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“Heart”Vote for Hirokawa Takeshi! Actually, let’s not. Going into this episode I was expecting something crazy to go down at the event that Shinichi and Kana met at, so I was grateful when it turned out not to be the case. Thankfully, Shinichi took her away and potential danger was averted for the time being. Unfortunately, Hirokawa Takeshi, the man amongst the group of parasites who is running for mayor, ends up getting elected. He labels himself as an environmentalist, but I wouldn’t trust this politician as far as I can throw him. As Migi points out, with this victory, the parasites are acquiring safety, and at this rate, it won’t be long before they’re in serious positions of power… if they aren’t already. The Ballad of Kana and the Powers of Love Now, I have to talk about Kana. My darling Kana and her tragic tale. Although I wasn’t spoiled on the details, I just knew she wasn’t going to make it out this alive. Honestly, I thought she was a goner last episode, so when she survived I was convinced she was going to go down this time around… and she did. It’s a shame, but damn, it was a breathtaking moment with some chilling setup, equal parts thrilling and tragic. But I’m glad we got this episode focusing on her like it did. It turned out that dream she had with Shinichi and her in the field of flowers was recurring, and she even got her kiss this time around (likely inspired by Shinichi and Murano). I’ve seen talk of Kana being a bit of a stalker, and that is correct (I mean, she even wrapped a strand of Shinichi’s hair around her ring finger… creepy or cute?) but I think me and many others found something truly intriguing about this girl. From glancing over the corresponding chapters being adapted, Kana is, dare I say, a bit bland in the original source material. In the anime though, she’s been an absolute treat. Sawashiro Miyuki has done a fabulous job in the voice acting department, and her modernised character design has also done her wonders. I have to commend Madhouse for how brilliant they are doing with this adaptation; at this point I may even go as far as to say they are improving it. The scenes with Kana and Shinichi in the abandoned factory were equally sweet and sad. Sweet because there is some sort of connection between the two, even if it isn’t fate, and isn’t romantic on Shinichi’s side. But the sadness comes when Kana learns of Shinichi’s secret, which she doesn’t believe at first due to Migi being asleep. She even had him make a promise to show his powers to her… but she never got to see them in the end. The Authorities Involvement After hearts have been torn out in seething fury, we see some familiar faces show up at Kana’s funeral. I presume they are on the case of any parasite-relevant death at this point – they are obviously aware of Shinichi’s prior involvement with parasites, and even pulled out a strand of hair to test if he was one of them. I just wonder how and when they are going to do something about this threat. I have a feeling, though, that it’ll be too late before they actually manage to do anything. |
Information Digest:Synopsis:
Details Digest:Chapters Covered:
Sending Shinichi Over the Edge:
If the episode wasn’t brilliant enough already, the moment at the end between Shinichi and Mitsuo was a fantastic one. The fight was completely uncomfortable, just as intended. I hated seeing them lash out at one another over losing Kana. Mitsuo obviously had feelings for her, but it’s not Kana’s fault that she didn’t have them back. In fact, the situation is much the same with her and Shinichi, which means that in the end no one is happy, except maybe Murano. Even so, her suspicions will still be running high and I imagine she’ll have some moments of tragedy before too long.
Overview – What’s Next?
Truly, a great episode. It really hit me because of how much I’ve been enjoying Kana’s character these past few months. Sadly, her time came, and her story is over. But I won’t forget her anytime soon, even if there is much more still to come. Now that we’ve reached the halfway point of the series, I still have no idea how this is all going to play out. Next week’s preview hints at more Tamiya and the group of parasites gathered together, so I can only imagine something serious is going to go down, which is what I’ve come to expect from Kiseijuu week in, week out.
Note: In case you were unaware, Kiseijuu is on break next week. Sad news after last week, but it’s to be expected before we head into the Winter season.
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Oh Kana, why oh why did you leave your phone at home?!
Migi was right, it was gonna happen at some point.
So cruel, I pretty much knew she was done for here.
I believe, that in a seperate world, she would have gotten happy with him together. I will miss her.
I disagree with Migi there. If Kana had properly feared the parasites, and known not to send the ‘signal’, her death would have in no way been inevitable.
Migi’s point was that Kana refused to heed Shinichi’s warning. Kana was going to run towards parasites constantly, seeking out Shinichi, even if she didn’t send out signals. she didn’t die this episode because she sent out signals either but because she went towards one. if she’s constantly putting herself in danger, she’s gonna pay eventually, even without Shinichi
Man this episode made me sad, especially because I felt that Kana can really help out Shinichi, why? She can detect parasytes, which makes her very useful when Migi is asleep, which still allows Shinichi to know if there are parasytes near him. This is what I thought would happen all along, thinking that Kana will become close to Shinichi by helping him out in hunting the parasytes.
