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After having seized control of an orbital elevator, Pang Hercule addresses all the people who are stuck there and introduces himself. He claims that his only goal is to inform the world of A-LAWS’s brutality and put the issue to the people. Telling them of the Federation’s lies and atrocities, he declares that he and his men serve to protect the citizens, and their mission is to right the wrong government and troops. Back on Earth, the Federation government puts out a message that these anti-government forces are demanding the dissolution of parliament and the release of thousands of anti-government activists. The Federation, however, refuses to bow to terrorism and has already dispatched A-LAWS. Watching this on his TV, Sergei knows that what the Federation is saying is a lie. He then remembers what Pang Hercule had once said about the orbital elevator and the solar energy generation system opening up mankind’s future. Hercule had believed that much of the strife in the world was rooted in energy problems, and if those were solved, then people could concentrate on food and environmental problems. Sergei, however, had pointed out that the group of nations that possessed orbital elevators would build up their arsenals in the name of defense, and Holly noted that this could lead to a cold war. Hercule, however, had trusted in the people, the government, and the military to cooperate and gradually unite the world. These memories are interrupted by a call from Sergei’s commanding officer who has a secret mission for him.
Over at A-LAWS headquarters, Homer Katagiri worries that the anti-government movement will spread if it’s made public that the regular military forces are behind this coup. Arthur Goodman, however, reports that the installation work on the orbital ring is almost done, and he heads off into space to take command. Watching all of this unfold are Nena, Wang Liu Mei, and Hong Long in space. When Hong Long questions if this coup will change the world, Wang Liu Mei suggests that it’s the beginning of the end, and Hong Long wonders if that’s what she wants. The Ptolemaios crew meanwhile has figured out that the coup is why A-LAWS withdrew from the earlier attack. Sumeragi is hesitant to help the coup because she’s not sure why the Innovators hadn’t noticed this even though they control Veda, but she knows that to get at what the Innovators are plotting, they have to go towards the Africa tower. Plus, she thinks that Setsuna will be headed in that direction too. While the Ptolemaios is en route, A-LAWS starts to take action up in space. They first send a group of Automatons into the station, so Hercule’s men use the station’s defenses against them. This destroys a number of the robots, but several more get through, and one of them accesses the station’s surveillance system. Around this same time, a large number of Katharon units join the coup units. Hercule is then alerted to the appearance of a single blue Tieren, and he realizes that it’s being piloted by Sergei.
Still at sea are Kati’s forces, and she’s frustrated over why they haven’t been mobilized. This means that the Innovators on the ship won’t be getting involved, and Devine is irritated that he won’t be able to avenge Bring. On the deck of the ship, Andrei reveals to Louise that he knows the person behind the coup because it’s his father’s friend. Andrei remembers Hercule as very idealistic, but Louise doesn’t care about the reason for the coup. She feels that, as A-LAWS, their job is only to defeat the anti-government forces in order to gain peace, and Andrei agrees. He recalls how Hercule had helped him out back when he entered the service academy since he didn’t want his own father’s help. Hercule had told him not to hate his father because what happened was an accident, but Andrei was still angry over how his father let his mother die, and he blamed Hercule as well. Andrei had refused to follow his father’s way of life, and to prove that, he chose to join the military. Hercule had questioned if Andrei’s mother would truly be happy about that, and Andrei had asserted that she would have because she wanted peace more than anyone else. Thinking about all this now, Andrei believes that half-hearted determination will not lead to peace, and he wonders why Hercule doesn’t understand that A-LAWS’s power is necessary right now.
By now, Sergei has been escorted to Hercule, and he conveys a message from the Federation government that they refuse the demands. He then starts questioning why Hercule took innocents hostage when Hercule should have known that the Federation controlled all information, so he should have realized that his words wouldn’t reach the world. Hercule, however, claims that the people aren’t so innocent because they accepted government policies without question, leading to a corrupting of government. He believes that it was the foolishness of the people that allowed the rise of A-LAWS, and he feels that the people need to awaken, even if it’s with pain. Sergei protests against this because it’s their duty to protect the people, and he urges Hercule to surrender to save the lives of his men. Hercule doubts that A-LAWS will allow this, and he wants Sergei to return to Earth to tell his commanders that they aren’t leaving. Surprisingly, Sergei decides to stay as well because he refuses to let something happen a second time. This conversation is interrupted by the news of another wave of Automatons attacking, so Hercule sends his men to fight and to lead the civilians to the linear train. Reports soon arrive that the Automatons are attacking the civilians, and Hercule uses this as proof to Sergei of how wrong the government and military have become.
Hercule’s forces are eventually successful at halting the Automatons and at getting the people to the linear train. Sergei doesn’t understand why Hercule had intended to let the people go, so Hercule reiterates how he’s awakening them to A-LAWS’s wrongdoings, and he’s happy to sacrifice himself for this. Unfortunately, the Federation responds by broadcasting video of the civilians being slaughtered inside the station, only instead of the Automatons doing the killing, the video has been modified to look like it’s Hercule’s men doing it. Hercule doesn’t let this bother him because of all the people he released who know the truth, but Sergei doubts that the Federation has not forecasted this. Regardless, Hercule doesn’t think that 60,000 people can be silenced, especially since his allies and Katharon are waiting on the ground. Back at the base of the Africa tower, Mr. Bushido begins his battle with Setsuna, and the 00 Raiser can’t match up until Setsuna activates its Trans-Am as well. Their fight is soon interrupted though by the arrival of the Ptolemaios and the other Gundams, and that leaves Mr. Bushido no choice but to retreat. As Setsuna starts to lose consciousness from his shoulder wound, he remembers Lockon urging him to change, and he vows to do so.
