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Yui practicing again? Seems like those lackadaisical days are long past, and they might as well be, considering the length of time between each episode. Well, she still doesn’t have her finger toughness yet (puni puni), but she’s making good progress. Speaking of which, the school festival is coming up soon, and Mugi goes to the staff room to secure a slot on the stage. Well, she can’t do it, cuz the K-ON club isn’t recognized as a real club. Even though they have four members. Even though they already shacked up in the music room with their fancy tea set. Why not? Ritsu never turned in the form.

Good thing Nodoka is in student government. Thing is, they still don’t have a club adviser yet. The natural person to ask is Sawako-sensei, but she’s already the adviser of the tightass club, so she turns them down. Speaking of which, that photo of the old K-ON club… one member in particular looks awfully familiar…

Uh oh. Sawako-sensei has worked hard to shed her old reputation, and she isn’t about to let a bunch of talentless slackers destroy it. She dashes towards the music room to extract the necessary photos from the album in a dizzying flurry of athletic ability only to find… the photo missing.

Ah, flashback time. Turns out, in high school she was a shy girl that finally worked up the courage to confess to a guy, only to have him turn her down, citing her lack of “wildness”. I’ll show him how wild I can be, she says, and proceeds with her epic transformation from barely-wild hot emo chick to KISS fan and finally to Inuyasha, which the guy somehow isn’t down with. What a bastard.

At any rate, Sawachan-sensei says they suck cuz they have no lyrics to their shitty song, so Mio goes home and works on her masterpiece. The last time I remember a scene like this happening is in Full Moon wo Sagashite, where Mitsuki pours her heart and soul into the lyrics – well, hottie Mio with her big headphones and casual clothes gives it her all and writes some doki-doki fuwa-fuwa teenybopper song – but it’s all they got, so whatever.

Along the way, we confirm what was likely to be all along – Mugi is a flaming lesbian.

Yui volunteers herself to be the lead singer, but she can’t play and sing at the same time. Typical. Sensei takes her for some intense training, and upon her return, Yui looks skilled and confident – and has lost her voice. Ehehehe!

Lead singer: Akiyama Mio!


Up next on K-ON!: I’m completely incapacitated from the moe, I need a sponge bath!
Best episode yet! Sensei’s hidden past is all kinds of awesome, and it was pretty hilarious to see her get pissed off at how much the girls suck. Not that I had a problem with them having tea and talking about choco coronet every week, but getting good at music is probably a good thing too.

Couple things:

1. I’m not a fan of sensei’s glasses. They aren’t slutty secretary frames, they aren’t smart sexy frames, they aren’t Haruna-chan lick my feet frames… they aren’t even high school Sawachan-sensei frames. They’re like, shitty Negima frames. Makes her look old and uncool, which is probably exactly what she’s going for, but I still don’t like them. They probably realized that if she were wearing glasses that actually fit, she would look too hot and steal all of Mio and Ui’s thunder, which is just absolutely unthinkable.

2. What’s up with the “Light Music Club”? Sensei’s version of the Keion club doesn’t sound like light music, no matter what era you’re from. Light music is like, what the 3 performed for Yui in the first ep.

3. Liu Xiang has nothing on Sawako-sensei and her under-skirt zettai ryouiki. Speaking of which, is that dude still injured or has he won any major races recently?

4. High school sensei’s impassioned second-attempt confession, blushing through the mask with the “love” kanji pasted on the forehead… baaaahahhahahaha.

5. Yui’s staredown in pic 11 was strangely reminiscent of Haruhi’s “spiritual energy” transfer to Kyon.

6. Anime girls in casual at-home attire with big headphones on is like, really hot. Especially if it’s Mio.

7. Ritsu and sensei’s reaction to Mio’s lyrics… lol.

8. Yui and sensei’s triumphant entrance with the “nice guy” pose, followed by Yui’s “incredible” performance – classic.


  1. From what I’ve read from other blogs it seems that “keiongaku” is a loose term for any non-traditional or non-classical music, not specifically easy listening or pop music.

