OP Sequence

OP: 「ゴールデンタイムラバー」 (Golden Time Lover) by スキマスイッチ (Sukima Switch)
Watch the OP!: Mirror 1, Mirror 2, Streaming ▼


At a bonfire celebration, Hohenheim drinks with a young Pinako, and the two talk about the strife in their country and about human transmutation in regard to Ed and Al. When Pinako goes off to play with the children, Hohenheim sees another version of himself saying that humans are weak but are their valuable resources. Hohenheim recounts how he’s seen humans repeat the same errors over and over, and he agrees that humans are fragile. Unlike the Homunculus, humans don’t have the strongest weapons or shields, and they get caught up in trivial things. He feels that they can’t do anything against the Homunculus, but Pinako points out that they don’t give up and that trying is better than knowing and doing nothing. The other version of himself then appears though and claims that it’d still be wasted effort and that no one accepts him. He also claims that doing something wouldn’t change anything in reality or in the weakness of humans, and as Hohenheim tries to grapple with this, young Trisha suddenly appears and asserts that things can change. She acknowledges that humans are weak but feels that this is the reason they try hard to become strong. Trisha finishes by suggesting that, if he feels lost, then all he needs to do is to remember the time he spent in Resembool. Hohenheim wakes up shortly thereafter from what he realizes was a dream.

ED Sequence

ED: 「つないだ手」 (Tsunaida Te) by Lil’B
Watch the ED!: Mirror 1, Mirror 2, Streaming ▼

I love a lot of Sukima Switch’s songs, but this one took a little getting used to, particularly as the OP of an action series like FMA. It’s hard for me to describe, but the beat felt a little too funky. The new ending song I liked (and got stuck in my head) immediately though, a lot better than the song Lil’B did for Bleach. As for the animations that went with it, the OP appeared to be filled with spoilers, including the fact that Ling will be joining the Homunculus side. The ending, on the other hand, was double nice because it focused on Winry and the girls.


Much to my surprise, this episode turned out to about 80% recap, framed around the other 20% which was the dream Hohenheim had. The non-recap parts about the worthiness of humans and Hohenheim’s own doubts were actually pretty good, especially with the way it ended with Trisha, but that still leaves most of the episode as material already covered. Speaking of which, the end of it actually confused me because they started playing LET IT OUT and made me think that there wouldn’t be a new ending song, but that turned out to be just an insert song, and as you can see above, there was indeed a new ED. Come to think of it though, I would have thought that they’d save the new OP/ED for a non-recap episode, especially given all the spoilers. In any case, I’d say the episode was still worth a watch, but you probably want to fast forward through all the recap parts if you can.

Of course, because of the recap, the preview ends up being the most exciting, and it looks like big things will be happening with Father and Ling next week.


  1. Hmm, i thought i’d see them getting out of Gluttony this week, but meh recap is fine too if the series rock.

    Not much to say, the thrill is getting better and better, stay out of this show you MI patients.

  2. I wonder why the ED focused so much on winry… They have used the ending song to make an impact on the story, and I wonder if something bad will happen to winry and then cut to the ED

    I’m debating on whether or not to read the manga since I don’t want to spoil the anime

  3. @penguintruth – haha, no, i don’t. but i can’t remember most of the things from there now. and that’s a bad thing, isn’t it. well, sorry, my opinion.
    @Rei – aaaah, yes, chapter 100 of the manga. another good reason why manga makes me forget about the first anime. i think that saying “amazing” and “awesome” wouldn’t do this chapter any justice.

  4. Chapter 53, more or less. Episode 26’s cliffhanger is towards the end of the chapter, but it’s not the chapter’s actual cliffhanger.

    I feel pity for those who don’t read the manga because they don’t want to spoil an inferior product…

    scar wants your cat
  5. @scar wants your cat: Because the anime is not a true faithful adaptation for the manga Imore true towards the beginning, especially where they skip like 2 whole chapters), I’m reading the manga. However, though I already know spoilers up to latest chapter, I’ll refrain from reading future manga volumes until the anime finishes the last part of each volume.

  6. i can’t wait until they get to Briggs! that was probably my favourite arc in the manga 😀

    as for the recap episode, a little dissapointing. haven’t seen it yet, as i’ll be waiting for the subs to be out on monday, but oh well.

  7. (Warning: nothing to do with the episode, so ignore!
    I promised myself that since Brotherhood actually is better than the manga sometimes, I will not read any manga again until the chapers are covered by the anime (in hope of forgetting chapter 55-95)…But now chap. 100 is out and it burns and itches…
    I have failed… ;_; I will go and read it now…*so weak*)

  8. @Unknown Voice – regret? nah, it’s not gonna be regret. Show Spoiler ▼

    few things bother me about the OP – Show Spoiler ▼

  9. It has been publicly announced at several places that the previous voice of Al, Aaron, will be replaced, because as you remember, he was a kid when voicing him, and he since grew up. 🙂 They replaced him with someone relatively new to FUNimation by the name of Maxey Whitehead, and SHE… is supposed to be awesome and a perfect match. Aaron himself will voice another character in this season.

