Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasuka? Isogashii Desuka? Sukutte Moratte Ii Desuka? – 01

「太陽の傾いたこの世界で -broken chronograph-」 (Taiyou no Katamuita kono Sekai de -broken chronograph-)
“In this sunny world -broken chronograph-“

So many things about this anime and this first episode were just so spot on that I can barely contain my excitement long enough to write this excerpt.

Clockwork Planet – 01

「ギア・オブ・デスティニー / 運命の歯車」 (Gia • Obu • Desutinii / Unmei no Haguruma)
“Gear of Destiny”

Within three minutes of starting the show, I realized this wasn’t my type of show. After watching two more minutes I realized that this was going to turn into my guilty pleasure show.