Once the Ptolemaios recovers Setsuna, Sumeragi notices that the way the military has concentrated in two areas around the orbital elevator is odd, and she suspects that they’re hiding something. Based on this, she has Feldt show her the wind data of the surrounding area, and from it, she figures out that the Federation forces are deployed so that they’re out of the way in case the orbital elevator falls down. This leads her to realize that A-LAWS has another satellite weapon, and indeed, high above Earth, Arthur Goodman is in command of the Memento Mori.
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Well, if you’re looking for action – and I was thanks to the cliffhanger from last week – this episode will probably disappoint. Most of it is spent focused on the coup and on hammering home the message that people shouldn’t blindly trust their government. I found it to be an interesting theme, but probably only because I’m the kind of person who enjoys reading about politics and the way democracy works. In any case, they didn’t continue with the 00 Raiser vs. Masurao battle until approximately 3/4 of the way through the episode, and the actual fight (not including the recap from last week) lasted only about a minute before Setsuna got saved and Mr. Bushido had to retreat. Nothing got settled in that short time, so I’m treating the fight as a prelude to a future, more decisive clash between them once Setsuna has recovered.
The big WTF this episode – and I don’t mean that in the best of ways – is the Memento Mori redux. Celestial Being destroyed the original Memento Mori only three episodes ago, and this kind of renders that accomplishment moot. I realize that, if you’re A-LAWS, there’s no reason not to have another one (or two or three or four more), but from a story point of view, it’s just not as interesting the second time around. I would have preferred them to introduce something new, even if it was just a different superweapon. On the other hand, the Ptolemaios won’t be destroying it the same way, so theoretically what we’ll be watching for now is how they’ll go about facing this new challenge. The preview for next week does show a shot of explosions all around it, so maybe it’ll get destroyed pretty quickly. For now though, all signs point to the collapse of the orbital elevator as previously hinted. I’m hoping Sergei will make it out of it alive. The preview also suggests that Marie will be piloting again, which can only mean the introduction of the GN Archer.
Shit’s gonna hit the fan next episode. D:
2nd!!! GN-Archer next episode woooooooooo
The fight was good while it lasted
I hope to see more of it on later episodes.
The little boy in the preview looks like Andrei as he appears in the photographs we saw during this week’s episode.
The kid is Andrei, you can compare with the second image.
It seems to be some sort of a build-up episode, and I didn’t know it’s already the end of the episode by the time the duel was over.
And Memento Mori redux is quite a wtf indeed…
@ Omni: I think it’s smart to have back-ups. Why build one when you can have two at twice the price? I think A-Laws has three Memento Moris. One between each orbital elevator. They are just pissed they lost the Memento Mori that was right over the Middle East where most of the rebel nations and Katharon is stationed. This new Memento Mori doesn’t have a line of sight on the Middle East which makes it limited for their purposes.
I think the kid’s Andrei. Creepy looking little brat
aww GN Archer action will just have to wait till next week i guess =(
very well built-up in this episode, though they could have squeezed just a bit more action in >.<
did sergei piloted a Tieren Taozi?
my super sentai is complete. what’s lacking is the supercannon they’ll use to annihilate their enemies.
Or does it? Think abut it, Alaws, or really the Innovators are calling the shots, and the Alaws are the innovators private/personal army. So, forget the middle east, they want to take over everything since they’re superior to us lowly humans right?
I’m just waiting for them to blowup some big western cities, New York? London? It’s time to kicking world domination!
And you thought the Rebels already destroyed the Death Star, lol behold another 2nd Death Star. Running out of ideas Sunrise?
Also lol Trans-Graham
I don’t need constant action to enjoy my Gundam, but the reintroduction of Memento Mori does kind of render the success of episode 13 moot. It makes sense why they would have another one for a number of reasons, but it kind of seems unspired at the same time. I’m honestly having mixed impressions of this episode from what I’ve heard about it.
lol@ the second Death Star comment. I hadn’t thought of it like that, but it’s fitting.
Actually he said “another 2nd death star” which would imply…..a third one I guess. Joke=botched lol.
Who is that woman in the beginning of the episode?I also want to know the name of the mobile suit that Graham use it right now.It’s power than his(Graham Aker/Mr. Bushido)’s Ahead.
but i doubt the masurao transm can win the 00 riser transm =) since its only a mimic and not the actual real transm
They just announced sergei’s custom tieren for a HG kit. Does that mean he’s actually going pilot one of those old things instead of his gn-xii ?
masurao is based on graham’s specs and capabilities, only innovators and graham can withstand this kind of machine. you see graham spewing out blood. this is due to the fact that he’s body can barely handle this kind of speed nor not trained for this atmosphere.
if graham can barely manage to breath after that. imagine a no-name soldier using trans-am. graham, the best pilot in the series pukes out blood. it’s unlikely they’ll mass produce it.
You know, instead of using Memento Mori Deluxe to blow up an orbital elevator, why not use the drone thingies they set on that colony and Katharon base?
and glad that saji is wearing the white helmet to signify his side. woot super sentai.
It’s starting to look highly possible that the GN bullet speculation could be true.
not bad… and drones could only do so much.
You can’t compare 00-Riser’s transam which even has mindhax and teleporting going on. The others don’t go to that level. It’s the whole twin-GN drive thing at work.
Plus Sestuna is, as anyone can see, not even at 50%. Like their other fights (except for the final one at the end of season 1) this wasn’t a even match even with Grahams CopyAm.
it’s called trans-graham.
