Hey folks, just a quick note:
The server move is in progress RIGHT now. All commenting will be turned off until it’s complete (shouldn’t take too long).

Update from Maestro:

Here’s what everyone can expect to happen. The new server is up and running fine, but we have to transfer both the latest version of Omni’s database over and change DNS so that his domain name points to the new server. Both of these will take a bit of time. First off I’m working on exporting the database now. Omni’s database is a couple hundred megabytes total and has to be exported uncompressed. (The database server times out attempting to compress the database for export.) I can compress it to get it to the new server, but have to uncompress it again to import it. I’ve done this once before so I’d have a testing copy and it took around 2 hours total for the whole export/import process. It’ll probably take longer than that today, the database server’s timing out on me on exports and it looks like I’ll have to export each table individually. This is why we’re disabling comments, any comments made during the changeover would be lost anyway and we need the database to be as unchanging as possible during the move.

After the database is successfully imported onto the new server I’ll change the DNS for randomc.animeblogger.net to point to the new server. After that it’s a matter of waiting for the change to propagate out to the Internet. Some of you will continue to get sent to the current server because the DNS servers you’re using have the address info cached. The standard rule is it can take up to 48 hours for the change to propagate fully to the entire Internet. In practice it doesn’t take quite this long for most places, but for some people it may take the full 48 hours. There’s nothing we can do to speed this up, it depends on how your local DNS servers are configured.

We appreciate your patience during this move, once it’s over things will be much more stable, and probably faster as well. This should get rid of the 503 errors you’ve been experiencing the past few weeks as well. 🙂

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