「私にできること」 (Watashi ni Dekiru Koto)
“To Do What I Can”

Episode at a Glance:
While under attack by the Neuroi that appeared, the naval fleet wonders why it’s toying with them. Below deck, Yoshika is shuddering in fear, so Mio gives her an intercom to communicate with her in emergencies, and tells her not to go outside.


「新屋の扉」 (Shin Oku no Tobira)
“Door to a New House”

Episode at a Glance:
With Musubi unsure how to land from their flight, her and Minato fall into the yard of Asama Miya, who happens to run a guest house named Izumo there.

Nabari no Ou – 14

「夜の底」 (Yoru no Soko)
“End of the Night”

Episode at a Glance:
With Yoite and Miharu still fighting the Kouga student council, Yukimi and Raikou meet up with Kumohira and Kouichi, and attempt to look for the others. During this time, Shijima wounds Yoite, but Miharu manages to create a distraction with a bookcase so that the two of them can escape.

Wagaya no Oinari-sama. – 14

「お稲荷さま。電話をかける」 (Oinari-sama. Denwa wo Kakeru)
“Oinari-sama. Makes a Phone Call”

Episode at a Glance:
After Noboru tries to teach Kuugen how to call his cellphone yet again, Kou accepts a package that’s marked for Tooru. Inside, they find a small white-haired girl wrapped in bandages, who’s asleep and doesn’t appear to be a vengeful spirit or a human.

Special A – 14

「守りたい・ごめんね」 (Mamoritai / Gomen ne)
“Want to Protect / Sorry”

Episode at a Glance:
Having won over all her classmates, Akira invites all her new friends back to her place for a goodbye party. Afterward, Yoshikawa informs Akira of a car from Yahiro’s place that stopped in front of the school.