It’s time for the Fourth Annual Reader’s Choice Poll!

This year, we’re changing the poll in a few key ways:

  • There are now two polls. One poll is for all regularly broadcast series and the other is for OVAs, ONAs, and movies.
  • You now get three votes for the regularly broadcast series poll and one vote for the OVA/ONA/movie poll. This lets you choose your top three for the year instead of just top one, which in past years has skewed the poll towards certain shows.
  • You can write-in your favorite show or OVA/ONA/movie if it’s not on the list. However, if you choose to write-in a title that doesn’t qualify (see below), then that’s basically wasting a vote.
  • The criteria for a series being included on the regularly broadcast series list is that it had to have been a complete TV series that ended in 2009. The general idea here is that you can’t really judge a series until it’s over, and that means that fans of shows like Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood will have to wait until next year’s poll. The criteria for a series being included on the OVA/ONA/movie list is just that it has to have been released in 2009 on DVD or online. This means that Summer Wars does not qualify this year. Still, if there’s anything you think that deserves to be put as an option on either list that isn’t already there, then feel free to email me, and I’ll add it.

    These polls will close on Friday, January 1st, 2010 at approximately 08:00 AM GMT.
    I’ve extended voting 24 hours. These polls will now close on Saturday, January 2nd 2010 at approximately 08:00 AM GMT.

    The poll is now closed. The results will be announced soon!


    1. Clannad ~After Story~
      Pandora Hearts
      Skip Beat!
      i chose those three
      would have loved to add Umineko no Naku Koro ni as a fourth vote though “^^
      that series kept surprising me all the way

    2. If Yawn Koi, Endless Haruhi or Batemonogatari win anything it shows just how gullible anime fandom is these days. Eve no Jikan was excellent. Also, not that I’m complaining, but where’s Chi’s New Address? 🙂

    3. Picking favorites is difficult. To the extent I even assemble such things internally it would be on a per-genre basis or by categorical strengths like writing/voice talent/animation/character design. Now I’m starting to feel like an indecisive harem lead.

    4. With ought a doubt (1#)bakemonogatari will win all you have to do is look at other blogging sites and their top anime series of the year and bakemonogatari has either been number one or top 3.

      I think (2#)toradora would have been more popular if it aired more recently

    5. Woot, glad there’s a vote thing. I liked several of those anime and choosing just 3 was hard. I thought Xam’d would be on the 2nd list tho because it’s an ONA, guess not.
      Soul Eater

      Bleach movie, don’t think I’ve seen Kara no Kyoukai 7 yet.

    6. I had to go with spice and wolf 2, skip beat and the 3rd i finally decided on hayate after debating between k-on, sasameki koto, and a couple others for the 3rd spot.

      I ended up going with negima for the ova since the last negima ova was absolutely amazing and everything the series should have been. kissxsis and shana are the runner ups.

    7. i thought this year was crap, but seeing so many awesome animes .. i am relieved ^^
      voted for:
      soul eater (ok started last year)
      toradora (started also last year)
      xam’d (did this start last year?)

      hmm maybe this year was crap…. 🙁

    8. Series:
      1. Kuroshitsuji => Humor, check. Mystery, check. Fighting, check. Weird people, check.
      2. Clannad -After Story- => Loved Clannad, loved after story even more =)
      3. Darker than Black: Ryuusei no Gemini => Awesome story, a bit rushed in the end, but nonetheless good

      1. Eve no Jikan => The setting (the future, robots, etc) captivated me

      Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s anything interesting (besides Durarara!!) this winter. Is it me or is anime losing quality (not just animation-wise, but story,etc) these days?

    9. Just my humble opinion, 2009 has not been a great year for anime; the recession has clearly hit the market pretty hard. Again, 2008 was also much worse than 2007, but really, few years can compare to the greatness that was 2007.

      The only two shows that I think I will still remember years from now are Clannad AS and Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, in that order. I feel that TM 8.0 has not received enough attentions, in particular compared to the inconclusive Eden of the East. Seriously, TM 8.0 has been by the far the best Noitamina show since Honey & Clover 2.

