「ようこそマイフレンド」 (Youkoso Mai Furendo)
“Welcome, My Friend”

Last week had a cool down on the crazy cat statues, but this week completely ramps up the magic. At this rate, I suppose the show will go in a direction where our main cast will have to deal with a different cat statue or cat being, each with their own flawed wish-granting capabilities. The OP seems to hint at this a bit, and considering how influential the Tsutsukakushi family seems to be in the town, I’d imagine there are many more of those cat statues hiding throughout the town. It gives me vibes that Kokoro Connect gave me with Heartseed’s trials, as both seek to improve the characters through trial and tribulation.

This cat statue seems to have some more darker effects than the first, though with equivalent gain for those who pray to it. As quite the literal cat, it takes hyperbole and executes the statement without any regard for context or meaning. Thanks to the flexibility of language, that huge statue can have its fun by twisting words into disaster, though it seems merciful enough to revoke its wishes. Thankfully this means that we’ll probably see Youto’s house return to its original spot and the warehouse rebuilt (we could send back Azuki, but why?), but at what cost? After all, Tsukushi did mention that the statue cursed its wishers with a shorter life, something Yokodera failed to notice due to his perverted attention span. While it probably won’t come up in the next few episodes, I expect it’ll form itself as an important plot device by the end of this season.

However, the current situation to focus on right now has to be the issues that the Tsutsukakushi sisters are facing right now. We’ve seen a fair bit of Tsukiko’s troubles and we have enough info to reliably guess at her worries, but there is one thing that bothers me. If the first cat statue did supposedly stop working and returned the items it took back, is it possible at all that Tsukiko actually has her emotions back? There have been small cues throughout these past few episodes that may indicate that Tsukiko definitely is not letting on as much as she should, especially concerning her facial expressions. I’m probably taking a wrong shot here, but to me, it seems a plausible possibility that Tsukiko has the ability to express her emotions, but for reasons still unknown she still forces herself emotionless. Wouldn’t it be great if the ED finally ended with Tsukiko smiling and finally coming to terms with her expressions? Until she comes to terms with both her sister and self-identity, we probably won’t get to see such smiles outside of Princess Tsukiko.

As for Tsukushi, it seems we are finally diving into her problems as well. Although as thick-headed and unaware as always, we do see there is some genuine heartbreak hiding behind all of her lovable idiocy. For now, we can assume that the loss that Tsukushi is dealing with directly connects with the absence of family in the Tsutsukakushi household, which is exactly why she treasures Tsukiko as the last person she has left to grasp. Youto is indeed a threat to that (whether he recognizes that or not) and thus Tsukushi, in her interesting capacity, will do anything to stop it. It must be hard on Tsukiko as well, as she must also be aware of the consequences if she were to be absolutely honest with Youto–in both of their eyes, it seems taking one path will discard the other, though failing to recognize the possibilities where everyone can be at peace with one another. The next few episodes will probably have to deal with erasing this black-and-white kind of thinking for the two, as well as learning to accept the problems of distance and overcoming them.

Oh, and did I mention that Azuki finally got some proper screentime? It’s a bit fanserviced (just a bit), but it did ring home the power of the giant stone cat. Now that she’s back though, I hope she plays more of a role in the current story–her fetishes and try-hard effort make the plot much more interesting. Plus, it does make for some interesting full-lengths…

Full-length images: 6, 18, 28, 29.




  1. ░░░░░░░░░░░░░▓▓▓▓░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░

  2. Finally caught up on this show(too many to watch this spring) and damn all I can say for now is DAT TSUKUSHI!

    Yet another awesome onee-san type character(who’s actually an onee-san & a crazy hilarious one to boot)whom,just like the sensei-type,barely or never get any love 🙁

    Although they get plenty of it from some of us viewers ;3

    1. I actually would not be surprised at that. I mean, how many times have younger kids wished that their parents (or siblings) would just disappear because of them punishing them, not letting have/do something and throwing a tantrum, or something like that?