If it’s gonna end up like the second Death Star I’d like to see that fat blond bastard go down with it lol
@Kaioshin Sama
Don’t forget they killed Arba Lindt too with the destruction of the first memento mori , so it was not all in vane.
They used second Memento Mori so now we need something new, for example the different outcome(this means captain Goodman survives and Memento Mori destroys elevator).
An elevator drop wouldn’t really be new either, specially not in a gundam series where they like to drop shit on the earth for the lulz.
And calling it trans-graham doesn’t make it any less than a poor mans copy, though this one is fed by Billys emoness.
Awesome… Now to see Marie in the GN Archer!!!
There are alot of hot chicks in this series.
LoLz Agreed 😛
Yes, [Elevator] Drop is usual…
Now, Elevator with REAL and long-lasting consequences…that would be new… ;]
I’d rather they attack some western cities though. As the Innovatores go all out and take over. Sure if the elevator drops on a few that’d be nice.
The point her is to bring some reality to the part of the world that’s been living just fine while the other part’s been getting ass-reaped since season 1 started.
Call it poetic justice?
So instead of Genesis 1 and the mini-Genesis, we get two momento mori’s. lol.
YaY I’m going to strike Sergei in my /m/ death bingo chart next week XD
Oh….. and the Elevator colapse will be grand, ^^ too grand *is waiting patiently*
I was quite surprise that Ribbon wasn’t that much trouble by the Memento Mori destruction… I understand now lol
I think it’s a good idea, we have now a new interesting balance of power…
Katalon and military with the avantage of number, Innovator and A-law with the memento mori and many mobile suit with gn-drive, and Celestal being with Gundam.
Know, who will win ?
Looks like the great battle will begin next week.
00-Raizer now is capable of a GN field now. It is truly the ultimate gundam and vastly overpowered. Despite that, Sunrise manages to keep the fights interesting. A-Laws is a master of information manipulation as shown on how they replaced the automations that actually killed civilians with members of Hercules’s rebellion.
Is 00 using GN shield?
awww holly’s so pretty 🙂
In this episode, Setsuna uses a GN field, not shield. GN shield was what Exia used in Season 1
A GN field like Seravee is using now to be more precise.
Woah, the A-Laws CG guy is both fast AND good.
…some say episode gone to waste. I say good setup for a real battle. Don’t complain about the Setsuna vs. Graham fight, that was literally a “chance occurrence 1v1 in the middle of technical nowhere”
Well, now we know how the elevator falls. And by the look of it, CB is going to take the fall this time (who would honestly believe that Kataron somehow managed to build a space laser when they don’t even have GN Drives). I mean, A-Laws aren’t exactly going to say “yes we nuked the world’s power supply” are they?
On the other hand, with their crazy info control, the plan actually works rather well because:
– CB can take the blame (the original MM was destroyed, so why would A-Laws have another?)
– The evidence against your case is dead (unless somehow one of the trains managed to touch down before the explosions occurred…unlikely as the trip is probably 1hr++).
– Who’s going to argue? The terrorists?
– Thanks to the CG, everyone except those in the pillar think that the Coup was a terrorist act done to kill people. Again, the evidence is dead.
no Tieria in action today?
this episode is usually the compilation or recap. but they worked around it by using sergei and focusing more on the coup.
Sergei piloting a Taozi isn’t that a downgrade not upgrade??
sweet GN archer next ep, just outta curiosity, why the hell do they need to have tinted visors… doesn’t that restrict site?
like this, I like the color but doesn’t any1 else think its stupid?
Err this is my first Gundam show, so I didn’t get the Holly comment. I’m assuming the Death Star reference is from a previous Gundam series… whatever, guess I’ll just enjoy 00 for now…
never mind my previous comment as I just googled Death Star
Lol @ Trans-Graham but it does not hold a candle to 00 Raiser trans-am, i mean it can instant transmission, the way that its looking oo raiser might be able to take on strike freedom before too long with the gn field intro now, Btw all they need to do now is add the imperial march theme everytime you see the fat blond guy since hes the one who is so hardcore about the momento mori.
falen. tinted visor can be attributed against the sun. the glare up there is different and are bad for the eyes. that’s if look at it scientifically. but if you just look at aesthetics, then i would say it looks better than not having one. not everyone can pilot with no helmet like in gundam wing. heck heero pilots with a wife-beater.
I wonder what Sergei will say or do when he finds out Marie/Soma is fighting, despite Allelujah saying he wouldn’t let her. Isn’t that Sergei let them go?
Í’m dissapointed, the mobile suit that graham is using is the one he’ll have the final fight with setsuna in.
and its so ugly, its not even a gundam, its nog good enough
There was too little action in this episode anyways
00-Raiser already could take on Strike Freedom before the GN Field. 00-Raiser versus any gundam due to trans-arm would favor 00-Raiser.
Can fire wing-class beams in trans-arm(episode 14 in Arche Gundam battle)
Can teleport in trans-arm
Pilot becomes a powerful NewType.
Can use long beams coming from GN gunblade
Very Fast(Faster than Strike Freedom and Destiny)
Recently, GN field for blocking beams
Strike Freedom is not be this overpowered machine.
I mean Strike Freedom can not beat this machine.
agreed it seems like the new goku mobile suit would be the 00 raiser, but if trans-am ran out then it would lean more towards strike freedom even though seravee has the mulitple beams this go round
im just waiting for the gundam equivalent of a spirit bomb for 00 because the seravee already has one of those, speaking of which that beam did not do nearly the amt of damage you would think it would.