      This said, I think that one of Clannad AS, Toradora or Bakemonogatari will take top take spot, and Omni’s best of the year will be either Eden of the East or Clannad AS.

    10. No offense Omni u should have broken it down to a spring/fall type of list cause this list is WAYYYYYYYY TOOOOO LONG… i was gOnna go for the mass picks but i think ill pick Koukaku no Regios (Chrome Shelled Regios) as it was one of the few animes i rlly couldnt wait to see the next episode ending wasnt great but at least kept the possibility of a second season maria x holic was also great and cant wait for the 2nd part… I picked Cencoroll because it was well worth the wait and was actually pretty great

    11. Pikow: Xam’d also got a regular broadcast on MBS.

      gigg44: Summer Wars doesn’t qualify because it’s not out on DVD in Japan until 2010. It’s the same reason the list doesn’t have the Macross F movie or the Eden of the East movie.

      Tonameki: Huh, I don’t know how I missed that. Added.

      Links: It was very hard to reconcile this because it’s a bit of a special case but in the end I decided to keep it since the main series is over and the rest are essentially OVA/ONA episodes.

      sourrooster: It depends on if you count Halo Legends as an ONA or an OVA. If it’s an OVA, then it doesn’t qualify because the DVD isn’t out until 2010. If it’s an ONA, then it might count. Either way, you can write it in.

      haohmaru: See what I said to gigg44.

    12. Okay, CLANNAD/Eden of the East/White Album were in the top of my list. Now before I get swamped with a reason why I went with White Album was because of the 2nd season of it. If you go through, you would see how underrated it became. The way it ended blew my mind away and I was totally shocked. Compared to the last season? The director was different. With the second season it changed to someone that made a train wreck into a masterpiece and that’s very difficult to do, thus it gets a medal in my book. As for the OVA’s? Went with the Kyou chapter of CLANNAD, it made me cry haha

    13. IF FOR ANY REASON the endless haruhi wins they r just plain hardcores or they just cant pick any other good shows to watch. Gundam is surely going to be on the top 3 cmon lots of ppl who comes here r gundam loving folks(i didnt vote gundam cus i know it will still be top 3). toradora better be at the top 3 cus its one of my favorite of all time clannad will be a tough to beat as the best romance anime of the year. I like the clannad after story cus it touch me in a good way not the dirty way! XD. I hope next years line up would have more heartwarming stories. Less perversion if possible, but hopefully NO MECH ANIME IN 2010.

      Hoping toradora wins as number 1 cus its awesome!

    14. Halo Legends is being broadcast on xbox live so I guess that would make it an ONA but it hasn’t finished airing and the DVD won’t be released till next year. I guess it’ll have to wait till next year.

      Thanks for clarifying what does and doesn’t count Omni.

    15. TV series
      1. Asura Cryin – season 2 was Epic
      2. K-on – just a very fun show to watch ” moeee moeee cue” XD.
      3. Sora no Otoshimono – Flying pantsu, exploding pantsu robot, and Quantium gender changing machine, need I say more.
      Theres many more good show I enjoy like Bakemonogatari! but where is episode 14 & 15, just for that fact is not finish kind of ruin it for me. I had a hard time picking between Asura Cryin and Koukaku no Regios (Chrome Shelled Regios), but storyline of Asura Cryin Season 2 was just too epic to overlook.

      Kiss X Sis – this one a bit tougher since there a lot that I enjoy like Clannad ~After Story~ Kyou OVA, Ichigo Mashimaro encore, Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari, To Hearts 2 AD plus and many more. But bottomline I think Kiss X Sis is the one that make me laugh the most.

    16. Toradora was the best anime i’ve seen this year. Voted as well with Hayate and Seitokai no Ichizon

      Clannad After story will be in the top 3 guaranteed (but i didnt vote for it)
      Bakemonogatari will be in the top 3 but it doesnt deserve it cause its as much otaku pandering as K-ON.