  10. @MidnightTide
    Oh dear, why the hell did I have to read #100 … that totally ruined it for me … but looks like the Manga is nearing it’s end though, so I guess brotherhood will have a proper ending to it.

    Cain is a Scar's fanboy
  11. I love how they showed Trisha the way she looked in the FIRST OP.

    About the Ling spoiler in the OP, dont reallly care since the past couple weeks theres been a troll here spoiling that and more in the comments and Im sure 90% of the readers saw those comments. Aside from that though, i dont get why people say theres “too many spoilers”. The rest are teasers, not spoilers. The 2nd OP showed Roy vs Lust, Ling vs Wrath, Gluttony’s true form. The 1st OP showed young Hohenheim and Xerxes. No one said anything back then. But this new OP shoes ONE spoiler and everyone goes nuts. Like I said, the rest are TEASERS. The reason people see them as spoilers is because theyve read the manga and know what they mean. But for the non-manga readers, they dont what they mean and so theyre only teasers that poke their interests.

  12. P.S.

    Agree with Omni btw, I didnt like the OP song because it just feels out of place with both whats shown in the OP and the series overall. Looks like this’ll be one OP that Ill be skipping for the next 13 episodes.

  13. Great opening.

    Man, that entire opening is better than the first series combined.

    This anime is seriously doing the manga justice now. Took it awhile, but it’s like, orgasmic each episode almost :-!

  14. I’m not completely devestated because of a filler/recap, I love to see more Hohenheim. It would help my memory, too.

    The opening…I don’t know about the song, I have to listen to it a couple of times as usual, but the video ;_; , it made me cry because of the awesome! I will watch every second of it in every new episode and not just jump past it!! I loved it!! Al!! and everything!! And in the end, when Ed didn’t smash the flower… ;_; I don’t know why it got to me this much, but…it’s like it’s own sad story.

    As for the ending: the song was ‘mjeh’ (at least this first time, we’ll see later on). But I loved when Winry was on the phone (guessing with Edo! Anyone else saw that she blushed? or was it wishful thinking from my side?)!

    *waiting for the episode*

    And the little girl was totally Trisha! A bit creapy…

  15. and lots lots lots ishval-flashback in the opening, i noticed…(I think, if I remember right, I found that part pretty boring, eh…I hope I was wrong, ’cause I don’t wan’t anything about FMA to be boring!)

  16. and chapter 100 (sry, this doesn’t belong here, I know I know…I’m really sorry, but none of my friend know about FMA (I live in sweden) and I have to vent a bit), but I read it and…
    Show Spoiler ▼

    Again: sorry sorry sorry! lol, I have posted four comments, and haven’t even watched the episode yet!

  17. @penguintruth

    “Hey, remember all those recap episodes the first series had? Oh, that’s right, none.”

    Hey, remember how much better the first series was than this? Oh, that’s right, it sucked.

  18. Filler episode was a filler. But the OP was worth it totally. I don’t like the song much, but the animation was killer.

    Except for the poker face line in the song. I loved it. Can’t read my, Can’t read my, no he can’t read my poker face. Muh Muh Muh Maa. (sorry)

  19. @Lily
    I’m wondering, if you don’t have any friends to share your opinions about the manga, why not join a forum? Lots of FMA fans are there, and it’s a great place to share opinions, and make friends too :}
    I also loved the OP sequence very much. Full of awesome scenes. And there’s one very beautiful scene that I like, in which Ed looks like he’s floating in the water and in the background, Al!! What a pity Omni didn’t use it for the caps!
    About the ED, yes, I also think Winry is talking to Ed on the phone, and you didn’t imagine about the blush, I saw it too <3

  20. im so glad next episode ling becomes *SPOILER* greed *SPOILER* greed was originally not my favorite homunculus ( Envy was because his character is just so fun to watch and although hes def not the strongest one his powers are just awesome and his personality perfectly fits his name) but after ling combines with greed hes just so much cooler and also there are parts in the story later on when *SPOILER* ling can control greeeds powers and its just too cool *SPOILER*

  21. I agree that some spoilers in the opening were a little too much, but it’s not like they were RIGHT THERE, a lot of them were subtle.

    Though, already reading the manga, it didn’t bother me and I loved seeing a sneak preview of things coming, like Armstrong. 🙂

    I really really hope they do a better job portraying Hohenheim this episode compared to the last one he was in…

  22. @Cornwiggle

    True. I actually didnt notice Ling the first time. My focus went to Sloth, and as I was thinking “cool, Sloth’s in the OP”, the scene changed to another shot. Like I said before, aside from Ling, the rest of the “spoilers” are teasers. Example. That of shot of Ed floating in the water that Camile was talking about, a non-manga reader has no idea what that means, therefore he/she is not spoiled.