Ah, Gundam Wing. One of the few Gundams Series where the pilots were super bad asses. And yes they were because you need to be one in order to pilot in space without a space suit.
err since false gn drives have to be charged wouldn’t the false trans am mean less time and no power after its used?
Why mr bushido was bleeding when he used de trans-am?
Maybe, that fake drive could kill its usede in trans-am mode.
The red particles of the fake GN Drives are the reason why Louise’s hand was not regenerated.
The Gundams destroyed the Memento Mori in one area, so the new one must be from another area.
Looks like Setsuna’s a benchwarmer in the next episode, with a hole in the arm.
to mak:
Gforce, nuff said
The nature of the oribital ring system meant that Memento Mori could only aim at part of the planet. It should come as no surprise that the A-Laws would have two of them (in fact they almost certainly would’ve built three, so that everywhere on Earth could be targeted); on the contrary it would be flat out idiotic if there were only one Memento Mori.
Agreed with the Anonymous just above me.
I wonder why people were so quick to bash at the idea of having more than 1 orbital weapon
I’m kind of disappointed that they can’t create any new weapon. The Memento Mori was good-but to have it come back, Death Star style, was lame. The A-Laws are being portrayed as invincible-no flaws. But I guess, the bigger they are, the bigger they fall-or something like that, right? I just really hope that the writers can pick up the pace-the plot is real lame right now. The episodes was cool, I do like the episodes that are just all talk.
“Hercule had believed that much of the strife in the world was rooted in energy problems, and if those were solved, then people could concentrate on food and environmental problems. ”
I could have sworn my class had this discussion the other day. Maybe this episode isn’t so bad after all.
I wonder about Sergei’s wife…
Who did her voice acting, anyway?
And yound Andrei is essentially the creepy version of Uso Evin from Victory Gundam.
Neil Dylandy and the Gundam Dynames shooting down the target, remember it can hit a target in space. Besides everyone else is back from the dead.
Neil is not coming back except for apparently character devlopment points, this was confirmed to be canonical when in the ps2 gundam 00 game his visor on his helmet shattered when the explosion happened. But i do agree that sunrise has a really hard time keeping people dead. But i do lol at the fact that just as many people swear Neil is alive as much as Lelouch being alive
Saji gets an official CB pilot’s suit, he’s still an emo tho…
@ Frito, most of the time they’re not close enough to the sun for it to have that kinda effect and if they needed UV protection, I think Gundams, if not all mobile suits, should have some sort UV protection. Your explanation does make some sense if the people in the 24th century are stupid enough not to put UV protection into something so technologically advanced. And Heero is my fav pilot still cause he actually used his skill instead of his Gundam, he wasn’t like Kira who just spams HiMat, most of the time Heero used his beam saber and would only use his Buster (Twin-Buster) rifle against huge mobs. Although Zero System made him almost a new-type… who cares
Andrei Smirnov getting character development guess he’s going to die soon. I bet Saji kills him, after all Andrei’s moving in on his girl. Speaking of which another fight that must happen, Nena Trinity vs Louise Halevy.
Not the best episode if you ask me. They should have had Setsuna & Graham fight a little and then do a “one hour before” sorta thing. CB sure has their hands full now. They need more upgrades like a big add-on to the Ptolemy.
@ Zero
I know. But if they wanted sunrise would pull some BS like his helmet had an emergency back-up visor. And Sayoko died in Lelouch’s place because it was her duty
The a-laws and pang had brains which were so good they didnt know how to use it.
Major plot hole here perhaps?
Dunno if anyone has already posted this on last week’s comments. Anyone ever wondered why Billy was able to make a fake Trans-Am system simply with what information his Professor has left with just some basic observation/study?
If I remember correctly, the professor died way before any Gundam used Trans-Am for the first time. How can Billy’s invention be based on the Professor’s observation/study at all?
It’s the beginning of the end,huh? Really,Wang? Why can’t you just die already?? Die U Pest! Die! U know what, U R more useless than of that Marina girl,for sure!
no action but it was still pretty interesting. I guess next episode will clear some questions up.
@ JLaP
Trust me dude I know aka Mu La Flaga in gundam seed, and as much as I want Lulu to be alive ive come to peace that hes passed but still All Hail Lelouch!
omg, looks like we have another Gundam Seed Destiny in the making, with destroyed superweapons being brought back to life multiple times. Sunrise needs to show some more creativity with their plots
WTF memento mori again can’t they think of another super weapon?… X(
People seem to forget that the last time Gundam focused on an arms race for superweapons, it was Seed Destiny…
Why do people complain about a second Memento Mori? It should be obvious that A-Laws has that kind of budget to be able to build multiple superweapons.
LOL the kid in the pic isnt sergei its his son ( check the scene wheere they show us their family pics)
You’ve the nerve to label this fine series another GSD? *facepalm*
Something tells me that in the coming episode, 00-Raiser goes trans-am, Marie senses Sergei in the elevator and rescues him just before the elevator collapses, and since the Federation wants all witnesses to the “real” events dead, he has no choice but to be considered KIA. Seeing how his father “died” for the army, Andrei begins to see the corruption in A-LAWS, and also helps to shed light into Louise’s eyes, and eventually everyone defects from A-LAWS and the world unites against the Innovators (OMG this actually would make sense, whereby the world doesn’t unite to take down CB, but to take down the Innovators). And then everyone ends up living happily ever after. HAHAHAHA it’d be funny if I actually just spoiled the whole story!
Am I the only one who finds Mr. Bushido extremely annoying? He’s had like 7 different Mobile Suits and hasn’t won once. Just give up! He’s like some annoying little kid.
