Mahoutsukai no Yome – 09
「None So Deaf as Those Who Will Not Hear 」
Elias may be old and in many ways wise, but clearly he doesn’t understand Chise’s heart yet.
「None So Deaf as Those Who Will Not Hear 」
Elias may be old and in many ways wise, but clearly he doesn’t understand Chise’s heart yet.
「扉(ドア)」 (Door)
I suppose it’s no revelation, but in many ways Chinatsu and Tatara are the worst possible pairing one could imagine in ballroom dance.
「Let Sleeping Dogs Lie」
If the greatest sin you can ascribe to a show is consistency, you know it’s in pretty good shape.
「友達」 (Tomodachi)
If I were to be totally honest, the last couple of episodes of Ballroom e Youkoso have not been the strongest in the series for me.
「Talk of the Devil, and He is Sure to Appear」
Sometimes a lack of surprises can be a good thing.
「敵(ライバル)」 (Rivals)
One thing Ballroom e Youkoso makes clear – no one ever said life is fair, and competitive dance is no exception.
「The Faerie Queene」
Earlier I called Kekkai Sensen’s Episode 6 the most visually striking anime ep of the season, but Mahoutsukai certainly re-stated its case in very strong terms.
「背番号13」 (Sebangou 13)
“Entry #13”
Is this an irresistible force proverbially meeting the immovable object? Well, no – it’s really worse than that.
「Love Conquers All」
There are a lot of important things happening here in the background (as there often are in this series) but what’s happening front and center is so profoundly unpleasant that it’s hard to get past it.
「表現者」 (Hyougensha)
The deeper we get into this show, the more what becomes important is that which makes Welcome to the Ballroom special, not what makes it flawed.