Macross Δ – 14, 15
「漂流 エンブレイシング / 決別 レゾリューション」 (Hyoryu Enbureishingu / Ketsubetsu Rezoryushon)
“Drifting and Embracing” / “Parting Resolution”
And so comes the coronation of a new King.
「漂流 エンブレイシング / 決別 レゾリューション」 (Hyoryu Enbureishingu / Ketsubetsu Rezoryushon)
“Drifting and Embracing” / “Parting Resolution”
And so comes the coronation of a new King.
「残存世界のグロリア」 (Zanzon Sekai no Guroria)
“Remnants of World Gloria”
It’s not the most eye-opening of introductions, but there’s certainly room to develop given the pedigree. Expectations may need to be adjusted accordingly however.
「14番目」 (14-Banme)
“The Fourteenth”
It isn’t until you watch the episode that you realize just how long it’s been. After nearly eight years, the wait is finally over.
「激情 ダイビング」 (Gekijo Daibingu)
“Passionate Diving”
Nothing like an epic battle to give a climactic end to what should be Δ’s first half.
「キング・オブ・ザ・ウィンド」 (Kingu Obu Za Uindo)
“King of the Wind”
One more calm before the storm.
「閃光のAXIA」 (Senko no Akushia)
“AXIA Flash”
Talk about a tonal shift. Things sure get dark and dreary in a hurry.
「限界 アンコントロール」 (Genkai Ankontororu)
“Limit of Control”
And the focus turns onto Messer.
「脱出 レゾナンス」 (Dasshutsu Rezonansu)
“Escape Resonance”
The best find a way through in the toughest of times.
「潜入 エネミーライン」 (Sennyu Enemirain)
“Behind Enemy Lines”
This week on Macross: apples, water, and Solid Snake-isque infiltrations.