Hmpfh! Memento mori my butt! >:-c
Poor Sergei. It looks like he’s about to die in the upcoming episode. He was so good ’til he let Soma(Marie) go. He’ll be lucky if he survived. If not,then he’ll die in honour.
@novax. if you are logical enough you would assume that eifman stores notes on the computer and place it somewhere safe. you think because his computer got blown up billy wouldn’t get to it? seriously 24th century technology allows then to collect fragments of hard drives and connect the dots. simple as that. there’s no plot hole or anything major.
@falen, they are quite exposed to sun radiation even though they are inside the suit and honestly they use it for protection against beam weaponry too. imagine a beam as bright as the the sun coming at you. you’d be blind after that if you don’t have the proper gear. but even with the visor it blinded lockon from season one. but that is due to the fact of the proximity of the beam was like 3 feet away from his face. luckily setsuna didn’t get blinded when graham hammered him. see the visors works.
and please don’t compare heero to kira. kira sucks, heero is just bad-ass. out of all characters heero was the shallowest but the most skilled out of everyone. hacking, hijacking, killing, blowing shit up.
i wonder how long it will take cb (or more specifically sumeragi) to realize that they should recapture veda. id guess theyll go for it after the elevator drop.
i wonder whatl happen to kati and billy, they can hardly stay with alaws after the drop but then its not like it would make sense for them to join cb (unless sumeragi and/or ian die and their positions become vacant)
btw. shouldnt cb have a major base somewhere in outer space (probably at jupiter)? i cant remember something like that being mentioned, but where did the crew of the langrange 3 base go? plus didnt they say somewhere in s1 that the original solar f. could only be built on jupiter?
I haven’t watched the episode yet, but it helps me to know what you guys are saying here.
Anyway,Show Spoiler ▼
it’s a belt of colonies at Lagrange point 3. the spacenoids are scattered everywhere so no on can really tell where this so-called base is. krung thep was destroyed in episode 9 or so that’s gone.
sorry, pressed the wrong button
anyway Show Spoiler ▼
@Prime Synergy: I agree, I really like Graham as a character but I’m starting to wonder what the hell the writers are planning on doing with him? I mean the openings make him out to be a very important character, having him clash with Sestuna at the end of each. But I can’t help but feel that it’s going to end up being another 2 second fight like in the first season.
I actually liked this episode once I got hold of the subs. There wasn’t much action, but the politics and media manipulation all covered up for it. What little action present was pretty good too, in my opinion, and showed some character development between Graham and Setsuna. It seems like they have swapped their opinions about war. Graham is now crazed and exists to fight, and Setsuna is starting to think that there will someday be no need for him to fight.
It looks like Ribbons using Veda was able to anticipate the coup in the orbital elevator, but allowed it to happen so that they’d have a reason to blast it down to earth. Veda, Veda, Veda, what is it really up to? They have to seize that thing NOW.
Also – I’m one of the people who don’t get the negative fuss over another Memento Mori. It did demolish the success of the other episode, but isn’t that the point? Even Sumeragi was partially anticipating another one. Ribbons wasn’t too bothered about the first one going down either. The question right now is, how do they approach the attack of another one of those WMDs, when this time it looks like it’s going to wreck something really huge first before they can act on it?
whos dumb i idea was it to introduce trans-am now all i see is pink fairylike machines doing battle. atleast make it a better color…like blue. still a good show though
Am i the only one who missed the catalyst that turned graham acre crazy or is everyone else just going along for the ride like i am. Also i read briefly a question pertaining to how celestial being might stop them! they might (prob) wont this might be the time THE spoiler is implemented!
The storyline is better so far but seriously the characters in this series are Irritatingly lacking in… character!
@attacker its not that its wrong just that is boring to over use the same plot device over and over! its good that the makers dont always feel obligated to change weapon systems every 5 mins just to keep people interested. it adds to the plausibility factor (tops off the plausibility that Graham acre drains out of the program everytime he appears! i hate him so much!)
Im confused (slightly) how wat took gundam scientist 200 hundred years to come up with (trans am in particular) was duplicated and replicated into a fake gn drive in Substantially less time by 2 guys one of which died mid way through the first season!
Episode pros: Sergi
Episode cons: Graham acre
Series cons: Innovators
Series Pros: Gn Drive
ooh thought! i think that theyve gone this way with G.A because that hes dying and his dying wish is to defeat a gundam maybe… that stilll wouldnt explain his idiocy though so for now i hate him
dead next episode?
we can only hope
…Memento Mori … again?? -_- i didn’t like it the first time but oh well
and what is up with Grahams suits..??? frakin’ crazy looking… i like them haha
wooaahhh!!!!can’t wait for the next episode!!!!!!!!!
best gundam series ever!!!!!!!the story is getting more interesting to every episode!!
what i only hate about this episode is when celestial’ beings ace cards are always corrupted by the enemies, A-LAWS specifically!!!like the trans-am…….
can’t they make something new for the A-laws!???????hehehe
@Mieu: Your point?
@Kaioshin Sama
What does having a new, original, even stronger superweapon do to improve on a story exactly?
@Mieu: Nothing really, but it doesn’t necessarily do anything to hurt the story either nor does it really have as much to do with the story as say characters and plot, which this episode managed to really deliver on IMO. Superweapons were really the least of Seed Destiny’s problem and so far Gundam 00 has all the bases covered where Seed Destiny really dropped the ball on the play. And this isn’t a new, original, stronger superweapon, it’s for all intents and purposes the exact same model of Memento Mori we saw in episode 13. At least I think, I don’t see what purpose a stronger output would have considering it already gives the A-LAWS the equivalent of the tactical advantage that Iserlohn’s Thor’s Hammer gave the Reich Empire in Legend of The Galactic Heroes.