      The third top 3 spot is either gonna go to Toradora or Eden of the East by the comments im seeing…but Gundam has a good chance as well

    17. Personally, I enjoyed Zoku Natsume, Tales of the Abyss and Taishou Yakyuu Musume the most in broadcast series category. I liked Eve no Jikan the most in the OVA/ONA/movie. But I was only able to finish about sixty of the anime listed so I can only go by the anime finished. 🙁

    18. Wish I could have done Natsume Yuujinchou and 07-Ghost and Kuroshitsuji, but I haven’t ACTUALLY seen those, just read the manga…. and my real choices just trumped those guys… sorry peeps. Maybe next time.

      Kit Kat
    19. heck… wasn’t easy… espescially choosing only one movie/ova/ona..

      evangelion for the movie… and…
      clannad after story, koukaku no regios and x’amd:lost memories for the series…

    20. bakemonogatari
      clannad after story

      it’s a hard choice… the ones that i’ve picked up are the ones that moved me emotionally…
      there are some animes i want to include as well,.,
      special mention to: eden of the east, nyan koi, k-on!!
      i consider them winners as well…

    21. Here’s how I voted:

      Soul Eater

      Favorite OVA:
      Mahou Sensei Negima “Another World” series

      Lots of good anime this past year — was hard to decide on these 🙂

    22. For Everyone Mentioning Summer Wars:
      Summer Wars doesn’t qualify because it’s not out on DVD in Japan until 2010. It’s the same reason the list doesn’t have the Macross F movie or the Eden of the East movie.

    23. Animes:

      Clannad After Story
      Spice and Wolf II


      Kara no Kyoukai.

      The animes were fairly easy for me to choose :P. But if Kara no Kyoukai does not win the movie category, I call sabotage!

    24. Clannad ~After Story~ (One of my favorites in general)

      For OVA I choose “Other: Hellsing OVA #7” because I felt that it narrowly beat Evangelion and it was one of the best installments so far in the Hellsing series.

    25. I voted for :

      Sasameki Koto
      and Nyan koi.

      they were my favorites that I watched. After I voted I noticed that Toradora was on it though. I would have switched it with nyan koi if I had noticed earlier. XD

    26. Man this year was too good. Casshern, Clannad AS, Aoi Bungaku, Trapeze, Hajime no Ippo, Gundam 00, Phantom, Shin Mazinger, Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou, Bantorra, etc. It was quite difficult to vote.

      The movie one was quite easy, but I still liked both Cencorrol and Kara no Kyokai 7 a lot. But I ended up voting for KNK because it was an amazing experience to watch.

      I think that Bakemonogatari will win, but I never found what was so good about it at all.

    27. Holy crap it’s so freakin’ hard to decide, this year has LOTS of good anime. Well, in the end I voted:
      Favorite anime
      1.Soul Eater

      Don’t know, Hajime no Ippo should be on the list, as well as Sora no Otoshimono, oh well.

      Favorite movie
      1.Kara no kyoukai – there’s really no need of an explanation why I chose this lol

    28. 11eyes, Guin Saga and Saki got my votes, because they’re the only anime I watched that ended this year. 😛 The OVA was a toss-up between the delicious ecchi of KissxSis and the new Bleach movie … guess which I picked.

      The in-between season of anime is killing me, whatever scores high in this poll is what I’m probably gonna work on watching next. In the meantime I’m going through Hellsing Ultimate, what an OVA series …

    29. Bakemonogatari, Eden of the East and Hayate no Gotoku. Honestly Hayate was borderline there were several other options that deserved a vote (Sora no Otoshimono was done wonderfully for example), but it was something I looked forward to every week, and after the abortion that was most of the first season it deserved some recognition 😉

    30. @heyhey

      One really needs to read Omni’s post before asking:

      “The general idea here is that you can’t really judge a series until it’s over, and that means that fans of shows like Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood will have to wait until next year’s poll.”

