Odd Taxi – 09

「ヒーローの憂鬱」 (Hīrō no Yūutsu)
“The Hero’s Melancholy”

This episode certainly brought some interesting tidbits when it comes to characters and their choices within the story, but it’s starting to feel a lot like padding. 

Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san – 08

「意外と楽しいかもしれないっスね、元センパイ♡ / じゃんけんしましょう、センパイ!!」 (Igai to Tanoshii ka mo Shirenaissu ne, Moto Senpai♡ / Janken Shimashou, Senpai!!)
“That Might Actually Be Fun, Senpai ♥ / Let’s Play Rock-Paper-Scissors, Senpai!!”

“When I met you I was but a Kouhai. Now, I am the Senpai.”