So I really thought it was stupid that Shinichi didnt convince Migi by telling him how she can help both of them out as Shinichi is pretty much in danger when Migi is asleep as he cant detect parasytes despite his heightened abilities of hearing, etc.
I’m very disappointed as the screen time they spent on Kana and their focus on her abilities, caused me to think that she would become a major character role in the story, and I was distraught to have her just killed off like that.
That “punch”/heart pull from Shinichi on the parasyte was so strong I almost felt some of it just from watching. That parasyte sure deserved it though. RIP Kana.
It was so hard, Migi was impressed!
Shinichi is stealing everyone’s heart. Literally.
I actually thought he was going to fuse the heart into Kana, and make her a part-parasyte like him or something.
In fact, I thought she was going to die here.
RIP Kana, but Shinichi told you to be careful so many times!!!!
(tear) I seem to have something in my eye…
didn’t she see his hand right before she got pierced?
but yea, throughout the episode, the death warning siren was blazing so hard I thought I was going to go deaf. why leave you phone, Kana?! please take Shinichi’s warning to heart. please don’t write both your names together. you’re going to die from all these flags you’re tripping like crazy.
She just needed to have bought a boat for herself and Shinichi called the Live-4-Ever.
I thought we would get a moment where she would go “So this is the right hand you were talking about…” or something of that nature, but we didn’t. As for her leaving her phone behind, in the manga (since it was made in the 90s) it was actually her landline that he was phoning. That part made a little less sense since it was her mobile in the anime, thanks to the modern setting.
I thought the same thing about the phone, but Migi was right, that eventually, she was going to literally run herself into trouble with or without her phone. I’m glad they didn’t draw it out either for another episode or two with all the death flags. Still, sad to see her go, and her portrayal was definitely very sad.
I was hoping Shinichi would kiss her as she lay dying in his arms. Just like in her dream.
I was thinking Shinichi just should’ve taken off his shirt and shown Kana the scars as proof, but that girl would’ve just found him even sexier.
Kana never got Shinichi’s D but she got something else through her…
Look at her face taking it.
How Beautiful.
Right between the Oppai. That’s just brutal.
That parasite that killed Kana is the biggest c0ckblocker that i have ever seen!
For folks who read the source materials from 90s, this may interest you.
Someone from youtube re-draw the OP with the original character designs. It looks actually pretty good.
direct youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LMSZeb2nRs
Im think the redesigns overall are pretty good, except for Murano, still can’t get into her new design.
At first i was like meh, but it grew on me. But Murano looks to little girlish i think, compared to the manga counterpart, and it’s the hair.
When I first saw the new character designs, I was surprised at how girlish Murano and Kana looked.
Nagai and Mitsuo also completely look like different people from their original designs.
Now that’s pretty friggin’ impressive.
MADHOUSE: Merry f*cking Christmas, now have some feels.
“Migi, handle the defense” You knew shit was about to get real. What a heart-ripping episode.
RIP Kana. Your wet dreams will be missed. But everyone saw it coming.
Feel so sorry for Nagai. He may be a bully but his love for Kana was real.
Ok madhouse so that’s how you are going to ruin my christmas…
Next episode: Hello Sadness. Be prepared for more feels.
There are no brakes on the feel train. Choo! Choo!
For a moment there I hoped the episode would end in another cliffhanger so that she can be saved next week.
But no. Thanks for the christmas present Madhouse.
…wait, this show wont air next week, right?
I also heard no episode next week. 🙁 Probably because of the holidays.
Yeah, according to AniDB no episode next week (on the plus side, the 4 weeks after that are all scheduled to have an episode).
Most anime will be on break next week so I wouldn’t be to surprised if that’s the case. It’ll all be worth it in the end though!
Parasyte OST is out for anyone interested in wubwubwubwub.
Just google, ”Kiseijuu OST kickass” It’s the top result.
Finally found the soundtracks I’ve been looking for:
Thanks. Been waiting for those wubwubwubs myself.
The Kana episodes were difficult to watch as the sense of brooding doom was so strong. Still, give Shinichi some credit: he realized she was in trouble and did the best he could to warn her off. I think if Kana hadn’t met Shinichi she’d probably have ended up getting killed in a Yakuza gang war or something – she seems kind of unable to avoid dangerous men…
Parasyte remains me a bit of the Devil Lady anime (not so much the manga; the anime was a lot more stylish and less Go Nagai). In particular, the spooky ending music that plays just at the next episode preview is very reminiscent of the music in Devil Lady.