This is probably the most dissapointing episode of the entire series…
DeathStar Laser part II and slighting the Gundam 00 vs. Flags-AM fight are some very hard choices to get over…Just not a well timed ep considering the false solar furnace upgrade is such a huge deal…Pushing Graham to the side yet again, was just too much for me to take despite the episode being fine from a functional standpoint…But this was the episode that should have threw funtionality to the side and made Bushido vs. Setsuna the heart of this episode…
Anyone ever gonna answer my question ? Wat made graham crazy???
well, WingZero, you could say it was when his nice friend with the dreadlocks got killed, even though i am sure he was still sane for a few episodes after that. even more so after he finds out it was Setsuna, a boy he met in an earlier episode and could have stopped from the beginning. as for the new memento mori, it only makes sense, why would they build just one, it doest have full range over the rest of the world, it can only go between orbital elevators, there is no point in only having a single weapon that can only fire on the middle east. and i am sure like other people have said, that there is probably at least a 3rd one overlooking the US, or at least the western half of the US towards the other side of the pacific. if you assume that the first one looked over the middle east/china/russia, and this second one looks over europe/northern africa and probably the the eastern half of the US. either way, good build up episode. especially considering that quite a few of the A-Laws members can tell what is really going on, i doubt they will just sit around and take it.
people always told me that who ever wears a masks is a coo coo.
What about having a second Memento Mori exactly doesn’t make sense or is horrible writing? Along with the idea of covering a larger portion of the world, having multiple copies of the same weapon is cheaper to produce than having the same number of different weapons. Less money has to go to designing yet another superweapon. By using a similar design, spare parts can also be mass produced to fit in all of them. Think about it this way, what if all the aheads in the show had different had unstandardized parts? The cost of producing a line of them would increase without any measurable benefit.
I agree with you but at the same time they had to already get the coup’ detat started plus the name of the episode was prelude to tragedy so you could tell that it was gonna be an ep that was text heavy also with Graham going crazy more and more every ep i would not be suprised if he just died of a brain anurism.
No Frito you are bad at reading comprehension =). The professor simply did not have any study or observation on the Trans-Am system because he died way before any Gundams used that. He doesn’t even know about there’s something called Trans-AM. How can the professor provide anything useful to Billy for him to make a Trans-Am system?????? How is this not a plot hole?
@ Novax
I literally facepalmed myself when Graham activated his aptly named Trans-grahAM system. Billy could have at least gone for a 4 Fake GN Drive system to power the new version of the FLAG, that at least would have been less cheesy.
And I have to add, I miss the OVER Flag model 🙁
@ Cain
I was actually thinking it would make more sense for Billy to come up with a dual GN drive concept just like 00 – raiser. Trans-AM on a already lame looking Masurao is really gay imo.
BTW, I think the original FLAG was one of the coolest looking MS in this whole series.
@ WingZerozxt, Graham says he loves gundam… but it all went away and turned to hate… think of it like Anakin Skywalker, all the love left him and he just… went mad
Sergei doesn’t look like he’ll die in the next episode.
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Aeolia (sp?) had never seen a GN drive, yet he came up with the Trans-Am system, as well as the Twin Drive system.
Prof. Eifman had studied the data on the Gundams (and the particles they emit) and actually managed to figure out how they work and where they were built. Is it so hard to believe that he could figure out the theory behind Trans-Am on his own too? If Aeolia did it, so could someone else. It’s not like he knew what it was called, or even that such a thing really existed, and had been left behind by Aeolia. I see nothing wrong here…
but he kinda died immediately after ASSUMING, in s1, that gn particles were making use of topological defects, as well as where they were built.
We’ll just have to assume Billy has his own SEED mode that grants him incomparable intelligence while researching due to his hate of Sumeragi. LOL
I actually liked this episode. We get some great character backstory and development as well. Sergei has always been one of my favorite characters and i was getting worried that we wasnt really going to be in this season but here he is. Also the fight between Setsuna and Mr. Bushido wasnt bad either, as short as it was, it wasnt the main focus as i thought but then again it Mr. Bushido really doesnt have anything to do with the current main plot of the series. The only thing i didnt like was the second Memento Mori but it is truly logical that A-LAWS would have made more than one. I can’t wait to see the next episode because i am sure it will be great.
Aeolia Schenberg INVENTED the GN Drive. It’s just that machines to utilize them weren’t created until a couple of centuries later.
You are very right lol! Of course Aeolia has seen a GN drive because he developed it himself. Eifman was simply making assumption left and right before getting swiftly killed. He didn’t get do put his theory into any tests. He hasn’t really figured anything about GN drives, let alone Trans-Am system(or something that could work like GN drives in Trans-Am mode).
Billy must be a genius like Aeolia too cos he figured out how to make fake Trans-Am capable GN drives in such a short period of time.
You guys know what’s ironic? People complaining that there are too many upgrades and new mobile suits in 00, and now they see the same weapon which is actually the more logical thing to have, and now the viewers say it’s being unoriginal. Come on guys, we get one realistic scenario and people still keep bitching about it? Look at it this way: There may be 5 or 10 more Memento Mori’s out there. The question is, what does CB do about it? They can’t keep expending their resources destroying each and every one of them, look what happened last time they tried to destroy one.
The Jupiter project, I believe Eifman might have been familiar with the scientific developments being conducted at the science facilities there; hence, why the Thrones had to conduct an OP to get rid of him.
