Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid – 08
「白い雪、黒い服」 (Shiroi Yuki, Kuroi Fuku)
“White Snow, Black Clothes”
Bocchan has come a long way.
Vanitas no Karte – 08
「Catacombes―死が眠る場所―」 (Katakonbe―Shi ga Nemuru Basho―)
“Where Death Slumbers”
Vanitas’ true talent is a tie between using the grimoire and making himself most unwelcome.
Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid – 07
「坊ちゃんとアリスのなんでもない一日」 (Botchan to Arisu no Nandemonai Ichinichi)
“The Duke’s and Alice’s Uneventful Day”
Home remedies 101
Vanitas no Karte – 07
「Femme fatale―恋―」 (Famu Fatāru―Koi―)
What is love, Noé asks-apparently imbibing of blood and a fluttery feeling that may or may not be due to blood loss.
Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid – 06
「坊ちゃんとアリスと魔界の一夜」 (Botchan to Arisu to Makai no Ichiya)
“The Duke, Alice, and a Night in the Witches’ World”
Witches’ Sabbath or Halloween funhouse?
Vanitas no Karte – 06
「Salvatio―疑問―」 (Sarubeisho―Gimon―)
In their partnership, Vanitas is the brain and Noé, the heart.
Shinigami Bocchan to Kuro Maid – 05
「 坊ちゃんと烏とアイススケート」 (Botchan to Karasu to Aisu Sukēto)
“The Duke, a Crow, and Ice Skating”
A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, and in Bocchan’s case, he has already taken two steps