「踊る人形」 (Odoru Ningyou)
“Dancing Puppet”

Oh the sadness of knowing next week is finale week for Eminence in Shadow – but at least it isn’t all that sad. After all worthy climactic fights abound and discoveries are set to be made, even if the inevitable cliffhanger might prove to be less than appealing. Quite hope there’s more lined up later on, because I’m going to miss this show.

Considering Cid’s own musing last time about how to deal with Princess Iris as Mundane Mann, the mystery this week was how his inner chuuni would manifest. Would he valiantly fall in battle? Overcome and abruptly leave? Or go full mastermind in the close? In the end we got a mix of two and three, which truth be told was pretty damn fitting. Besides the fun of watching Cid absolutely humiliate the poor girl with muscle twitches (among other key players), we still got the full Shadow reveal in the end – and and more to it beside. You damn well know that Cid wasn’t expecting Rose to name him Stylish Bandit Slayer before nary a dark scheming phrase was uttered, or for the whole thing to whiplash in between determined regicide/patricide and regret at actions committed. I’m not entirely sure what to label that swirl of emotions, but I do know I got my comedy’s worth out of it.

Mind you all of this leads into the central plot piece here of Perv Asshat trying to move the pieces in his favour and having it all go horribly wrong. Besides Rose killing daddy instead of going for him, there’s also the sly reveal of plotted assassination against Iris’ and Alexia’s father in what can be assumed to be yet another Cult attempt at solidifying its power. Then there’s also the knowledge bomb of Beatrix possessing actuated heroic blood (the first confirmed case it should be added) and that lust for a good fight leading her to duke it out with Cid. It’s a little convenient in terms of story having Beatrix right there to keep Cid busy while Perv runs off, but considering the rest of the gang will likely handle him and any immediate Cult supporters I suspect it’ll all come together in the close.

Given we’re seemingly set to get a fight worthy of Cid going full atomic, I wouldn’t have this season’s finale any other way.


  1. Think of Iris’s downfall similar to the scene from the Puss in Boots movie.

    Mundane Mann: Everyone thinks they be the one to defeat me but no one has escaped me yet.

    Iris: Fear Me if you da-

    1 Minute later

    Mundane Mann: I just love the smell of Fear! What’s the matter, life’s flashing before your eyes?

    Atomic Beast
  2. Loli alexia and loli iris are so cute….

    Claire in action and Her staring at empty seat…. it makes the next part ‘Lawless City’ prologue more frightening….. she knew Cid is lying.

    I pity iris, she is always hailed as the genius or strongest swordsman through her life and showered with praise and admiration each her step that instead of a motivation, it turned into a burden for her existence. As each steps were taken, i’m sure she started to notices her limitation of her growth. And when suddenly she was tossed into a new playing field, she was easily outclassed as if normal martial artist in DBZ world full of SuperSaiyans, Androids and weird Aliens and Artificial Life Being. She never had the luxury to depend on strong man who could’ve stood by her side as equal or superior and could only trust herself. A lonely throne; if only she had at least a yarichin chara gyaru-oh to guide her path….. perhaps she will be happier and accept her limit or at least found the deeper meaning of her path like Alexia who was inspired by Shadow and Cid. Self righteous fellow is always the easiest to break, fall and corrupted.

    Cid must have felt cringe to hear someone know his imperfect past. And Rose, your dad really have funny fashion taste.

    Next episode… i guess we will finally get to see lots stuff only revealed in side material so far. I dunno what to feel, because it is not know whether there will be season two…. well, at least Vol.6 is coming near, as soon as the anime ended.


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