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「逃亡の地下水道」 (Tōbō no Chikasuidō)
“Underground Waterway for Escape”
Finally! Finally! It’s here! We all knew it was going to happen, but ohhh yes it was still awesome to see. Tiffa’s familiar is here, and as expected, it’s Saito! Good to see, good to see. The crying Tiffa, the late-game confession in that awesome Noto Mamiko voice, and of course, the kiss…all were truly a treat to behold. It’s still pretty much set that Louise is going to win in the end, as her and Saito’s mutual longing for one another in the teleportation scene shows, but I’m glad that Tiffa at least got to tell Saito her feelings. This way, at least she won’t have any regrets. Plus, Mamiko Noto confession HNNNNNNG!
On the topic of the teleportation magic: I did not expect that to be what got them out of there. I noticed the slow pan to that book an episode or two ago, so when it turned out to be a chekhov’s gun I wasn’t surprised. However, throughout the whole chase scene I was expecting it to be Saito’s new Tiffania-based familiar powers that would get them out of it, rather than just being a convenient pick me up for Louise. The whole thing felt a little bit too much like a deus ex machina for my taste, but then again I don’t think I would have wanted this plot line to be dragged on for another episode, so I guess it’s okay.
Probably my favorite part of this episode, and this is even above and beyond my previously stated gushing affection for the Tiffa x Saito kiss, would be Vitartial. Yes, I enjoyed what the conflicted former-antagonist was doing more than the big breasted elf chick. I’m just weird like that. But here, hear me out…fear. As far as reasons to do much of anything go, fear is a pretty bad one. If you’re afraid of something, you should find out why you’re afraid and fix it, or learn to deal with it. Fear is not necessarily bad – it drives us to excel, keeps us from danger, and prevents us from getting lax – but when people start dying because of your fear, you’ve done something wrong, buddy.
All that said, fear is also a very understandable motivation. What we’ve got here is some prophecy that has been floating around for 6,000 years that says when the four void users come together, the elves’ land is going to go the way of Atlantis…and now three of the four void users have been in a room together, and all four of them have been within a few kilometers of one another. If you’re one that gives any credence to prophecies – I’m not, but then again I don’t live in a world with magic and dragons, so maybe they’re entitled to a little superstition – then being afraid of what’s going on is understandable. It’s also a very human motivation – or in this case, a bipedal sentient mortal emotion. More than Joseph’s “I want to watch the world burn,” Vitartial’s fear is a lot easier to relate to.
But more than that, what I supremely enjoyed was his realization about the nature of power (warning: semi-philosophical rant ahead). Many people think that power is evil. It is not. What is evil is people. In my opinion, it is not that power corrupts, but that those who are susceptible to corruption seek out power. Vitartial learned this when he realized that just because Tiffania, Louise and the others had the “devil’s power,” that didn’t necessarily mean they were devils themselves. Joseph was evil because Joseph was evil, not because he was a void mage. Louise and Tiffania – and perhaps the Pope, though the jury is still out on him – did not seek out their void power; they were born with it. They can’t even be faulted for seeking power since they didn’t! Thus, they must be judged by their actions, as people, not because of how they were born. That’s no more fair than humans killing elves because they’re elves, or vice versa.
Great balls of fire, I really went off on a thing there. I’d better wrap this up. With Saito and co safely back on the Ostland, and a few semi-reluctant elves joining the crew, it looks like we’re going to get some royal fun next episode with Tabitha’s coronation. I was wondering when they were going to stop putting that off. I’ll be very interested to see how this changes the dynamic of Saito’s harem. Will she be largely absent, but occasionally blow in and make everything go crazy, Henrietta-style? Or will she rule from Ornières? I’m assuming the former, because it’s damn silly for a reagent to rule from another country, but I’ll be interested to see how it works out either way. Oh, and also there’s this. Droooooooool.
Other thoughts:
- The second Vitartial was called “sensei”, a thought popped into my head – he’s the elf version of Colbert-sensei! Powerful, wise, hangs out with a bunch of plucky teenagers, has done a few terrible things in his time, etc. Vitartial just needs an elf version of Kirche and he’s set.
- The elves’ capital is clearly Dubai. It looks rich, it’s on the water, and the land all around it is desert. Fits perfectly.
- Saito’s new familiar powers fit Tiffania very well. Whether it’s a heal or some kind of energy regen / endurance booster, it’s a very gentle magic, just like Tiffa. Also, it should let Saito “go all night”, if you know what I mean. Just the thing a harem king needs!
- Maricorn was finally useful! Could not be more surprised. He also looked like he was trying to do the Titanic move without a Kate Winslet. Poor Maricorn. FOREVER ALONE.
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Finally a real development 😀
Ohhhhh, Saito, this guy. He kissed Tiffania like it was no big deal. I think he deserves retribution from the little one.
So the four familiars.
Gandalf-Left hand of God
Windalf-Right hand of God
Myozthirirn-Mind of God
This new one would be Heart of God then since it’s on Saito’s Chest?
And YES!!!!!!!!! After 3 and half seasons it finally happens.
