Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan – Kyoto Douran – Episode 13 Review
「蒼紫対翁」 (Aoshi tai Okina)
“Aoshi vs. Okina”
The growing pool of evidence is that this adaptation is up to the massive task that was laid before it.
「蒼紫対翁」 (Aoshi tai Okina)
“Aoshi vs. Okina”
The growing pool of evidence is that this adaptation is up to the massive task that was laid before it.
「修羅の会合」 (Shura no Kaigou)
“Meeting of the Warlords”
Yes, worlds are definitely colliding here.
「比古清十郎」 (Hiko Seijuurou”)
“Seijuro Hiko”
We’re in rarified air at this point, that’s for sure.
「逆刃刀 初撃」 (Sakabatou Shougeki)
“Sakabato First Attack”
By managing to meaningfully embellish a deeply beloved and well-established story this episode is something of a revelation.
「禁忌の抜刀」 (Kinki no Battou)
“Drawing of the Forbidden”
To me, only one question really stands out here.
「⼗本⼑・張」 (Juppongatana: Chou)
“Chou of the Ten Swords”
Like the Phantom Troupe, this band of villains aren’t all cut from the same cloth.
「京都到着」 (Kyouto Tōchaku)
“Arrival in Kyoto”
To say Kyoto has a checkered history doesn’t begin to do it justice.
「森の出会い」 (Mori no Deai)
“Encounter in the Forest”
It’s obvious where everyone is going to end up – Kyoto – but their journeys are a major component of the story.
「再び京都へ」 (Futatabi Kyōto e)
“To Kyoto, Once More”
There are times when the purity of Kenshin’s pathos really gets to me, and this is one of them.
「野心家の肖像」 (Yashinka no Shouzou)
“Portrait of the Ambitious”
Obviously, this is a watershed episode for Rurouni Kenshin.