Eifman was close, or had, unlocked the secret, or rather, an understanding of the GN drives somehow. But no matter what, it’s completely far fetched how Billy was able to develop the Trans-Am on his own, and with fake GN Drive no less.
1) Aeolia died long before the GN drives were made. Remember, they were built on Jupiter roughly 120 years before the start of season 1, and Aeolia lived 200 years ago. There’s no way he has seen a GN drive. He merely developed the theories, but other people put them to use
2) Billy said he found some theory in Eifman’s notes and proved it correct. So he merely finished what the old professor started. And even if Eifman was only making assumptions, that doesn’t change the fact that he got closer to the truth than anyone else – close enough to get him killed
As for Memento Mori – most likely there are 3 – one for each part of the orbital ring.
I’m really liking the story of 00 so far, now that I’ve thought about it. A lot of it, at least the plot lines that matter to me (that means love stories aside), actually made sense from this episode. I was always thinking “Why are the A-Laws/Innovators so cruel?” It seems like it was in order to incite a coup and give them a reason to drop the orbital elevator. But what about the consequences of it? How exactly does dropping the elevator accomplish the task to bring humanity into space? I’d like to see the next episode very soon.
Right now I’m not so sure who the enemy is. Is it Ribbons, or Aeolia himself? Did Aeolia really plan to bring humanity to space using this means? It would make sense that he created the Innovators exactly the way they are now. Being child-like, they follow their programming to a T and they will live long enough to see the plan come to life. It might be true that Ribbons is just doing what Aeolia really wanted to do in the first place…
Last words before I go: I’m starting to buy the idea that Tieria might not die. I used to think that he’s the one with no reason to live after the series – no family, all his skills are useful only to war, takes his guidance from a dead man and somewhat lives in vengeance. But when you think about it, he’s got leadership skills, he’s an Innovator, and best of all, he’s humanized. He’s the perfect leader (or political figurehead at least) to bring humanity to deep space.
novax. eifman was so ahead of everyone that he knew about what is “really” going on. why would you think the thrones are sent to kill them. because corner and harvey didn’t want any revelations regarding their plans. so tell me why this is a plot hole again? he figured out the capabilities of the drives way before aeolia could unleash it’s potential with system traps. billy then built something around these notes and made a killer gn drive with trans-am. that he will most likely tune for each and every single gn drive[T] out there.
so why is this a plot hole again?
On another note, i’m guessing the reason for graham spilling blood is due to the machine’s not being able to withstand the G forces or something.
Perhaps the gundams have some sort of design or system or what not that enables the pilot to withstand more force. Like, so mega G-damper or something.
So yes, if all the Gn-XIIIs or Aheads are fixed with trans-am, they’d be needing a hell lot more pilots to die while piloting them.
Even if we accept the fact the eifman mysteriously managed to figure out the GN drives operation and design the functionality of transam or leave in in his notes 12 mins before he died (made up time frame!) for billy to copy what now are the advantages of using a now almost completely benignly name real gn drive!!! Celestial being appears to limit themselves to only thier own mecha for reasons im not sure are clearly defined! Alsso regarding the starwars analogy which was aptly used on me (since as far as im concerned stawars/startrek is industry standard or base level for any scifi type program i.e you build up from there in one or more program characteristics) there obviously a difference in that anakin was a jedi and blahblah blah my point is this: graham being a soldier and what not should have made him more mentally aware that he might loose people hes become obsessed somehow for no damn reason! and his character has been a complete joke since the beginning of the second series
So in conclusion (for those who have poor comprehension skills)
1) Graham acre: Went insane for no reason has a weak body and is completely non essential to the storyline. Essentially poor fanservice for guys who wanna see mechs battle to keep the interest of the children
2) Fake GN drives v normal ones differences ultimately in colour and therefore percieved ‘coolness’ i dunno with anyluck they’ll cause cancer or somthing making CBs choices valid
3) Eifman somehow managed to do in half a series what took aeolia and crew alot longer to pull off making it implausible! Thats what i seem to think people are trying to say here and i agree for the most part (incidentally i forget was it 200 years CB and co had been planning the whole Gundam thing!?
one again episode average with a few moments of EPIC let down!
love it
Gundam 00 season 2 ep 16 sub can be watched at animezorro.com
the most plausible reason why billy manage to create a fake trans-am is through wang liu mei
After watching Gundam Wing, I realized how similiar these two really are. Also realized how much better Wing is overall. The only exceptional thing I love about modern Gundam series is art and music. Everything else is subpar compared to Wing.
I think Graham and Hallelujah are getting ripped off. These guys have so much potential for more screentime but they decided to flip the middle finger on them. GAH. Graham won’t stop til he takes his revenge. And Hallelujah is still one crazy badass mofo.
Screw it, going back to SEED o.O
WingZero, i dont think anyone is arguing with you about Graham. he serves no purpose and is irrelevant to everything that has gone on so far. he is basically Ali Al Sarches, just without any believable reason for fighting the way he does. as for the fake GN drives, these is plenty of differences to look at. 1. they are more powerful, obviously, seeing as how every suit now has a fake GN drive is they are still getting swatted around like flies. 2. their trans Am is more powerful as well. Graham went trans Am and it looked like it lasted for about 45 seconds, and i doubt they can just recharge like the gundams do. and as for Eifman, i think you are forgetting something. the Trans Am wasnt something that took a long time to come up with for CB, it was something Aeolia didnt want them using except as a last resort. it could have taken Aeolia very little time to come up with the idea, but it only was ‘unlocked’ when he died for real. i mean if you think about it, all it is is releasing the 100% full potential of the GN drive with the obvious drawback of being completely drained of power at the time limit. basically what i am saying is, Aeolia could have come up with the idea a mere couple of days after he completed his specs for the GN drvies, but seeing as how he wouldnt be living and breathing when they were to be produced, and the fact that he purposely hid the power until it was absolutely needed, it seems possible that the actual theory behind the Trans Am isnt mind boggling, just dangerous to put into practice. Eifman never actually proved anything about Trans Am anyway, all he probably did was come up with a theory (which proved correct) as to the basis of how the GN drives worked, and once billy had one in his possession, albeit a fake one, he worked out how to get the full potential out of it.
