OP Sequence

Many years ago, when Tomosaka Kenji first moved to a new coastal town, he met a girl while playing with some hermit crabs by the beach. She ran away crying after he teased her by putting a crab on her head. At home, he finds out that the same girl lives right next door, and her balcony is within jumping distance of his. Fast forward to many years later: Kenji wakes up after a weird dream and has to go next door to wake up his neighbor and childhood friend Konoe Nanami. He helps her get out of bed after she wakes up lying in the space between her bed and the wall. The two run to school but make a brief stop when Nanami gets her ribbon caught in her clothes. They have their end-of-term exams today, and once they are over, Nanami and Kenji go home together. They arrive at the Konoe family restaurant for some food, then set off to take care of a vegetable garden up in the hills around the city. After some hard work, Kenji feels rather hot and tired. Spotting some watermelons, so he walks over and breaks one. Nanami sees him eating it and gets rather upset when she realizes that it’s one of her special watermelons. However, she joins Kenji in eating the rest of it. Before Kenji parts with her that evening, he reminds her that tomorrow is her turn to wake him up.

ED Sequence

OP: 「ラムネ色のメロディ」 by 真優
ED: 「Summer vacation」 by 村田あゆみ
The OP and ED both seem like pretty average songs, with the ED being slightly better than the OP. The opening sequence shows all of the girls and the setting while the ending shows a bottle that reflects various shots of the girls in skimpy swimsuits.

I enjoyed this episode for the atmosphere and the cute characters. Nanami and Kenji seem pretty destined to be together (his friend even calls her his wife), so I’m not quite sure what the plot is about. Actually, there really doesn’t look to be much of one yet. The first episode makes this feel like it’ll be a rather peaceful show about the developing love of two people over one particular summer.
H-game adaptation fans will quickly realize that Nanami is voiced by Goto Yuko, who does the voice of Kaede on SHUFFLE!, and Kenji is voiced by Taniyama Kisho, who also did Takayuki from KGNE. Kenji’s voice didn’t really remind me of the latter (since it’s been a long while since I’ve seen KGNE), but Nanami sounds a LOT like Kaede in a whiny, but cute sort of way. There were quite a few cute noises that Nanami makes, and I did laugh a bit at the bed scene.
With its decent animation and a decent soundtrack, this series has the potential to be fairly good, but that remains to be seen once they start adding more girls into the mix. They are already hinting that Sakura Hiromi has an interest in Kenji. We’ll see if this show can become better than the gazillion other h-game adaptations that I’m currently watching.

Closing Thought: The crescent shape of the coast by this town reminds me too much of Hatsunejima (the town in Da Capo).


  1. So.. is there supposed to be a plot or some kind of conflict later on?
    With this first episode, the pairing seems pretty obvious.

    lol, never knew that wierd drink was called Ramune…

    btw, great blogging Omni!

  2. Ramune is drink representing summer.
    This title is associated with summer.


    ↑ The etymology of a ramune seems to be lemonade.

  3. A very nice anime!
    This kind of anime is nice to relax some people….like me …sometimes when I am tired.
    Warm hearted female caracter and nice seiyuus too.
    By the way best regards from Brazil people and NICE BLOG ^_^ I really love it.

  4. Ohh looks cool.
    Ramune = Lemonade? I thought Ramune = the name of the brand of soda pop drink that has the marble/ball in the neck… I have empty bottles sitting on my shelf in my room lol.

  5. This anime is actually quite great! sure if you dont’ like slice-of-life, lovey stories, than don’t bother, but other than being short, it was a great anime! Nanami is amazing 🙂


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