      Anime Junkie
    31. wow, that was pretty hard to choose…
      how can you put movies, ova and ona together on the same category and make me vote for only one?! XD

      by the way, I voted negima, meaning the “mou hitotsu no sekai” ova.

    32. the 3 anime – Clannad ~After Story~, Eden of the East, Sora no Otoshimono
      movie – Eve no Jikan

      I rather have a tough time choosing the movie between it and Clannad’s DVD OVA, with both of them extremely heart breaking in their own right

      …and the anime, the 3 way tie between choosing Clannad, Eden, or Gundam…choosing 2 of them’s tough

      (how come I got a feeling K-ON!’s gonna be in the top 10…and not Toradora?)

    33. @grunty

      Hetalia is still a month or so from finishing. As Omni as mentioned in his post intro and in the comments, an entire series needs to have been completed within this year to qualify for this year’s poll no matter if its 1-2 episodes or a month away from completing. If its not in this year’s poll, it will be in next year’s.

      Anime Junkie
    34. – Clannad After Story
      – Eden of the East
      – Skip Beat
      – Clannad Kyou

      My next runner ups would be Toradora! or Darker than Black or Spice & Wolf… but I’m indifferent to the OVA/Movie list

    35. – Sengoku BASARA
      – Eden of the East
      – Bakemonogatari

      Honorable mentions :
      – One Outs
      – Kemono no Souja Erin
      – Xam’d
      – Canaan
      – Needless
      – Sora no Manimani
      – Gundam 00 second season

      – Eve no Jikan

      Honorable mentions :
      – Hellsing Ultimate
      – Summer Wars

    36. Why only 3?!?
      Looking at that list I realize that 2009 has been a solid year for anime.

      Bakemonogatari can’t lose.
      ToraDora was crazy good.
      Eden of the East I liked.. for some reason more than K-On! Sorry Mio-chan!
      (Doh! Kimi ni Todoke completely slipped my mind… that would bump the other three easily)

      And yeah… Ova, Eve no Jikan was brilliant.

    37. My votes are for:

      Chrome Shelled Regios
      Sora no Otoshimono
      Darker Than Black 2
      (It was dificul to vote only 3)

      And the vote for OVA/Movie is for:

      Bleach: Fade to Black
      (with a special mention for Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Guren-hen, that i didn’t vote because it’s a great movie (of a great anime)but it’s just a resume of the anime)

      Shadow Strife
    38. i love (2 episode)Tsubasa Chronicle: Shunraiki best of OVA or OAD very touching almost me tears come out.Also this is BEST this year 2009

      kurokami, asura cryin ,darker than black S2 this the best this year 2009

    39. Aoi Bungaku, by quite a long way.
      Higashi no Eden comes a close second place. Other notables are Trapeze, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0, Spice & Wolf 2. After that maybe Darker than Black 2. Aoi Bungaku got worse as it went on, and it ended as some stupid teen lovey-dovey crap, but the first 2-3 arcs deserve credit.

      Kara no Kyoukai is the only possible choice for OVA. Eve no Jikan comes 2nd.

      But then again, you people are tasteless, so I’m guessing some Code Gay-Ass type show will win again. >_>

    40. Out of this years i was certainly most pleased by:
      Casshern Sins
      Eden of East
      Phantom ~Requiem of the Phantom~
      though i enjoyed some other too, these were really new series that hooked me. they all had good animation and a good story =)

      as for the ova’s too bad i could only pick one, cause for me it where Shunraiki and Shunmuki. though i liked the shunraiki a bit more cause of the action 🙂 i just love how the 2 crossed storylines in the 2 different ova’s. really good clamp works.

    41. I chose Afterstory, K-On, and Kemeno. Kemeno was an amazing 50 story fantasy series that got very little buzz but was really well made. If it had a wekness it was the overuse of the same music throughout the whole series. But other then that it was a great story. It reminded me of “old school” anime. It was about a girl named Erin that came from a family of beastmasters. She raised this giant flying creature from a baby to an adult and her not wanting her animal friend Lilan used as a tool of war. Watch it if you get a chance.

