Show Spoiler for Naruto Chapter 472 ▼
While I’m a bit disappointed that the Kisame/Bee fight basically came down to a chakra suckfest (with a shark trying to drown an octopus), I was pretty amused by the fact that Samehada chose delicious-tasting jinchuuriki chakra over loyalty to Kisame. Cue annoyed owner’s football punt above. I don’t approve of animal cruelty in the slightest, but I just saw that whole scene as a pet dog taking a liking to someone else, causing the owner to kick his own dog out of disgust. It was almost like, “Alright go get him! Wait, why the hell are you licking his feet!?” Kisame may have won the fight, but that was some pretty good self-ownage by his sword.
Aside from that, I couldn’t help but laugh at the descriptive diagrams explaining how Kisame’s huge bubble of water moves with him and how leading him in the opposite direction would allow Punta and Sabu-chan to escape. It’s at moments like these that Naruto really comes off as a shounen manga, making me imagine the eyes of young kids just lighting up when they read that part. I can’t help but picture a light bulb instantly switching on in their heads along with the thought, 「ああ、なるほどね。」 “Ah, I see.” What didn’t sit so well with me is how drowning is still an issue here. I mean, the ninjas in this world have unreal control of chakra and can stick to surfaces, walk on water, clone themselves, throw balls of pure energy, create huge pools of floating water, turn into huge monsters, and a whole lot more, but they can’t for the life of them generate a pocket of air with some oxygen in it. Sorry to say, but my suspension of disbelief just breaks down there. -_-;
Yeah yeah, I know it’s just a manga, but that doesn’t mean I can’t poke fun at it!
Snorkels aren’t that expensive.
Watch Killerbee fuse with Samehada…
Once you go black……
Hmmm…can`t wait to see Killerbee use Samehada, cause I don`t think that swords down just yet. And, as usual, the star of the manga is nowhere to be seen….
And yes. I do wanna see Killerbee and Nartuo meet. Thy might become best buds, like what happened to Gaara.
The sword is actually alive!?!
Now that is hilarious! A great and silly weakness to a overkill weapon. I hope it kills Kisame because I’ve been cheering for Killerbee the whole time. When the sword betrayed him the whole thing sounded like a romance drama.
“You’re leaving me….for him?”
“Sorry Kisame. He satisfies me in ways you never could.”
So the reason Suigetsu and Guy were not about to wield Samehada wasn’t because Samehada was bound to Kisame. They just didn’t have a large enough chakra supply in order to satisfy Samehada.
Killer Bee is simply awesome I’m still hoping he wins this fight. And the whole twist with Samehada switching sides was a nice surprise. I don’t think anyone’s seen that coming.
Kisame win the fight and his sword betray him >.>
I hope at the end of this arc, Kisame is still alive, it would be lame to kill him now
Aaaaaaaah naruhodo ne… hehe.
FOOTBALL!!! its a field goal lol, I hope killer bee dies just because he can control the 8-tail and if meets naruto then Naruto might be friends with 9 -tails and then Naruto can be another rational character in the manga. I like berserk 9-tails
That water cannot float at midair, so why not Bee swimming upward?
lol like watching your dog humping someone elses leg
Queenie, thats impossible you can’t be friends with a hiphopper.
Don’t forget Bee turns into a giant bull octopus . . . You’d think the octopus part in all of it’s mighty demi god like power would be able to sustain it’s host in the 8 tail’s element. Wait didn’t Killberbee hide as a tentacle for god who knows how long in the water(chap 419)?
Punta and Sabu are from the Samurai clan, not the ninja clan, right? And I think the chakra thing only works when you’re not getting swamped by stronger chakra anyways.
Hmm… Octopus bull shark?
That chapter was so crap lol..
Im to late WHAT i wanted to say was we should petition Samehada transform into a beautiful women to protect Bee i mean it cant be any more ridiculous then what has just happend.
Two things in my mind:
Shark fin soup
Tempura squid tentacles.
Anyone Hungry???
Why does the chapter remind me more and more of Bleach? Maybe it was the Zanpakutō….I mean, Samehada with emotions and thoughts. And the Bankai was the whole fusion thingy. Soon will see the spirit of Samehada, and we’ll be inside the sword talking on a sideways building…
Yeah. I can’t wait for the next chapter.
