
As Dan and company make their way to the moon on-board the star ferry, Iceman continues pushing himself in the competition. However, no matter what he does, he can’t max out the measuring gauge. When Team Basquash finally does arrive, they are greeted by a crowd that recognizes Dan, and Slash announces that Team Basquash is allowed to participate in the Legend League. Iceman is soon reunited with his old teammates, and he feels that Dan has to become the legend. Back on Earthdash, Regalia explains to his daughter that he and Slash were royal brothers, and Slash had gone to the moon to become king. Slash had gone missing though, and Regalia knows that it’s because Slash had tried to use a secret royal family rejuvenation technique with Ultinium. What he doesn’t know though is that his brother had done it because he believed that it would restore the thunder power.

Dan, Sela, and Flora meanwhile have arrived at the arena to face Iceman, Falcon, and Slash. As he watches, Miyuki’s grandfather, who had chatted with Slash earlier, remembers now how it was Slash many years ago who had proposed the idea of Bigfoots. Flora, on the other hand, senses the royal power in him, and she realizes that Team Basquash can’t win with her, so she asks Rouge to take her place. Before the match can begin though, Dan makes one more move: he destroys the monitor showing the measuring gauge because he believes that everyone should be watching the actual game instead. Unbeknownst to them, at around this same time, Yang and Thousand start preparations to fire the Legend Bullet with the Moon Cannon. Regardless, the match begins with Dan hitting the jump ball towards Rouge. Slash, however, demonstrates his Bigfoot’s incredible speed by stealing the ball and quickly scoring a basket.


For the most part, I enjoyed this episode, even if it wasn’t quite what I expected for a next-to-last episode. I thought there’d be more actual Basquash, but Dan gave some nice rousing speeches instead (he had a confident swagger to him the entire time), and it was good to finally hear about Slash’s past. For such a key character though, I think they should have spent even more time fleshing out his background and showing how he came to decide to do everything that he did. Maybe there’ll be more in the finale. It was pretty cool though that we got to see Miyuki’s grandfather, Thousand, and Yang when they were younger; Yang appeared so child-like and impressionable, in stark contrast to how he is now, while Thousand was surprisingly good looking. I was also very amused to see Flora’s clothes magically get ripped off of her out of shock when she saw Slash. That’s one helluva impression he made on her.

What I didn’t like about the episode, however, is once again how they’re developing the relationship drama. Or rather, in this case, how they’re not developing it since all Rouge did towards Miyuki this episode was help her repair a Bigfoot, and it was like the girls had suddenly come to a silent understanding with each other. It seems that every time they show some hint of a love triangle, like they did last week with Rouge staring at Dan and Miyuki together, nothing ever becomes of it. The thing is that I don’t see why they even bother wasting time on it in the first place given how clearly they’ve been setting Dan to end up with Rouge. The only way that won’t happen is if either of them die (which I’m admittedly not willing to rule out yet). On a slightly different note, I also think they’re overusing the opening song now. I love the song itself and think it’s fine if they use it once or twice to make a certain scene extra special, but using it three out of the past four episode makes it lose its effect.

Anyway, given how they didn’t cover a ton of stuff this episode, I’m a bit worried that the finale next week will be rushed, seeing as how Dan still has to show he’s the legend and how Yang still needs to be stopped, plus all the other loose ends they have to tie up. Hopefully that won’t be the case…


  1. I was also very amused to see Flora’s clothes magically get ripped off of her out of shock when she saw Slash. That’s one helluva impression he made on her.

    Lol omni u sound jealous of slashs mad womanising abilities!

  2. You know they’re just going to rush the finale and then end it with a “Basquash! Movie, Summer 2010” or some junk. Apparently making movies that continue a 26 episode series is the cool thing to do these days.

  3. The only guarantee the next episode is Navi getting together with Sela. We all know he is still alive. Heck, they might shrink him down to human size in some magical basqauashing way so he can really be with her. That will be the second kiss in the series. Third if Haruka and James kiss first. It hasn’t happen yet but you can’t help but see it.

  4. they’ll probably cover everything in the last 5 to 10 minutes by showing short scenes of the future. The rest of the episode is about how Dan is the man and he basquashes(?) everyone into the floor or something along those lines.

  5. “It seems that every time they show some hint of a love triangle, like they did last week with Rouge staring at Dan and Miyuki together, nothing ever becomes of it. The thing is that I don’t see why they even bother wasting time on it in the first place given how clearly they’ve been setting Dan to end up with Rouge. ”

    Cause it’s Kawamori. Really though I wish he could have resisted the temptation to include his Macross tropes instead of having the story turn out be as much about Eclipse and idols as it is about Basquash if not moreso depending on the episode. The whole “listen to our song” vibe just seems out of place to the extent that it’s permeated the story ever since Eclipse has been introduced outside of the op/ed and it feels like it’s been fighting with the Basquash aspect rather than complimenting it like it should…..which when I think about it sounds kind of ridiculous and unfortunate since the title of the show is in fact “Basquash” and not “Eclipse”.

    It’s probably my biggest disappointment with how the series has turned out in recent episodes.

    I also have to agree about Navi. When he first got introduced I thought we might have a cool new character on our hands that would add a new spin to the story (even if it felt like more of Kawamori adding unnecessary Macross troping, what with the gentle giant aka Zentraedi vibe he gave off), but then oh no, gotta have moar Eclipse and Dan x Rouge dorama. Heck when Eclipse first got introduced I was actually looking forward to it up to that point, but back then I had no idea that they would all but hijack the show. I’ve said this on animesuki already but I’m also not happy with how James, Slash and Coco have been ignored for such a long time up until now. It’s at least good to see them make an effort to finally fit Slash into the story though, but like Omni I can’t see how this last episode won’t be rushed.

    I predict lots of Eclipse singing (possibly powering Dan up somehow) so that he can deke out Slash and do the legendary dunk or whatever and destroy the Legend bullet while at the same time restoring the power to the Ultinium and stopping the moon from falling.

    Worst case scenario/joke ending: Dan blows it anyway and so it’s up to Eclipse to sing the Oath to Order from Majora’s Mask and save the day on their own.

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