Go Tiffa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and go Mamiko Noto the silk voice goddess confession!!!!!!!
This episode restored my faith in Anime again.
During Tabitha’s coronation:
Tabitha: “I, Queen Tabitha, hereby declare Saito as my consort and King for the good of the Nation of Gallia. Objections are not allowed.”
All hail the queen. I wish she would do that next episode. XD
^ I sense a harem end here. Why do 2D guys get all the luck?
Haha I would love to see that happening.
But then again we have better prepare for war between Triston and Gallia (again) if that were to happen. 🙂
Feme Fatale battle royal
first round, Queen Henrietta vs Queen Charlotte
Let the carnage begin.
It’s interesting that the new runes appeared on Saito’s chest. So we already have the Left Hand of God (Gandalfr), the Right Hand of God (Windalfr) and the Mind of God (Myoznitnirn). I await Mr Colbert to decipher the name of Saito’s new runes.
Along that trend, Saito should have “Body of God” now right? Just guessing.
I think he’s the Heart of God.
What he needs is the Balls of God so he can man up and start doing all of these chicks.
Seems that Louise castrate him. 2 seasons ago he was Horny of God.
Ahhh, it finally happens, it took a fkng long time to see Saito X Tiffa become true… im very happy. I really want tiffa to do a full asault on saito saying to louise that he is her familiar too, that he loves him AND tiffa its from royal blood, AND her boobs are “BUST REVOLUTION”… if i were to say how can louise win this it would be her tsundere character and her voice?? XD
The preview shows Saito reaching up Tiffa’s shirt for…some…reason. Damn you Saito!!
I thought Saito could have easily defused the Elf Council’s worries by just saying: “dude, we killed Joseph, one of the 4 Void users, can’t you guys relax for a while now?”
For some reason I am strangely attracted to Lukshana…
Is it because she looks like Sena?
The main reason why tiffa got the “heart of the god” is pretty obvious 😀
Cause her heart is so big
A Tiffa confession is a beautiful thing! Now she’s pretty much obligated to get more screen-time and Saito-time XD Loved that whole “window-teleport” spell. Was expecting just a basic teleport/escape thing, but that extra bit was pretty damn cool!
For some reason Tabitha joining in the jealous chasing of Saito at the end made it great 😀 Time for her coronation huh… let the sparks fly 😛
I smell a non-end ending on the way with Saito, Louise, Tiffa, Tabitha, and the maid all living in the same house. There aren’t enough episodes left to be making huge game changing decisions romance wise.
What if… Saito and Louise die?
I am wondering why do they keep calling it the “power of the devil.” According to the water spirit, she sees “Gandalf” (Saito) as very trustworthy. From a spirit’s perspective, it wouldn’t be considered a devil’s power. mmmmmm, the author may have slipped or she is expecting a plot twist.
too bad about the plane, one would expect a lot from that thing.
“Power of the devil” might be just an elf-expression because of their hatred for Void. Maybe some other Void-user caused them a lot of suffering or something in the past. They did mention the four Void-users leading an army and attacking them like it’d happened before.
I don’t think the author has much to do with the production seeing how there’s so much non-canon stuff.
So what can Saito do as Lifdrasil exactly? Mana filler?
Anyway, better go for harem. Saito is too indecisive to focus on Louise alone.
Harem end confirmed?
If it is an anime original end? They might. But if they keep following LN material and just jumbling the events? Not likely….
Well, I haven’t read the novels or know what happens in them, but the last few episodes before this one were anime original, right?
Not really. :/ It’s LN. And they just jumbled all the order of the events.
Ah, okay. Well, that’s strange. I hope the ending happens at the end.
This is the final season of Zero and we will have an end. That’s confirmed. It’s just that we don’t know what kind of ending we will get yet.(Harem is more likely though)
The original novel guy already has an idea of how to end this story but since he has had a major health problem(cancer), it’s not been written/published yet. But he apparently is closely working with the anime staff this time around. The ending is supposed to be practically the same as the novel one.
Seeing as the light novel hasn’t even ended yet. We will be having an Anime original ending. Which most likely will be one of those open-end ending with everyone together and what not, everyone knows.
Wow, some people did not like this conversation…
*looks at rest of episode comments* Think it’s more like two or three people woke up this morning and said “I’m downvoting every comment here for no apparent reason!!”
Can’t we all just get along!
(Watch this comment get 10 downvotes)
@ Aex
Like this?
I hear the anime will end the same day as the final volume will be released. We just have to see the last episode and read the LN and see if it is “original”.
Can’t you get their IP Addresses and just ban those brats?
The elves’ capital is clearly Dubai. It looks rich, it’s on the water, and the land all around it is desert. Fits perfectly.
Can’t say anything about this episode except they did a good job animating it… that and DAMN YOU SAITO!
i just hope my bf wont ended up like saito, kissing other girl than your gf without guilty feelings. louise deserves to cheat on him sometime
Too bad she uses all her revenge passes on Explosion.
Clearly Vitartial forgot that Joseph died because the other elves seem to think the four may still get together >.>
So the prophecy won’t be fulfilled with three void users (and who would think the Pope would go on a killing rampage?).