“You’re leaving me….for him?”
“Sorry Kisame. He satisfies me in ways you never could.”
Kisame: *falcon kick!*
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think the issue here was not necessarily air but rather, Killerbee’s running out of chakra (hence the problems with air) and also hachibe’s running out of chakra. As for the other two…they are just weak. The sword punting was rather funny though. Wonder what happens next XD
Well think about it, if you are signing up for classes at ninja school and you have a choice between flaming fireballs from the mouth jutsu class, or common sense jutsu class, which one are you going to choose?
Paradoxically, the common sense answer is the flaming fireballs from the mouth jutsu class.
man this is disapointing, this fight was just getting epic and now its obvious that kisame is gonna die. he dosent have Sameheada anymore so all killerbee has to do is flip over and stab him.
@divine, that is why i believe its has become somewhat borderline “magic” instead of ninjutsu. i miss the days of hand seals, that was one of the real reasons i liked Naruto. I guess it was too much of a hassle and waste of space to illustrate hands seals.
Aria, meet Samehada. Samehada, meet Aria.
I don’t think turning your mouth into some flamethrower (happened in the old days of hand seals) is any less or more magical than creating a water bubble. They’re both just summoning up elements.. however one is way less ‘common’ to appear in manga with ~powers~ so it may seem more farfetched.
As for the air thing. I think in this case, Bee would have to summon some air to create an air bubble. Not possible since he doesn’t have the affinity. I don’t expect Sakura to summon water to douse something on fire, although that seems like the convenient thing to do.
if naruto was on that bubble water he would have used futon shuriken there and create a mega whirlpool sending flying kisame =P
oh and i bet the sword likes naturo’s chakra better, since he has 3 times, i wonder if the sword will turn in to a frog sword of stone or something if he sucks to much sage chakra
Man if Bee can wield Samehada he is going to be unbeatable, can’t wait to see what happens
lol kisame was like wtf, but if it fed off chakra why was samehada giving bee chakra. Wait maybe since most that chakra was from the 8tails. Bee gain some kind of control over it. Whatever the case Kisame is done for since everyone is searching for Bee and his sword just betrayed him. I wonder who is going to get the honor.Anybody except Naruto I hope let the other characters develop Kishi jeez
See I thought kisame was some sort of invincible monster but it turns out he’s just another retard who can transform into a pokemon…………. though i must say kicking Samehade is pretty intense, I wouldn’t try a stunt like that with out steel toed boots at least….
Did you not read the prvioius chapter where Kisame used hand signs to unleash his underwater jutsu and transformation?
Argh, why don’t you cover Naruto episodes every week now you started about the manga.
I can answer that question pretty easily.
Reasons for covering the manga and not the anime are:
1.) It doesn’t take nearly as long to write about one chapter of a manga compared to one episode of an anime.
2.) The anime is seemingly never-ending, so that’s not a lifetime commitment I want to take on.
3.) The anime is plagued with poorly written fillers, which I’d rather not write about since I rarely enjoy them.
all the shounen characters seem to suck in the water, it’s like a running gag lol
I just had to.
kisame gotta lose to Bee cuz Bee gonna hav to teach Naruto how to control the 9 Tails. ^.^
I thought that was lame and killerbee sucks and they should show more of Sasuke
I wonder what that sounded like lmao
“I wonder what that sounded like lmao”
I imagine that it’d sound a whole lot like a scraping thud type thing….I mean that bad boy has gotta scratch something before it kicks LAUNCHED into the air (Sorry i had to emphasize that kick, think Captain Falcon’s Falcon kick mixed in with a little 50-yd field goal attempt)
Here’s my two cents on what happens: Bee somehow gets Raiton armor and negates Kisame’s futile attack, then the combined power of Samhada (dude HAS to be hella pissed that he got kicked like that) and Bee+ 8Tails do some gattai and just utterly wipe Kisame off the face of the earth, with some cruel Octopus killing shark irony.
hey didn’t that buble of water made its first appereance in the Zabuza arc? when Zabuza trapped Kakashi in that? O.o
and I vote for Bee’s death, Berseker!9-Tails FTW!
That’s it? I really should stop reading this crappy manga
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