  23. Usually I’m not one for recap episodes because I feel like I’m getting ripped off, but this completely changed my perspective.

    This episode should be the benchmark for how to do a successful recap episode, it was simply amazing. The focus on Hohenheim is definitely appreciated because he never seems to take the spotlight, so this episode for him is long overdue. As well, I love how it ties everything back to FMA and continue to tease us.

    BONES, I applaud you. For 28 episodes, you have shown us that you have stepped your game up and done FMA proud. Keep up the spectacular work.

  24. Recap is recap.
    I did like that they put some effort into how it was told though.
    Maybe some of you guys who read the manga and watched 1st series find this episode boring (that goes for me too), but my friend who only watches Brotherhood liked it, because she needs some down time after so many orgasm-y episodes in a row, and a recap brought the important points together for her.

    But even if you didn’t like the recap, suck it up. It’s not the product of Satan and it didn’t ruin character development (like Ep. 13) or the series in general. Just move on to Ep. 28 when it comes out.

    Also, one second of Show Spoiler ▼

    and everybody starts freaking out. But I loved the OP. I don’t like the singer’s voice much, but the lyrics match epically with the series.

  25. I’ve read the manga, and I liked this episode. It really brings quite a bit together and it’s extremely well done. Particularly because it’s not ‘this is what’s happened’, it’s showing what everyone is fighting for. Pinako’s statement about why humans struggle was beautiful too (I remember writing a short story about how immortality creates apathy and her words just hit home to the story)

  26. I don’t see how the OP has any spoilers in it..

    I mean, look at it this way.

    For those of you who have read the manga, you’d notice spoilers in the OP, sure. But then technically they aren’t spoilers because you already knew those things would happen.
    And for those of us who haven’t read the manga, we won’t know that whatever it is you see as a spoiler IS a spoiler unless YOU spoil it for us.

    Get my meaning?

  27. I freaked out when I saw the manga and knew what had happened to Ling… even tho he is seeking immortality, I still find it too much to take.

    And hey, izit me or is Pinako getting shorter as she grew older?? Or is there any other Pinako that we didn’t know? LOLz

  28. Actually, for a recap, this was pretty good. The arrangement of previous material really helped crystallize a few things that I hadn’t fully realized. (For instance, the similarity between the layout of Central and a certain ominous symbol) And the framing stuff with Hohenheim was very poetic.

    The spoilers in the OP seemed mostly more of a tease than anything. They were subtle enough to make one who hasn’t read the manga (like me) fly into wild speculation, but not so obvious that I could easily predict the future plot.
    In fact, I don’t think that I would’ve noticed a certain future traitor in the new OP unless SOMEBODY had pointed him out. DX Talk about spoilers!

  29. Kinda a useless episodes but I guess they needed time to space out the manga and series? Also I agree I wouldn’t have noticed a certain someone in the OP if Omni didn’t point him out 🙁

  30. I thought that even though it was a recap episode it did a good job developing Hohenhim as a character for people who have not read the manga. I liked the new OP and Ending(why couldnt they save it till next week though?) I have a major complaint however, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO OLIVIA’S LIPS?

  31. I didn’t notice the identity of the kid and teenager was Trisha. The episode became awesomer when you pointed it out. The recap parts were okay because it at least highlighted the best parts of the previous episodes. The OP and ED are great. Ed not smashing the flowers and Lan Fan in the wind are my favorite parts.

  32. What a scatterbrained episode! Did anyone pause it on the closeups of the newspaper Hughes was reading at 3:14? It is a copy of a Los Angeles Times newspaper article on the Rodney King beatings, which caused the LA Riots… it even mentions videocameras and TV! A bit anachronistic much? Especially for an alternate reality Germany in the early 20th century… After it cuts away from the newspaper, it shows what I think is the only black character in the entire series – Hughes’ assistant. Coincidence? Weird.

  33. Maybe it’s just me but I think the opening/ending themes of Brotherhood parallel the music in the 1st season. 😀

    again is ballad like Melissa
    Hologram is more of an upbeat song –> READY STEADY GO
    Golden Time Lover… kinda like UNDO… well the chorus at least

    and the 3rd ending of Brotherhood also features Winry, as the first season did. XD

  34. No complaints here (except on those who complain… =.=). I liked the episdoe, I was enlightened, and felt smart, and sorry first, but then the humans were pictured a little nicer, and then I got happy. And it does not matter the slightets if/that this was filler, cause he was dreaming, as you noticed, so nothing really happened, just some awesome deep philisofical thoughts!

    aaaaaaannnnnnd….THERE YOU GO: I love the opening-song! (I knew I would, it’s like a curse; FMA- themes…)


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