
With Haruka still missing, an almost belligerent Makoto is itching to go back out to prove herself with a victory. Haruka is currently inside the Imber trying to contact the base camp, but to no avail. With her is Chihaya who still remembers seeing the Imber’s core when she was young. When Chihaya points out that the Imber isn’t able to move, Haruka explains how she feels that it’s just sleeping because she knows the Imber would feel cold otherwise. She then decides to tell Chihaya all about the Imber because she wants everyone to like it. Back at base, Joseph receives orders from headquarters instructing him to recover the Hiemus as soon as possible. Despite Ami’s concerns about her and the Nebula, a determined Makoto gets onboard and launches without permission. She refuses to become like her sister Azusa who she feels got abandoned by her iDOL and lost everything. Azusa still tries to get Makoto to stop, but Joseph suggests that they believe in her. Makoto herself remembers how Azusa had been brought back after losing a battle and was unable to pilot the Nebula from that point forward. This is the mistake that Makoto now refuses to make.

Getting tired of hearing Haruka talk about the Imber, Chihaya claims that Haruka doesn’t know anything about the Imber. Pointing her gun at Haruka, Chihaya explains that the Imber hates the color pink and likes the color white instead – pure like the Imber’s heart. When Haruka questions why, Chihaya finally reveals that the Imber used to be hers, and she wants it back. The ground under them then suddenly starts shaking, so Chihaya decides to use the chance to make a run for the Imber’s cockpit, but she doesn’t make it before the shaking tosses her off the iDOL. Makoto meanwhile comes under attack by the Epimetheus with R.I.F.F.A under similar orders from Karasu to retrieve the Hiemus’ core. The Nebula is still no match for the Epimetheus, and with Makoto desperately trying to do something so that she doesn’t lose, the Nebula shuts down. To make matters worse, the simulations show that Iceland could sink, and if they want to save Makoto and the population, they have to give up on the Hiemus.

With Joseph’s approval, Ami has Haruka use the Imber to slam down on the mouth of the volcano. Chihaya in the Nubilum tries to get in the way, but the Imber blows right past her and finishes the job, saving everyone. Unfortunately, R.I.F.F.A succeeded in getting the Hiemus’ core, meaning that it’s in Turiavita hands now.


You know, by all accounts, this should have been a key episode: Chihaya confronts Haruka, Makoto goes a little crazy, all with an iDOL core on the line. However, it once again fell flat for me. I didn’t really care to hear Haruka blabber on about the Imber, and it’s starting to feel like they’re pushing the Makoto aspect of the story too much (in other words, I’m getting sick of seeing Makoto act like this again). I’d really like them to introduce more plot twists because the story as it stands just isn’t interesting enough or progressing fast enough. I’m quite frustrated with this show at the moment and would say that I’m considering dropping it, but there’s nothing in particular I’d like to replace it with this season or next, so I guess for now I’ll continue watching.


  1. That show is pretty boring… I recommend you to watch Higurashi, once your start to watch it you won’t be able to stop,it’s kind of hypnotic I would say! And also, the voice cast and animation are quite well done too. You won’t regret it ^^

  2. >>That show is pretty boring… I recommend you to watch Higurashi, once your start to watch it you won’t be able to stop,it’s kind of hypnotic I would say! And also, the voice cast and animation are quite well done too. You won’t regret it ^^

    Yeah. That show is like coca-cola light 🙂

  3. @ Saviour

    Claymore is awesome…. this is, well, I didn’t get past the 3rd episode. And that blond chick that is always licking that lolipop, is she suppose to be badass or something?

  4. The problem is that I have to replace a Monday show with another Monday show in order to keep my scheduling correct. The current Monday field has Touka Gettan (I’m not too keen on doing a show that’s being aired cryptically backwards), XENOGLOSSIA, El Cazador (didn’t interest me at all), and Emma (I haven’t seen enough of the original season to want to watch the second one). Even next season, there’s only one new Monday show – Nanatsuiro Drops – and the advance airing of first episode of that didn’t get rave reviews.
    In other words, for those of you wanting Claymore (which is a Tuesday show), I’d be replacing DGM with it, if I were to do it. But that still leaves me with XENOGLOSSIA on Mondays, unless I just decide to blog nothing at all on Mondays – which is a real possibility if this show decides to go even further downhill.

  5. Omni, take Monday off HAHAHA. Regenerate your energy for other days for better Animes. Work extra hard other days for like seto or claymore 🙂 I really like these 2 anime

  6. >>Yeah. That show is like coca-cola light
    More like Coca Cola to me haha ^^! Claymore is quite good too! Another awesome anime I’d recommend you is Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi, kung-fu fighting, tons of humor and nice characters, one of my favorites…

  7. kirika kun >>
    Omni, take Monday off HAHAHA. Regenerate your energy for other days for better Animes. Work extra hard other days for like seto or claymore 🙂 I really like these 2 anime

    I dont think that will be good for the blogger tho, IMO, it is best to blog a lil by lil than lot to cover the lils. But well I do agree that claymore is good, shud replace dgm with that:D. I dont know what slot seto is on; is it wednesday slot?


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