The Pope more or less confessed to Saito that he deliberately put Louise in harm’s way to bring down Joseph. The reason would seem to be that he wants someone else to become the fourth void mage. In the books the Pope starts a war with the elves, but Joseph would not have assisted with that, as is clear from his link to Vitartial. Anyway, it seems very likely that there will be a new fourth void mage. Due to the family relationship, that might be Tabitha. Saito could be her familiar too. Then she would get to kiss him. To resolve all the romantic conflicts, someone needs to come up with a spell to clone Saito. 😉
Well, you r half-right about it, the fourth Void mage is Tabitha, but not Tabitha 🙂
I haven’t watched this series, but I was planning to. And now I’m not too sure I want to. Every week I see Saito making out, groping, ect… a new girl. Essentially, cheating on Louise. Is the reality really how it looks? I know Saito’s supposed to be going through a rough patch with Louise, but cheating on every other girl around you!? I mean, fuck, is this no different than School Days, excluding the dark, violent themes? Eh, if he really is a cheating bastard, I’m not even gonna bother watching this series, but I am curious if these scenes do connote more than looks provide. Anybody?
Actually, kissing Henrietta, Tiffa, Tabitha, and I think Siesta only once each out of all 4 seasons is as much cheating as Saito does. The emotion is there too since he’s known all these girls for a long time now, so they’re pretty solid characters and it invokes happiness more than anything to see them get a little attention(well for me at least). It’s not like he’s grabbing a girl that showed up three episode ago and sleeping with her, and while it’s a poor excuse, the girls all come on to him and he just gives in, but he never seeks them out.
He’s no saint, but I wouldn’t let the girls finally jumping him this season discourage you from trying the other three. If you can get through Season 1 Louise-tantrums and still want more, you’ll laugh at having thought that this was discouraging. In a good way 🙂
Who can blame him, his sexual urge just can’t be satisfied by the so call washboard of a partner, until she grow in the area where a man can nicely grope, Sato you can cheat all you want.
Meh, Louise isn’t suppose to have the World Door spell. That’s the Pope’s spell. I’m calling BS on every development.
hmm yet one thing still missing will be part pull travel to saito’s world give it still long shot but give i’m bit wonder it finally happen within last few eps?
I just can’t stand it!, seeing saito kissing every girl and cheating on louise, I know there are some reasons and he not always want it, but anyways I hate it, finally louise is the one that has to accept everything and forgive him, even when saito is wrong she searchs for him, I know that he has to suffer all of the blows and jealousy of louise but i think that is less than cheating and cheating. I really like saito and louise couple =(! but is depressing seeing him with others girls just that… even when in the end they are probably going to stay together, happy and all that.. maybe I think this because lousei is my favorite character.
In reply to black_cat1. We have seen neither hide nor hair of Tabitha’s twin sister. If she is in the series, I would have expected her to be in evidence around the time Tabitha’s mother was cured. The series follows the books only in a rough and jumbled way.
Dude… Spoiler much? Your first post was just speculation, so that was fine. But what’s with this post? I don’t think I need to know that so early. Black_cat1 is also just as guilty. Do be more careful next time. =(
Stilts, please help spare your fellow readers some grief and add some spoiler tags for them. I’m already “spoiled”, but others might still be saved.
Shoot, those were legitimate spoilers? …Not that it matters, since I’m mostly following ZnT out of obligation rather than story. But still, some of us here might not want to be spoiled.
It was thoughtless of me! 🙁 I apologize to Dusk and Luxor and anyone else who felt spoiled.
Couldn’t this all have been avoided if Saito just told the elves that there are no longer 4 void mages?
People tend to say whatever to protect themselves in a court of law. And that place seems less lawful than most.
That’s what I thought, but apparently we weren’t told an important point: Void powers may be reincarnated/passed on (?) according to what engelbrekt posted above. Seriously, I hope these are legitimate spoilers, because otherwise a plot hole isn’t doing the story any good.
im still dissipointed there was no jet fighter escape action happening.
Stilts, in denial forever.
Tiffa > Louise
True route = Saito X Tiffa
Hey! Louise have a portal gun now? LOL
With that bad temper she must be the reincarnation of GLaDOS. Now all makes sense.
Louise is Satan’s vicar in Halkeginia, charged with introducing Nazism as a new religion. Just joking – not a spoiler this time!
I was practically grinning the whole episode.
Two things I miss though:
1. No fighter jet action
2. No Tiffa magic
Well, now that was a decisive challenge for Louise’s dominancy over Saito. Armed with a great rack, erm, her great weapon, Tiffa not only kissed Saito but made him her familiar too. If that is not making harem ending coming, then I have wasted 10+ years of animewatching.
Go Saito the Unifier, the Harem King of Tristaine and Gallia!
“Let’s do puff puff”
Arigato ofr your teachings Kame Sennin. *nosebleed
What’s with all these comments dissing Saito for…urm…’cheating’? What’s this concept supposed to mean anyway? I would prefer him to actively try to become the Harem King. *Sigh, guess I’ll go back to watching High School DxD.