Special A – 19

「歌声・悪者」 (Utagoe / Warumono)
“Singing Voice / Bad Fellow”

Episode at a Glance:
Paying a visit to the Saiga mansion, Megumi confesses her feelings to Yahiro and asks him to go out with her, which he agrees to do so, provided that she can show him a good time on a test date.

Nabari no Ou – 19

「死神の横顔」 (Shinigami no Yokogao)
“Profile of a Death God”

Episode at a Glance:
Trying to inform her brother of the situation, Kazuho is surprised to see Miharu and Yoite suddenly return. She then goes off to check on Gau, who was awakened by Yoite’s Kira.

To LOVE-Ru – 19

「地獄温泉 女宇宙人七色ポロリ」 (Jigoku Onsen. Onna Uchuujin Nanairo Porori)
“Hot Spring from Hell. The Seven Colored Alien Porori”

Episode at a Glance:
After catching a television program about hot springs, Lala decides to dig for one in Rito’s garden.

Slayers REVOLUTION – 06

「Fall on 奇祭!珍祭?あの玉押しあげろ!」 (Fall on, Kisai! Chinsai? Ano Tama wo Oshiagero!)
“Fall on. Strange Festival! Rare Festival? Push that Ball Up!”

Episode at a Glance:
While waiting for Zuuma to arrive, Ducuris allows Fran and Zoran to try and steal Pokota’s Sword of Light for him. Meanwhile, Lina is chasing after Pokota for stealing her dried meat and winds up in Gongoro village.


「出雲荘花軍」 (Izumosou Hana Ikusa)
“Izumo Inn Flower Troops”

Episode at a Glance:
Despite being attacked by Tsukiumi, Minato is determined to befriend her and stops Ku from fighting back. Hearing how he wants her to be his Sekirei, Tsukiumi attacks Minato again, but purposely spares his life.

Special A – 18

「東堂・狩野」 (Toudou / Karino)
“Toudou / Karino”

Episode at a Glance:
Still upset about how Tadashi fails to recognize her feelings, Akira ends up running into Sakura and forming a male harem with her out of spite for their failed relationships.