「伊豆キャン! はじまり」 (Izu Kyan! Hajimari)
“The Izu Camp Trip Begins!””

Episode 09 of Yuru Camp takes us on a trek across the geoparks and geospots located around the Izu Peninsula. As the party prepares to have a great time camping by the beachside, we get better accustomed to how the girls operate as a group now that they’re all reunited for the Izu trip.

It was interesting to learn more about geosites as destinations considering how many touristy areas are defined by the ability to stomp around as much of the terrain as possible. With wildlife preservation in mind, however, it makes for a nice destination to go sightseeing without feeling like you’re imposing on the environment.

I think what makes the geosites of Izu all the more special is how much of it is captured though the way the backgrounds are drawn. Yuru Camp always excelled at capturing what makes each location they trek to as majestic as can be. But with Izu, special attention was made towards the different types of flora the girls witnessed from the rich forests and expansive cliffs to the tropical dunes and expansive mountains.

That’s not to say all Izu has for it are the sights though since the girls make the most of their time in the city by picking up different foods to snack on and different grocery items to cook at another time. The wasabi ice cream looks like it’d be interesting, but that’s cause I know that garlic ice cream is much better than it sounds and I’d imagine the same could be said for ice cream with fresh wasabi root. A cutlet sandwich with camembert cheese sounds like it’d be pretty awesome as well. But my sights were honed in on the mandarin wine that Minami-sensei was able to grab.

The interactions in this episode were hilarious as well with how much fun the girls have trying to deal with one another. Aoi and her sister being revealed as being treacherous liars was very funny with how they not only pranked Nadeshiko, but also had cat & mouse going on with both of them lying to each other about a topic they both feigned ignorance about. How Operation Ebi was also deviously funny with how Chiaki and Ena managed to get Minami-sensei to stay sober enough to redirect her booze money towards a spiny lobster. The next episode should get us closer to the Izu campsite they plan to head to, but for now, we were able to see the fun excursion it took to get there.


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