So many fine sailors were on the Shinichi x Kana ship.
Honestly, I’m glad Kana died. I would have been disappointed if it went the cliche route with Izumi coming to her rescue just in time. Her death raised the stakes. Now we know, ANYONE can die and that makes things more exciting & unpredictable.
I was with Kana until she started wearing his hair as a ring. That was just weird.
Not that weird. Love does stupid things.
Nonstop wet dreams for Kana. I knew she was a goner as soon as I saw her leave the house and snow falling outside.
Everyone has a dual citizenship in La-La Land when they’re in love.
Don’t worry Shinichi, we will cry for you. RIP Best Girl Kana
So because Kana is attractive she is called best girl despite ignoring Shinichi’s multiple warnings but Yuuko gets called stupid bec she looks average. Hmmm.
Yuko was stupid but she at least had a plan. The same can’t be said for Kana.
I don’t really get the whole “best girl” cult around Kana. She was basically a stalker who was unhealthily obsessed with Izumi — I mean she preserved a hair from him and wrapped it around her finger like a ring. I didn’t hate her, but is this really people’s perception of an ideal girl?At least Murano is well-balanced.
”Best girl.”
Yeah, because a gf who always knows where you are can’t possibly backfire on you.
Cheater detected.
Now I know how my characters in Artificial Academy feel.
“Why am i so calm?” Bec you need to keep your psycho pass clear! So good job!
Kana had death flags waving all over the place since last episode. It sucks that she died but her death was realistic. And yeah, she should’ve listened to Izumi’s warnings, but let’s not forget she’s a teenage girl who’s in love.
Now i can finally ship Izumi and Murano in peace.
Looks like Murano won by forfeit.
One best girl down. One to go.
Sure there were flags, and like Migi said, it was kind of inevitable… But why!? I didn’t think it would happen in this episode at the very least.
I swear Parasyte never fails to give you great episodes. Even the episode with no action are great.
I know right, much better than the lackluster Pyscho-pass.
Was it just me or did this episode seem some what longer than previous ones, probably because of the previous week hiatus? I kept thinking…. still on, ok!
I love that feeling! It may be because they played the ED over the episode, saving 1.5 minutes.
They way the handled this episode felt like a season finale.
LOVED the last scene. Shinichi being pounded repeatedly, I knew something was going to happen, it was building up to something. Seeing him suffering, I had this feeling he was maybe going to even kill Mitsuo… he finally moves to retaliate, and the music comes in at the most perfect time, as if reassuring me as well as indicating this would be an emotional break down scene, not another tragic scene… At this point the scene already accomplished so much it has my full attention.
He gives a huge punch right in Mitsuo’s face, he flies back, and the animation — WOW. Mitsuo just sliding back, face down, his heart destroyed. It really made the moment very powerful. His next words “Why do you go down so easy?!”, expresses his disappointment that he can’t even vent and lash out anymore at Mitsuo because he’s hurt him enough. With one punch, just like that, it’s over, reminding him of how INHUMAN he is becoming. His strength both shocks and frustrates him, contrasting with his first meeting with Mitsuo when he was so weak to do anything to him.
And then the headbanging against the tree, wow…
Just amazing.
I was emotionally prepared for Kana’s death so that scene at the end was a lot sadder to me bec it was unexpected. And poor Nagai. I hope we see more development in his character.
Saw it from a mile away even though I didn’t read anything, I’m still pissed given all the fucking clues she still dies. Damn it Kana </3
Wow, that’s a great point about the expected vs unexpected. Kana’s death begun setting up from a long time ago, and her death was the only real possible satisfying resolution to her story. But the last scene with Mitsuo was less predictable so it really rounded off the episode and the story arc with an emotional scene we weren’t super prepared for.
Shinichi Wins. Fatality. Flawless Victory.
At least they kissed in her (wet) dreams.
Kana with disheveled hair.
Should’ve taken a screenshot of her side profile.
No! Save her, Migi!
Man, this the worst I’ve felt about a character dying this entire season. As if Shinichi’s mother wasn’t already bad enough.
I mean, in a sense Migi was right. It was going to happen at some point. She ignored his warnings and kept putting herself in danger, and her prince on a white horse didn’t magically show up in time, cause that’s not how reality works…
Still though, I wanted her to make it somehow. Deathflags or no deathflags. But no. Congratulations Parasyte, you’re going to make me feel like crap all Christmas. I hope you’re proud of yourself!