    42. Tough choices other than Eden
      Eden of the East
      Skip Beat! (Just damn funny)
      Sora no Otoshimono (refreshing male lead)

      Some really had scenes that stuck in my mind but not enough to vote
      Bakemonogatari (Good storytelling style, the crab episode and the little spirit girl)
      Hayate no Gotoku (the maid spirit episode, Maria was just funny)
      Gundam (when Trans Am Burst happened, Setsuna’s VA was really good)
      Saki (“You going to take that? No, i would lose if i did that but…. ” 4xKan, ultimate turn around, great atmosphere)
      Toradora (Last ep, hiding in the closet)

    43. I was disappointed that Summer Wars was not on the Movies/OVA list. This latest feature from Mamuro Hosoda (Girl Who Leapt Through Time) will be considered a classic with it’s emotionally well-written story filled with social commentary on online networking and it’s imaginative and detailed animations and musical score. I believe that “Girl Who Leapt Through Time” and “Summer Wars” are proof that Hosoda may be this generation’s Miyazaki down the line.

    44. i had to go with kuroshitsuji, nyan koi and maria-holic, and the xxxholic OVA. no, they weren’t award-winning, plot-wise, but nyan koi and maria-holic cracked me up consistently. that’s all i ask of my anime – entertainment.

    45. I wont pretend to have wathed everything on this list (not by a long shot) but from what i did watch/know about there was some serious garbage this year!! (making my choice that much harder because nothing was truly great!!)

    46. For TV series, I voted Canaan (great story and characters), Casshern (very poignant), and Shin Mazinger (An epic tribute to Nagai Go’s work). For movies, I voted for Rakkyou #7 (The ending made me cry sensitive tears because it was just that beautiful).

    47. Very hard choice but I know many will vote for CLANNAD After Story so I went to vote for Seitokai no Ichizon.
      Eden of The East

      And Cencoroll though I know it’s quite low-key.

    48. Top three series for this year would have to be:
      Clannad After Story
      Skip Beat

      Also liked To Aru Majutsu no Index, Darker Than Black Ryuusei no Gemini, and Gundam 00

      As for OVA/Movie:
      Kara no Kyoukai FTW!

    49. BAKEMONOGATARI – I was so happy to see that it was on the list, the dialouges are just epic, the animation is amazing (I love you SHAFT) and the story is crazy. Though I dislike the “censoring” during most of the fights.

      CLANNAD ~AFTER STORY~ – Before I knew I could vote for 3 shows I had decided to vote for Clannad, again awesome animation (Kyoani is awesome) the story was so… *cries* I get all teary-eyed just by listening to the OP. I was always prepared for crying every time I was gonna watch a new episode. I really miss it and no matter what people think of Clannad (those who dislike it) it won’t change my opinion about it, I think it’s one of the best animes out there.

      ZOKU NATSUME YUUJINCHOU – Don’t think that most people would like this kind of show, I was actually unsure wether I should’ve picked MARIA HOLIC or ZKY, but I felt that ZKY was done so well without the great animation that I usually need to enjoy a show, without all the action, comedy and romance I would want all my animes to have. It was just so pure and beautiful and it grew on me (though it took some time for me to realize how much I liked it the time was well spent) so I think it at least deserves my vote. Besides I already voted for a SHAFT series so MARIA HOLIC didn’t get my vote.

      CLANNAD ~AFTER STORY~ KYOU OVA – I actually haven’t watched so many OVAs, movies or whatever so I guess I gave my vote to KYOU OVA, it was good but even though Kyou is one of my fave characters in Clannad I still don’t like her part of the story so much because it got alot of Ryou too. Sorry to all of you who like Ryou.