  2. @Chihiro: Yeah…..something about that shot just doesn’t look right. :/

    @zerofinal: Of course that’s exactly what they were going for. Though obviously being the original and frankly that much cooler, Krauser wins out over sensei.

    @Jaalin: “they aren’t Haruna-chan lick my feet frames…”

    Dude….WTF man…..

  3. while sensei was thinking about the embarrassing album her voice sounded so familiar to me, but I didn’t know from where I had heard her voice before… KANAKO FROM MARIA HOLIC!!!

  4. “2. What’s up with the “Light Music Club”? Sensei’s version of the Keion club doesn’t sound like light music, no matter what era you’re from. Light music is like, what the 3 performed for Yui in the first ep.”

    Maybe it’s literally Light Music Club…. Full of “Lights”: fireworks, neons and somewhats…

    “Along the way, we confirm what was likely to be all along – Mugi is a flaming lesbian.”

    Here here!

    The return of the Enigmatic Moondoggiebuiscuit
  5. if mio would fall in love for some lucky guy and gets rejected (aside from the guy being butchered by fans), she’d probably turn to be like sawako-sensei… aiming to be CRAZY!

    oddly enough, sawako-sensei has traits from the 4 k-on band members. she has mugi’s hair style and “delicacy” pretext, mio’s moe charm and snap mode movements, yui’s genius in guitars and cute antics, and ritsu’s spunk and aggression. if there’s destiny in the world of k-on, aside from the writer’s hand in the development, sawako-sensei is truly meant to guide them (ala twisted jedi master and padawan style).

    i wonder if yui knows that teeth-picking guitar move ~_~

  6. I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!I love Sawako-sensei!

  7. There are a few blog posts out there that talks about the “light music” thing in more detail, but basically it’s a dictionary translation. What it really means is just “popular music” played by a small band, as opposed to classical/orchestra music or traditional Japanese music.

  8. Damn after three episodes of crap they unloaded all the fun in this one. If they can keep it up until the end this could actually turn out to be a win show, but I somehow doubt it.

  9. Any doubt if this show would be as realistic as a standard slice-of-life is completely wiped out with this episode! Nothing in this show could happen- there’s even a main plot!! Every joke worked for me with the exception of Sensei’s revealed split personality complex, which was amusing to watch, but was too cliched, even for K-ON! This is one of the more exciting episodes.

  10. “They aren’t slutty secretary frames, they aren’t smart sexy frames, they aren’t Haruna-chan lick my feet frames… they aren’t even high school Sawachan-sensei frames. They’re like, shitty Negima frames.”

    What the fuck are you even talking about?

    Name (required)
  11. LoL: “omfg… why this teachers don’t exist in real life?”

    They do, they’re just rare. My high school Physics!! teacher both surfed and owned a pizza parlor. Goodly numbers of students hung there on weekends and I know he taught several of us how to surf. By the time class came along, we sometimes forgot he was a teacher, but his deadliness with an eraser or chalk got us back into line. Not as cute as Sawako though.

  12. I read this brief summary and that first thing I thought was “there is no way that OMNI wrote this”. Lo and behold, I was write; Jaalin’s great empire of weeping tears and grimdark loli destruction have struck once again.

  13. Im really hoping that in the end for the main concert they go with the op and ed, or if anything just the ed.

    Anyways great ep. One of the best eps yet. Def looking forward to 06. But man, I want to watch this in 1280×720 but that one day wait is killer.

  14. is it just me or does k-on! remind anyone of lucky star but more plot-driven & about music? and the characters are somewhat similar in personality.. yui –> tsukasa, mio –> kagami, ritsu –> konata, tsumugi –> miyuki. anyhoo, not saying one is better.. and i love it so far, it’s f’n hilarious!


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