OP Sequence

OP: 「エンドレス・ループ」 (Endless Loop) by sacra
Watch the OP! Mirror 1 (14.7MB, XviD)

ED Sequence

ED: 「Sunshine Of Your Love」 by I-lulu
Watch the ED! Mirror 1 (24MB, XviD)

This series actually started airing two weeks ago on October 2nd, but this was the first free chance I got to watch it. Unlike most dramas, this show runs only half an hour in length. I’m not going to summarize the episode, but the story is basically the same from the novels/anime, with Yuuichi and Rika getting acquainted this episode leading up to her sending him to the library twice. Yuuichi’s character seemed to complain a lot more than his anime counterpart, and Rika smiled a lot more than hers. Hashimoto Atsushi and Ishida Miku did fine jobs as Yuuichi and Rika, respectively, but something about Yoshino Kimika’s performance as Akiko felt off until roughly halfway through the episode. In any case, I really enjoyed watching this, if for no other reason than because it brought nostalgic memories of the HanTsuki anime. Still, I don’t plan to continue blogging it mainly because I don’t have time.
I do want to add that I am also tentatively planning to watch at least the first episode of the Jigoku Shoujo drama coming on November 4th. I didn’t have any interest in doing the second anime series, but pure random curiosity has me drawn to the drama version, just like with HanTsuki. 🙂


  1. It originally aired as a “short story” anime … and, like, Honey&Clover or Nana — the story was compelling enough to convert it into a live action show so the “anime-phobic” mainstream of Japan might get interested. These are interesting to me because it leads more and more of the curious to explore the realm where these cool ideas come from.

  2. what anime is this based on?
    current drama that im very interested in is Tatta Hitotsu no Koi. Is it weird for a guy like me to like romance stories like this? I dun always watch romance dramas, just that most good dramas are romance anyways.

  3. If you look at the categories on the right of this page, you’ll see that I have something labeled HanTsuki – the shorthand of Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noburu Sora. This is also shown in the category listing in the header of this post. That category includes all the entries for the six episodes of the anime version of this series.

    As a side note, I tend not to watch too many dramas because they’re rather time intensive compared to anime (HanTsuki drama being somewhat of an exception). A lot of times I’ll write about the first episode of a new drama just to give people a small taste of what’s airing.

  4. It’s only 30 minutes? Awww.

    Either way, I’ve been waiting for this for a while. I loved the anime counterpart and am looking forward to this rendition. I’ve disappeared from the Drama watching a bit (Bah, its been a while since I seen one… The last one was another run-through of Orange Days ;P) but I’m looking to this and HYD2 to get me back in the mood for sappy dramas 😛

  5. I really like this anime… I watched the opening and was like hey isn’t this like that “Hanbun no Tsuki ga Noboru Sora” anime.. then I looked at the title and was like :O live action of it.. lol

  6. hmm, the anime is really interesting, so i might just want to see the live action version. Sigh, i wonder if i can somehow get my hands on this one day.

    *grumble* i guess i have to somehow hunt it down T_T

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