    50. i carefully choose the best this year anime

      (2episode)Tsubasa Chronicle: Shunraiki best of OVA or OAD very touching almost me tears come out

      kurokami, asura cryin ,darker than black S2 this the best this year 2009

      As you know i choose this 3 and OVA/OAD carefully because all show i watch only this 3 give me very deep impression and story is good that keep you keep watching

    51. 11eyes
      and To Heart 2 AD

      2009 showed a promising selection for me. I liked the others beyond my vote such as Kampfer, Purezza, and Sora no Otoshimono. But it was a hard decision to let them go. *sigh*

    52. Michiko to Hatchin
      Darker than Black 2 – although I wasn’t 100% about this because of the ending.

      I’m surprised so few people chose Michiko to Hatchin, I thought it was a really great series.

    53. Series: Bakemonogatari
      Clannad Afterstory – though it seems like at least a year or two since it was out
      Eden of the east

      OVA: DOGS: Bullet and carnage

      tbh I didn’t see Kara no Kyoukai and would have gone for it instead, suspect that may win anyway…

      General Cox
    54. Since we have fewer categories (and no voting by genre), here are my sci-fi/fantasy bias:

      Best Anime (my picks):

      – Bakemonogatari (No other anime will even come close.)

      – Rideback (Something new about robot sci-fi.)

      – Xam’d (The plot is well thought out. I like the fact that parents play a significant role in the story, unlike most traditional Japanese animes that lack family values.)

      Honorable Mention:

      – Kuuchuu Buranko (Definitely one of the best cult series of all time. An acute critique of problems in the Japanese society.)

      – Kemono no Souja Erin (Another masterpiece by Uehashi Nahoko, author of “Seirei no Moribito”. Packed with subtle messages about the conflict between “father” and “mother” in a Japanese household.)

      – Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 (A rare anime that really tries to dig into the meaning of death for younger audience.)

      Sequels that I think should NOT be counted in the TV series, even though they are excellent:
      – Spice and Wolf II
      – Zan Sayonara Zetsubou-sensei (I voted for it in the OVA section.)
      – Zoku Natsume Yuujin-chou

    55. Ahh~~~ I would have voted for “Eve of Jikan” in the OVA section if I saw it earlier. Again, perhaps this is another sci-fi bias from me. But you have to agree that this series is excellent in its own right.

    56. OVAs was a tough choice… I ended up voting for Tsubasa though I was tempted to vote for Kara no Kyoukai or Eve no Jikan.
      Series weren’t hard to choose. Toradora, Skip Beat and DTB2 easily topped everything else.

    57. Only getting one movie/OVA hurt. Picking between Eve no Jikan and Kodomo no Jikan Nigakki hurt a lot.

      – Clannad ~After Story~: Ushio will cry if you don’t vote for it. Do it for Ushio.
      – Aoi Hana: Kenichi Kasai strikes slice-of-life gold once again.
      – Needless: You have to love an anime that doesn’t take itself seriously in the least.

    58. @RamboFour
      What anime do you like? Then i will say “Whats so good about your favoriate anime? A minute of good animation and 24 minutes of senseless boredom. IMO is just another over rated Himidoken”

      Think about that and you’ll get your answer

    59. Wrong Zaku_fan. The answer is that people deserve to receive what they liked. Bakemonogatari is like a candy wrapped in a colorful box, unless that brown thing inside isn’t chocolate. But people liked such “chocolate” and are going to receive more of it. So what? Good Appetite 😀
      If anime quality is going to hell year after year, that’s what you anime otakus wanted. Thank you.

      PS: That reminded me about the other “genius” who voted sora no otoshimono some pages ago. God bless you, dude!

    60. Having read comments that compare Bakemonogatari to chocolate coating, I have to come to defend the honour of this anime.

