Ghost Hound – 01
14 year old Komori Tarou wakes up late in the afternoon after having yet another out-of-body-experience.
14 year old Komori Tarou wakes up late in the afternoon after having yet another out-of-body-experience.
Sawaki runs out to the balcony of the laboratory with Kei to look for the source of the sudden influx of lactobacillus fructivorans.
Shizuru’s ability to see spirits is innate, and this was a source of terror and anxiety for her back when she was young.
Ok class, today, we’re writing about our dreams for the future!
Dreams, indeed – a fabrication of our minds that has little constraint with such inconveniences like reality, where imaginations can run wild, where our greatest fantasies are possible. Such is the nature of this show.
Upon realizing that the new Konoe Fumina girl looks just like Hecate, Shana activates a fuuzetsu.
In the other world, the boy’s voice says that he was born here in search of the girl, sacrificing everything of living in a new world.
With Toa and Spirytus in their dragon forms, Kiril – the man in charge of the D Project – calls up Sakaki and demands to know why it’s not only the Album but also their own dragon that’s on a rampage.
The morning after the incident, an exhausted Mari gets up and blames Hagino over breakfast for talking in her sleep.
Deciding that they need to help with Sana and Nanaka’s relationship, the Wakatsuki twins suggest a trip for their entire group to Kotsuchi-kawa.
If my sister is so undependable at home, what’s she like at school? What do her friends think about her? Is she able to survive in this fast-paced world with her slow, slow manner?