「新しいの町と望郷の思い」 (Atarashii no Machi to Boukyou no Omoi)
“New Town and Nostalgic Feeling”

Bit of a slow start to a new season (summers do be like that), but hey, at least it’s a good one knowing that Spice and Wolf isn’t taking it off. After all it’s not that frequent we see back to back seasons these days with split cours being all the rage, so a nice bit of continuation is much appreciated. And given what happens in the latter half here, let’s just say the time will prove worth it.

Much as last episode was about reinforcing the growing strength and intimacy of Kraft’s and Holo’s relationship, this week was all about teasing the stresses and strains it will soon experience once again. Amarti as some likely picked up on quick will be a running facet this arc for one simple fact: he’s smitten to hell and gone with the girl. Not hard seeing why of course (moxie is a lethal drug as Holo never fails to showcase), but in Amarti is the first instance of Kraft getting some legitimate competition for Holo’s favour. It’s no longer a simple case of taking for granted their personal partnership, there will be those who want that for themselves, and not for simple monetary gain. How it plays out of course is a tale for future episodes (though you might be able to guess in broad strokes), but don’t think this duel for Wise Wolf favour will remain sequestered behind the scenes.

Part of what guarantees a blow up too is Kraft’s response to understanding how close he and Holo are getting to her hometown. Needless to say suggesting Holo head on ahead, alone, lacked a great deal of tact, especially considering Kraft already knew how much she wanted for companionship along the way. Kraft may have meant well, but in the greatest of main character ignorance failed to see that returning home isn’t the only thing Holo now wants in her life. It’s that change in Holo alongside Kraft’s own quick understanding which for me makes this less drama-fuelled misunderstanding and more an expected butting of heads; Kraft was always going to belatedly encounter the changing importance of reaching Yoitsu for Holo just as Holo would have to explicitly confirm what would happen between her and Kraft after reaching the town. The moment has simply come about sooner than expected, and in its fallout will force both to put some remaining questions about each other to rest.

Going to be interesting seeing just how said questions are dealt with in this adaptation.

One Comment

  1. The decline in armor value
    Why did the Anime have to bring up the decline in armor value due to the cancelation of the expedition? I want to forget the entire incident that Kraft got caught up in, which technically was no one’s fault but his own. I want to forget about it since it was not Kraft’s stellar moment nor the Remerio Trading Co.’s since they tried to leave Kraft for dead to keep the gold.

    Also, Why didn’t Kraft’s Merchant buddy just be honest and ask for a discount? Instead of trying to pull a fast one on Kraft. Cutthroat even to buddies.

    Wolf Goddess & Liquor
    What kind of Goddess allows human alcohol to get them drunk? And a wolf goddess who lacks self-control gets a hangover, which is priceless.

    I’m not going to lie. My brain registers Amarti’s glances at Holo as creepy in a naughty way. Although it might just be that Kraft introduced Holo as a Nun who isn’t taking missionary work at the moment, and Amarti requires help from god but hasn’t said anything yet.


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