Hayate no Gotoku! Can’t Take My Eyes Off You – 01

「第一夜」 (Daiichi Yoru)
“The First Night”

There might be plenty of new changes with the latest season, from the staff to the storyline, but Hayate no Gotoku! Can’t Take My Eyes Off You does an admirable job of living up to the spirit of the franchise while giving the show a surprising air of freshness.

Busou Shinki – 01

「大切なもの見つけました。」 (Taisetsuna Mono Mitsukemashita.)
“We Found Something Important”

While to some, mecha may be synonymous with giant robots, that’s certainly not the case – Super Robots is just one of many subgenres that forms the much larger and more varied mecha genre. In Busou Shinki you won’t find any of those, that’s for sure. What you will find are loyal, extremely helpful, 15cm tall, intelligent, battle-ready gynoids!

Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai – 01

「邂逅の…邪王真眼」 (Kaikou no … Ja Ou Makoto Me)
“An Unforseen Encounter…the Tyrant’s Eye of Truth”

Have you ever waved your hand at an automatic door (a train, an elevator, a grocery store front door) and been secretly delighted when it opened on cue? Don’t lie; I know you have. Now what would happen if you kept doing that, out in the open for all to see…and it led to love? I wonder…

CODE GEASS: Boukoku no Akito – 01

「翼竜は舞い降りた」 (Yokuryuu wa Maiorita)
“The Wyvern Arrives”

I have to be honest, it was hard to be hyped for Boukoku no Akito. Yet somehow, seeing that the first OVA was finally available for viewing sparked a little something in me that only Code Geass is capable of.

Note: Just in case someone hasn’t watched the original and has managed to avoid spoilers thus far (what a ridiculous idea!), heavy spoilers after the jump.