      Without a doubt, Bakemonogatari is an extremely well-made production whether you like ghost story or not. It has only a handful of characters, with events taking place in only a handful of locations. The experience is almost like watching an opera in a theatre. If you have ever tried to write a screenplay, you would appreciate the difficulty of filling 20 minutes of airtime with dialogues and monologues without the help of any fancy special effects (i.e., equivalent to magical fight scenes in the anime). In this regard, the production did an excellent job. This is what we expect from a genius like Shinbou Akiyuki, the producer of the famous Setsubou Sensei series. (Hekiyou Gakuen Seitokai Gijiroku of the same season is even more successful in pushing this type of “plotless” story to the extreme by relying on dialogues among a small cast. But this type of entertainment-oriented story will never win the Best Anime no matter how cute it is.)

      Bakemonogatari also breaks away from the traditional demon fighter genre by shifting the focus to the reason behind why the victims are haunted. In that sense, Bakemonogatari is similar to xxxHolic or the less well-known Mononoke. However, xxxHolic and Mononoke are closer to the detective genre. They always have a “wise guy” to figure out the answers, and to solve problems in a flash. Bakemonogatari is more like a journey for people around the victims to figure out how to help their loved ones. The “wise guy” figure Shino comes in to finish off the monster only at the last moment, and he often just instructs the victims to help themselves. The story creates new depth by challenging the viewer to get emotionally involved, which in turn explores a dimension of the problem that would resonate with the viewers.

      The tradition of Japanese literature has a tendency to indulge oneself in sorrow, or appreciate evil as an object of beauty. I see none of that in Bakemonogatari. I am not saying Bakemonogatari is necessary Japanese literature. But it is “literary” in the sense that the production puts in a lot of effort to create new “devices” to create new experiences for the viewers. In the end, there is even a positive message that propels people to move on with their lives. The production maintained an air of mystery without breaking the “believability” of the premises of the story. (In contrast, East of Eden is total failure, which started out with too big a conspiracy to have any satisfactory answer at the end. The plot of EoE is basically about a good guy pretending to be a bad guy in order to save Japan. At the end, people are helpless without seeking salvation from the hero. That’s why EoE got no vote from me. But I digressed.)

      We haven’t even started to analyze the novelty in each story. Bakemonogatari is sugar-coated. But under the coating, there is even more good stuff to be discovered. For that I think this series deserves to be the Best Anime of the Year by any measure.

    61. @Solaris or RamboFour or whatever name is it
      You would then need to think about this. In all market research, the majority wins. If your favoriate anime, for example Requiem for Phantom is not popular and in your opinion “anime quality is going to hell”, then you should look at what “anime quality going to hell” means to the general public. Perhaps they find it not important at all or perhaps it is “going to hell” only in your opinion.

      Think about it.

    62. Unfortunately, the act of “voting” for the Best Anime is in itself an act of trashing out other competitions. The more you explain why you vote for one candidate but not the other, the more you “lift up” your favorite while “demeaning” the ones that didn’t get your vote. Unless, of course, you don’t make any comparison at all. Then this forum will be filled with laundry lists of “I like this and that”. And that will about it, if that’s your idea of fair discussion.

    63. @Matroid
      You don’t need to “trash” other anime. All anime have weaknesses and strengths. An objective view does not deny the weaknesses of a favored anime.

      For example, Himidoken has poor production values, poor pacing and emotional impacts or planned surprises failed to work. However, to me it does have a very nice opening that hints at what it could have been and a very nice OP song, Pure Snow.

      Now if i was to say “Whats so good about Himidoken, its shit”, then that statement shows
      i) Inability to be objective
      ii) Lack of desire to really discuss
      iii) An inability to perceive people to be different from me, ie. Everyone should only like what i like and should be just like me.

      Compare the previous 2 paragraphs, we could argue that the pacing of Himidoken is good or bad by bring up examples. For the second, paragraph, there is no discussion. You agree with me or you are stupid (as implied by the statement “its shit”)

    64. You need to differentiate between “trashing” an anime and making a personal attack against other people who like different animes. I have no problem with people calling my favorite anime “brown thing” or “sh**”, just I have no problem calling other people’s favorite a “total failure”. As long as we have a “Best” Anime voting event going on, people will continue to make comparisons and defend their favorites. And that kind of “trashing” will never go away– and they shouldn’t be, for otherwise what would be the point of finding out which anime is the “best”?