  3. yuoto still staying tsukiko’s family storeroom til tsukiko arrive see his “discs” cue to slashing them include “perverted king & stony cat” discs give explain all his goods got sent here due to bigger stony cat.

    then yuoto ask steel queen about them stony cat give her family worship those stony cat statue give bit hmm whole “little brother” of youto want tsukiko cue fruit splat during the talk while tsukiko listen.

    youto still wonder on big stony cat can do wishes & it work by send azusa to youto & also make youto “doing” on azusa.

    then youto hearing tsukiko saying thought be “cooked” by steel queen but dinner talk with them & azusa give steel queen trying to “tempt” youto while azusa going youto is my pet.

    after calm all ok talk with tsukiko seem fine with youto still steel queen again trying to “tempt” youto give going enough already give in cause make steel queen wished that world goes falling down cue “uh-oh”.

  4. Tsukiko, you’re doing it wrong. If you want to destroy Youto’s porn discs, for CD’s and DVD’s you need to scratch the top side, not the bottom side of the discs.

  5. Sigh. Yokodera made a damn wish and presumably got a shorter life span…. AND WASTED A DAMN GOOD CHANCE! That guy had a cute girl with him, alone, in his(well it is) room and all he did is think things and be stupid! His thick, white genetic fluid producing organs are so useless…

    1. You know,he did act kinda too scared there.He might not deserve the tittle of “Hentai Ouji” after all.Compared to this,Kaji Yuki’s other pervy character,Issei was much more fitting to bear the “Hentai Ouji” name.

      Then again,if memory serves,Issei’s goal was to be a Harem KING which is superior to a prince.If we look at it like that,perhaps the level of perviness of the “Hentai Ouji” is where it should be at 😛

  6. http://images.randomc.net/Hentai%20Ouji%20to%20Warawanai%20Neko./Hentai%20Ouji%20to%20Warawanai%20Neko.%20-%2006%20-%20Large%2022.jpg
    Tsukiko is so adorable this week. Wearing nothing but Youto’s T-shirt in an attempt to do a naked-apron play on Youto while humming Youto’s silly jingle, and then so embarrassed that Youto eavesdropped on her humming that she sumo-shoved him to conceal her embarrassment. Even with an emotionless face she is easy to read. HNNNG

    Ouch. Be prepared to suffer a fate worse than death should a jealous lover ever discover your hidden stash of porn. (And this is why I have mine in multiple portable hard drives, each serving as backups for each other. 🙂 )

    For a while I had confused Vice Prez in the OP was Tsukushi, since they both have a ponytail. Am I sensing yuri vibes from her jealously guarding Tsukushi from Youto’s pervertedness?

  7. Too…much…hotness/cuteness…my extremities/heart…my brain…confused…hotness…or cuteness…? Which…do I like more…? *steam erupts from the ears*

  8. http://images.randomc.net/Hentai%20Ouji%20to%20Warawanai%20Neko./Hentai%20Ouji%20to%20Warawanai%20Neko.%20-%2006%20-%20Large%2009.jpg
    Little sister is watching you…

    “is it possible at all that Tsukiko actually has her emotions back?”
    Well, maybe not her emotions, but her body language compensates that well.
    For example: http://images.randomc.net/Hentai%20Ouji%20to%20Warawanai%20Neko./Hentai%20Ouji%20to%20Warawanai%20Neko.%20-%2006%20-%20Large%2034.jpg

      1. I would think my comments with html used in them are far better than the millions on this page that just post the entire url for even 3 links at a time. Besides contrasting for others how faithful the anime is to its original source, how can you say that Tsukiko shaking her rear is unnecessary!? Cuteness reigns supreme, right?

        Also, I’ll continue highlighting Jojo references in Haiyore Nyaruko, OreGairu/YahariSeishun, GJ-Bu, Acchi Kocchi, Oreshura and the like. They seem to be increasing a lot in current anime, which is fun to see.

        Giorno Giovanna
  9. Tsukiko most certainly has emotions. That can be plainly seen in the kitchen scene. In fact, I would say her inability to portray them on her face or in her voice is nearly causing her physical pain there.

    1. I’d have to rewatch, but judging by others’ comments and what I’ve seen, apparently the Stony Cat that granted peoples’ wishes in regards to discarding their unwanted emotions ceased granting those wishes (100% for certain this happened) and returned everything.


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