(Well, the show should, for enthralling me in such a way. Ye gods it’s awesome).
Saw it coming, but this really sucks. She was one of the interesting characters. Murano needs more development.
I’m just waiting for Murano’s reaction when she finds out Shinichi is part parasyte. We all know it’s going to happen.
I was about to ship Kana x Migi but then STUFF happened.
I don’t think Migi was right.
If Shinichi had managed to show Migi to her before she got herself killed, she should be able to survive unless her “power” evolves even further and makes her detectable by Parasytes without her conscious effort.
I actually think Migi just said that to comfort Shinichi.
Her finals words and the way the ring of hair fell off her finger were brilliant. Also, the swift retribution (and everything following it). The author knew not to make this about revenge.
Speaking of which, I personally didn’t find the ring that creepy. It’s a healthy young person’s hair, not Sadako’s. It’s not like she stroked it and called it her precious.
I wonder if there’ll be a new OP next week.
Is it ever explained why Kana can feel the parasites aside from being perceptive? It’s been bothering me for a while now.
It was sort of explained here. She is able to do similar things that the parasites do so just how the parasites can detect others she can. I doubt we will ever get more of an explanation than that and I don’t see the need, after all this show has creatures that can change shape and reform bodies at will!
nothing beyond “some humans are more perceptive of certain wavelengths/signals” afaik
Thanks for ruining Christmas, MADHOUSE….. ;_;
I never read the source material, but in terms of the anime, I really wasn’t sure which way it was going to go. I leaned more towards her dying (as I said last episode – more focus = death flag), but with the way the episode went, it actually got my hopes up a little that she might somehow make it through.
As mentioned, you’d think something would’ve happened last episode, then nothing going on after Shinichi sees her in the crowd.
Then she comes face to face with that parasyte-infested female and I thought, “Ah crap, here we go”, especially when she turned and quickly tried to get away, making me think she’d stop, not see anyone following her, turn around, and the woman is right there and impales her (much like how many a horror scenario would play), but then nothing happens and she gets out unscathed, the woman not even giving chase or anything.
But then “It’s him!”, forgets her phone, and heads towards the place “where there aren’t many people around”…yeah…the foreboding was huge, but even then, when she saw Shinichi in the doorway (and it turning out to really be him and not just in her mind like it appeared), I ACTUALLY thought that MAYBE Shinichi would zip in and save her just before she would’ve died, thus being able to save her and simultaneously reveal Migi to her…but alas, it was not to be…also as mentioned, I also expected her to make some sort of comment about Migi with her last breath.
Kana will always be best girl to me…
Kana is every chick in a horror flick.
I get the feeling there would be a new ED and/or OP next week.
Poor Kana. RIP Kana. (One less lonely girl for Shinichi)
If Shinichi just went on a date with Murano, things could’ve been different, and Kana would’ve been a-live…
“Date-A-Live” should’ve been the title for this episode lolThere goes my hope of Kana and Izumi teaming up and hunting parasytes together.
I also thought Kana would be his sidekick in hunting for parasytes. Such a waste of her powers for her to die just like that. She could have been useful!
I expected Kana would be his sidekick in hunting for parasytes. Such a waste of her powers for her to die just like that. She could have been useful!
@rael: My thoughts exactly! All along I thought she was going to be a major character, after all the screen time and development that was shown, I mean she had better screen time than Murano plus she is actually more useful as she can detect parasytes! All along I thought she would help out Shinichi especially since he needs it the most when Migi is asleep plus he does plan to hunt down the parasytes, despite Migi’s objections. Kana would also cause Murano to step up and move her relationship with Shinichi, basically causing her to get more character development and screen time.
That scene when Kana died is handled very well.
That moment when Shinichi said : “Migi, handle the defense” is pretty sad when you think about it…but it’s also so cool at the same time.
Even Migi went “Defense? (wtf?)”
I was hoping, even if it seemed really far fetched, that somehow he would save Kana or heal her in some way. Probably ended the way it had to, but damn, that was just really sad.
*sniff* Oh Kana, I’m sure that you’ll make Shinichi Izumi as your boyfriend in your dreams!
Rest in peace, best girl!
My heart hurts again…that combined with FeelsAO’s finale the other day. Nope.
That girl dodged sooooo many death flags for a while though…watching Shinichi and Nagai duke it out was…powerful.
