from his initial expectations and adapt accordingly for the benefit of both him and his friends.

How such adaptation plays out though is definitely up in the air, because the current showdown with Hertrude won’t be as simple as before without nifty war mecha to do beatdown duty. Guess we’ll just have to see what modifications good old Luxion has made to one Schwert in the meantime won’t we?


  1. Another funny fact that could easily miss by anime-viewer is Luxion fondness of his creation.

    He did get pissed when Arroganz got mocked and absolutely help show off the performance to shut everyone up.
    He also name all of his creation first before Leon could get a hand on them and even enthusiastic passion to modify the airbike to become “Schwert”
    at the moment Luxion creation are
    Armor – Arroganz
    Skyship – Partner
    Airbike – Schwert


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