「友達にしてごめんね」 (Tomodachi ni Shite Gomen ne)

“Sorry For Making You My Friend”

Rumours are trending this season, first with Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun and then with Kyokou Suiri. Maybe it’s a reflection of the times, where information is disseminated so quickly, so easily that there is no singular universal ‘truth’ anymore, just rumours.

Like most rumours, if repeated enough — become true.

Except MagiReco‘s rumours are witches, or witch-like beings. It’s appropriate, considering Madoka‘s original wish creates ‘witch-like’ creatures that feast on human misery… … and that asks the question: is Kamihama City the only place where Madoka’s wish came true? Why do Kyuubeys die once they cross the border?

It’s all very mysterious, especially the fun times during soul gem adjustment where we’re introduced to the group’s coordinator Yakumo Mitama. Does adjusting your soul gem remove despair? Supposedly it gives more ‘power’, but according to the original Kyuubey — power is suffering, or the potential of fate, so how does this adjustment work?

And that’s all on top of the overarching mystery of Ui Tamaki and her two friends, who became idols? (Tripe-H from Penguindrum, is that you?) The tinkling music and off-key lullaby is completely not ominous (yea right). Just look at this burning fire. Not foreshadowing at all eh?

Honestly, I’m kinda at a loss. The pacing is weird and jumpy, and there’s so many loose ends and mysteries that it’s difficult to keep track of. I hope that the series doesn’t go off a deep end and leave us hanging, the joy of the original Madoka was the extremely satisfying, if tragic, ending.

What I love though is the detective-game symbolism and surreal imagery. It’s pandering, but week after week I gleefully decode all the witch runes and look for patterns. I love little clues like the motif of birds as rumour-mongers that carry throughout all 3 episodes so far. And then there’s the gorgeous reconciliation scene between Kaede and Rena looks like a Hopper painting.

This week, we get proper transformation (henshin) sequences too, and THREE of them! Rena’s power is surprisingly useful, it’s not just mirroring, but reflecting as well. And one mystery is cleared up at least — both Kaede and Rena wrote their names on the staircase since they both were taken after apologizing.

Most of all…. WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT MAMI. Ohhhhhhhhh boy. When she appeared on screen with a totally evil looking Kyuubey I screamed. OMG WHAT. WHAT. WHAT IS GOING ON. WHAT. WAIT A SECOND. ISN’T SHE DEAD. WHAT.

I’m excited to see what happens next!!! MAMI’S GOING TO KAMIHAMA AHHHHHH!!

Catch you next week!!


  1. Sending an exceptional magical girl to investigate the rumours is all fine and dandy, but are you sure you’re sending the right girl for the job, Kyuubey? I mean, investigations require good intuition and calm judgment, and Mami is well-known for losing her head in the heat of things.

  2. Saw Yachiyo’s transformation sequence and…her element is water?! Well, I didn’t want another (unintentional?) reminder of Sora Amamiya’s most (in)famous role, yet here we are… (*crying Aqua noises in the background*)

    The last time I saw an episode 03 from this franchise, it had one hell of a “wham” moment. Episode 03 of Magia Record, however, heralds the return of the “head of shocking events” herself–Mami Tomoe. “Headless Mami/Mami mogu mogu” jokes aside, I’m just happy to see PMMM‘s best girl again.

    1. I’m excited to see Mami too!!!! It’s definitely fitting that she has her comeback moment on Magia’s ep3

      LOL KonoSuba reference………..man of culture I can tell xD I don’t know enough of the original game to say it’s water — none of the magical girls from madoka franchise has direct elements so far (rifles, stopping time, reflections etc) and her outfit is kinda starry? Maybe some star-moon-water thing?

      1. To be fair, Sora Amamiya’s been quite prolific this season–Yachiyo in this anime, Ayame Himuro in RikeKoi, and the useless goddess herself in Isekai Quartet 2 (to name a few I’m following). It also doesn’t help that Aqua is closest to Ten-chan‘s real-life personality. Plus I remember hearing her advert promoting her then-new single in an elevator at Animate Akihabara back when I visited in July 2018.

        Anyway, it’s honestly the first time I saw Puella Magi that used any of the four classical elements (Fire, Earth, Air and Water) in their transformation sequences. (Either that or I’ve forgotten whether the original series’ Puella Magi also had an elemental touch to their transformation. A rewatch of the original series seems to be in order.)

        As for Mami, what I really missed was her “Unlimited Musket Works”, her caring “onee-san” personality…and her impressive “mammies”, to match… ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  3. https://images.randomc.net/Magia%20Record%20Magica%20Gaiden/Magia%20Record%20Magica%20Gaiden%20-%2003%20-%20Large%2036.jpg

    So Ms Mami “Amarillo” -LONG LEB’d-” Tomoe, Hmm I wonder why is she going to Kamihama? Coz of QB, I heard that they never welcome them…or perhaps they want to eliminate this one…
    Just a thought…

  4. All the transformation sequences were pretty fantastic, and felt packed with personal meaning. Very cool.

    I’m not holding out hope for a satisfying ending, so I’m just enjoying the ride.


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