@GGear0323 i dissagree with the whole ‘fake gn drives are less powerful!!! the gundams are better made overall but it has nothing to do with the engine!
i think its do with the obvious or the ‘percieved’ drawbacks of mass producing somthing! i.e they made more of them so they HAVe to be weaker otherwise the series wouldnt make any sense which i kinda doesnt! (all though im not adamant about this)
Thing is with the exception of the 00 gundam if the innovators get trans am the others are screwed! and also since Grahams only purpose in the show so far (which is clearly annoying me) is to fight setsuna in the 00 then the obvious thing is hell get more convinient enhancements and upgrades as time goes on in accordance with the natural ‘escalation’ factor of the mech series!
The point i made furthermore was this!! Since the gundams are getting knocked about so badly and are now mysteriously not running out of parts (a common trait in all the Gundam series ive seen!) using the fake gn drives doesnt seem stupid to me!
i get what your saying about CB though!! although it took them ages most of it was travel time LOL i see your p… wait no! it took Eifman 1 guy a few hours to solve a problem missing scientists had been tryinng to solve for 200 years im not entirely convinced!
Continue your deliberations and get back to me!!! This is a blog so one of you will feel obligated to convince me LOL (And i can be ocnvinced by the way! if the reasoning is good!)
The fake GN drives have a time limit. That alone makes them “weaker” because any new developments (including Trans-Am) must take this into consideration. It’s also possible that there are other differences between real and fake GN drives (I can think of at least two), but I’m too lazy to check.
“i get what your saying about CB though!! although it took them ages most of it was travel time LOL i see your p… wait no! it took Eifman 1 guy a few hours to solve a problem missing scientists had been tryinng to solve for 200 years im not entirely convinced!”
OK, now you lost me. What are you talking about? Would you mind rewriting that in a way I can actually understand? Especially this part: “a few hours to solve a problem missing scientists had been tryinng to solve for 200 years”. What “few hours”, what what problem, what 200 years? What are you talking about?
False drives are weaker and more dangerous. Due to the lack of a TD blanket, false drives can not produce GN particles and the particles themselves that are used have negative effects on the human body, as shown from the Louise episode, that can stop cell regeneration. Because they can’t produce GN particles, the false drives have a time limit. I do agree that the false drives produce close to the same power output, but for lesser time. Trans-Arm with a false drive would only hasten the drain of particles and severely decrease the amount of operational time. It is also possible that the trans-arm itself could have negative effects since we saw Graham bleeding. It could be the lack of G force dampers, but I doubt that.
For Shadowblack: Translation as requested
I find it a tad unbeleiveable tha eifman came of with hat seems to be a valid working theory of the ‘fake’GN drives operational abilities in the time he was in the series. Considering the ammount of man power and time it took CB to develop the GN drives in the first place!
The 200 years reffers to the information that Sajis sister came across when she was trying to uncover information pertaining to celestial being! and realised that scientist have been going missing for atleast that long or somthing i barely remember now and cant be bothered to check right away ill get back to you later
Just a couple of things:
1) We don’t know how long it took to develop the GN drives. But the mission to Jupiter had taken place 120 years before the first season, so obviously by that time everything had been developed and the only thing left was to actually make the GN drives. Remember that CB had to start from scratch while Eifman had all the data the Union had gathered on the Gundams and the GN particles they use. So Eifman had something to base his research on
2) You make it sound as if developing the GN drives is the only thing CB needed scientists for. IT is NOT. Veda did not appear out of thin air, nor did the Gundam designs, or anything else CB has. You make it sound as if CB spent 200 years working on a single problem, which is simply not true
Does anyone think Sumeragi and that lady (possibly Sergei’s wife) look alike in some way?
@Shadowblack right true but doesnt that make it worse!!! unless Veda was the primary concern or the innovators! Your essentially saying that CB were less adept at creating things like Mechs and so forth because they were already strugling by the end of season 1 due to that annoying lame looking gold frame loser-locks used (alexandro corner!) and you obvoiously cant say things like its cos the innovators had veda cos they didnt get full control til near the end! CB had Veda and the ;Legitimate powers’ still caught up!#
@Justin43 although probably utilizing them as individual drives instead of in tandem we know the bad guys can use more than one to power a suit or mobile armour!
Ahwell ill just have to get used to it i suppose (unless you have more to say and im more than willing to read it and comment like i sed im not sure i wanna be right!
Sergei’s wife (Holly) body looks like Sumeragi’s, but the face looks like Soma’s.
I think that the duel between setsuna and graham is totally not FAIR. In S1 final episode, setsuna is low on particles after activiting trans am to crush connner mech, then in this episode 16, setsuna right hand is wounded. Sunrise never give them a fair fight after all. Go gundam 00.. best gundam ever watch…
in the ED, for a moment, there is a reflection of Setsuna embracing Marina over the flowers rite? and Setsuna’s jacket at the end is with something that suspiciously look like headphones.. i maybe wrong though..
I can’t believe that all they could think of was a second death start play. What next, the civilians assemble makeshift weaponry out of trash and use it to defeat A-Laws?