I feel like I’m Shinichi’s father with Kana as my waifu who just got killed by a parasyte. I can understand Dad now.
I just hope we get some quality doujinshi involving Kana and Izumi, I wouldn’t be upset either if there were a couple of doujinshi with a love triangle between them and Murano. Please Japan, don’t let my migi hanging on this one.
Rule 34. It’s gonna happen.
Yeah, even Ryoko Tamura x Mamoru Uda Doujin happened. I’ll be waiting too for Kana, but I’m hoping for more creative usage of Parasite abilities…
How did I not know of this. And where can I find them? I’ve been looking for Parasyte H doujins for some time but haven’t found any yet.
Thank God for based Madhouse and no censoring. Tokyo Ghoul should have been done by Madhouse.
All dark horror shows should be done by Madhouse. They just have a talent for it. It’s the reason why I’m excited for Death Parade.
Samu, why no screenshot of Izumi holding the heart? That was my best scene.
Ahh, the old play the ending song and credit over the episode to both make it longer and make sure people know it’s a special episode. You guys at Madhouse nailed it, and you now have a contender for worst Christmas specials, up there with KISS Saves Santa.
The fact that Shinichi killed the parasite with his human hand instead of using Migi shows that he still has some human inside of him. I think with the death of his mom, and how his life has been overall, he is at the point where that no matter how screwed up things have been, he had enough and can’t cry anymore. That or he is slowly becoming a parasite.
Holy hell! Izumi ripping that guy’s heart out with his HUMAN HAND was just epic. I thought at first it was Migi’s hand. But no, it was his human hand.
That heart-ripping reminded me of Killua vs Jones fight from Hunter x Hunter.
The 1999 version showed Killua holding Jones heart in his hand then crushing it.
Kana, your sacrifice made us see something cool.
That wasn’t a Christmas episode of Parasyte! That’s wasn’t a Christmas episode at all!
Sad stuff, man.
They never really explained Kana’s power, did they? Why was she able to sense Parasytes?
Not a Christmas Special? B-but it got snow in it!
Anyone else feel sorry for this guy?
“I didn’t know you hated me so much…”
Damn, that conversation could have went in so many different directions, but… damn… those few, simple words hit so hard.
And that was his last conversation with her. Poor guy.
I did. I was more upset at Mitsuo’s reaction to her death than Kana’s death.
Mitsuo = true hero of the episode.
Merry Christmas, My Dear Princess.
Sweet Dreams, Sleep Tight, Good Night.
Now, who want Murano to get a transformation, to be a worthy pair for Shinichi?
This is Mitsuo, not Nagai.
I feel like what’s happening is Migi is becoming more and more human, while Shinichi is becoming more and more parasyte.
Shot through the heart and I’m to blame! You give love, a bad name!
Akame ga kill, Sword Art Online, Grisaia and now Parasyte. The show gets depressive everyday.
Scooby Doo Villains REJOICE!!!! thats what you get for meddling in other peoples affairs!!……….meddler.
I actually thought Shinichi was going to give Kana the heart he ripped out of the parasite and have migi nano machine repair her body. She would then be a weird hybrid person he could go on vigilante missions with. Anyone else think this? I mean, we know Migi already did it once.
That had to be the most disappointing episode of this series.
They killed the most interesting relationship and romantic interest of the protagonist. It was awful. It was a waste. It was demoralizing. The current, and remaining, love interest is so boring, cowardly, and uninteresting as to make me roll my eyes every time I see her.
Why couldn’t they have killed Murano?!
I was looking forward to seeing a parasyte knock off that wilting flower!
A developing Kana x Shinichi pairing would have been exceedingly more interesting and dramatic.
With SwKnU, best adaptation from a manga this season.
Almost best adaptation ever, apart from FMA, Monster and a few other ones.
Epic Parasyte.
MadHouse, start a Bleach remake ASAP.
Well, not. Better Ufotable, you just die of joy every Fate episode. Unlimited Budget Works 😀
What’s wrong w/the current Bleach adaptation? It’s faithful to the manga from what I’ve seen.
Finally caught up. Damn this show is tense! That ending for kana sure was heart breaking, but that flag was raised ages ago. Didn’t expect it to end like that though and with the dreams and her feelings she couldnt explain it really made for wonderful drama. I haven’t read the manga but I’m happy to read that the show is staying true and even improving some aspects!
Looking forwrad to the second half. This is one of the shows in 2014 that had me waiting each week.
Sooo now that she’s dead, I’m going to be seriously disappointed if the plot from here on fails to address how someone like Kana could come to exist amongst humans.