If you’re reading this, then the DNS changes have propagated and you’re now seeing Random Curiosity on its new server.
We had a weird hiccup where certain pieces of Javascript were causing people using Internet Explorer to be unable to see the site, but I’ve just fixed that. If you see any other problems, leave a comment here or send me an email.
Many thanks to my friends at Maximum 7 for their help serving images for the past few weeks, to Mentar for helping us get the new server, and to community admin Maestro for getting everything up and going.
Ah, so those errors here and there about how the site couldn’t load, action aborted, then a page-cannot-be-displayed is all due to a server move?
Wow, new server? Is this from the donation drive?
that solves all problems, i hope it never consumes more electricity…. more global warming
Kirby needs to shave.
You really dig that Kirby pic.
Glad to see the move appears to have gone off well. ^_^
ok good to see you’re moved and all. Is the poll gonna come back now?
Chicle: If you’re talking about the IE problem, it was something with the new server configuration.
Kabitzin: The donation drive is for the rest of the Animeblogger community. Random Curiosity supported by the ads on the sidebar and below posts.
RmX: Unless you can find me something more suitable, I plan to use it for all future maintenance/server related posts.
sealouse: Sometime eventually yes, but not right away.
Can you put some polls again?
yay i don’t have to disable scrips to get to the site anymore
W00t!! :]!!
the only way i can get to the site now is by typing https://randomc.net
I am using Firefox. thanks for always blogging.
Congrats/おめでと。Please continue and thanks for all the hard work from both you guys.
Congrats man!! keep your hard-works up. ^^
OOOOOOOooooooooohh!!! NEW SERVER!!! i was wondering what that fresh scent was *sniff* *sniff* do i detect hint’s of sandalwood, HOW LOVELY!
Sitemeter claims they’ve fixed the problem that was killing IE7.
silverwolf149 : read what I said to sealouse
loneswolf: Your previous alternative was…?
Steven Den Beste: And yet, Sitemeter’s website is currently inaccessible. 🙁
“We had a weird hiccup where certain pieces of Javascript were causing people using Internet Explorer to be unable to see the site”
Oh come on, people still use IE?! =))
eh, wait a sec. It must be me since no one talks about it, but randomc is hosted at animeblogger. Isn’t animeblogger responsibility to keep the servers stable and do the necessary updates?
I tested, while commenting, the site for Firefox 2 (using 3 to post), MSIE 6 and 7. There was no problem. @BROOKLYN otaku, lol.
Omni : Ok thanks !