Gundam: Tekketsu no Orphans – 12
「暗礁」 (Anshou)
I’ll say this for Tekketsu no Orphans – when the flag is raised, it sure doesn’t take long to salute.
「暗礁」 (Anshou)
I’ll say this for Tekketsu no Orphans – when the flag is raised, it sure doesn’t take long to salute.
「ヒューマン・デブリ」 (Hyuuman deburi)
“Human Debris”
There are no coincidences in space…
「明日からの手紙」 (Ashita Kara no Tegami)
“A Letter From Tomorrow”
Wait for it – it’s coming.
「盃」 (Sakzuki)
“Sake Cup”
Meat and cookies don’t always stand for meat and cookies.
「寄り添うかたち」 (Yorisou Katachi)
“The Form of Closeness”
He’s not exactly Craster, but that doesn’t mean Naze Turbine is a swell guy.
「いさなとり」 (Isa Natori)
What one takes away from this episode hinges on, I expect, what one brings into it.
「彼等について」 (Karera ni Tsuite)
“As For Them”
So far Tekketsu no Orphans is sticking pretty close to the template, but it seems to be working.
「赤い空の向こう」 (Akai sora no mukou)
“Beyond the Red Sky”
This week’s message is clear: you just can’t trust Hitler. Who knew?
「命の値段」 (Inochi no Nedan)
“The Price of Life”
It’s always the quiet ones you have to watch out for. In Gundam, anyway.
「鉄と血と」 (Tetsu so chi to)
“The Iron and the Blood”
On thing about Gundam – whatever the series itself brings to the table, you can get an awful lot of entertainment value from the names.