      But when someone calls someone “stupid”, that switches the whole issue to a totally different context. And you are no longer complaining about people trashing the anime, but rather about people trashing other people, which will never lead to any productive exchange of opinions and take all the joy out of this forum. That’s all I have to say on this issue.

    65. @RamboFour
      Dunno what anime you voted for, too lazy to look it up. I’ll tell you what I think it so good with Bakemonogatari, it’s probably what makes most of the people who dislike it… dislike it. It’s the dialouge, yeah all the talking. It’s so different from what you usually see, it’s a bit weird but that is what makes it so awesome, that you actually care what they have to say even if it’s not important. It’s like when you’re with your friends, you talk about nothing but it’s more fun than doing anything else. The character’s are also awesome, especially Senjougahara. Plus it doesn’t feel like they are dragging anything, none of that crap where someone confesses to another and there’s that long pause, they stare at eachother, the other one blushes, and all that shoujo typical stuff. There’s also none of that I’m gonna save the world and each time I do it I gotta talk about how much my friend’s mean to me, how I got strong, why I got strong blahblahblah preaching, you should join the good side, good and evil blahblah. What I’m trying to say is that Bakemonogatari is something new, in almost all sorts of aspects plus it has one of the most awesome animation I’ve seen in a long time and that means alot to me. One thing I hate is when a character is supposed to look good and they don’t. Well I’m not saying you’re supposed to like it now, but it might explain why so many people do (I think).

    66. Denpa teki na Kanojo for best OVA/Movie of the year!
      If you haven’t watched them… What are you waiting? 😉

      If I hadn’t watched it I would have defenitely choosen Kara no Kyokai… Summer Wars is great but it’ll have to wait for next year.

      The series I liked the most:
      To aru majutsu no index.
      Toradora <—- If I had noticed that this was on the list I would have picked it over Index, but anyway…

      I also enjoyed Sora no Otoshimoto and NyanKoi, but gag anime, unless is extremely good doesn’t reach my top.

    67. @ConfuzzledGirl29

      Thanks, thats more of an answer than what the previous posters said.

      I do agree about typical shounen thing sucks, I hate the ” how much my friend’s mean to me, how I got strong, why I got strong blahblahblah preaching, you should join the good side, good and evil blahblah” too.

      But to me Bakemonogatari, didn’t have any center, nothing to make me care about what they were talking about, with all that weird format made me lose the attention several times, I watched up to 4 episodes of it, just because Senjougahara was very well made, but that was it, I couldn’t take it anymore.

      Thanks for the answer.

      And I voted for Phantom, Canaan and Sora Wo Kakeru Shoujo, I know that all those had many flaws, and I could also have voted for many others that I liked too, but making a recap of everything I saw, those were the ones I enjoyed the most.

      I’m not gonna extend myself of explaining WHY, unless you are interested, in that case, I’ll gladly explain.

    68. Before you ask, i didn’t vote any anime, cause it’s impossible to oppose the mindless crowd. When dealing with something that’s is mindless, you’d score a hit if you focus in the visuals, action and such immediate understandble features. People looks for immediate enterteinment and there’s not the good place to look for something good but popular. Visual appealing comes always first intellectual satisfaction, so anime like Tokyo Magnitude where the authors tried to build up something for the people to think about where so less popular than say Bakemonogatari where there’s really a deep lack of contenets in spite of very good visuals instead.
      About Bakemonogatari, please realize how you’re not dealing with an horror or mistery serie but with an harem. Realize also that most of the chars are so flat spereotypes, included almighty senjougahara. There’s no depht in chars and story. That anime is not an anime. You just watch colorful chicks on the screen and listen to their endless chit chat because they’re fairly cute. The plot of the story arcs is minimal and static: Koyomi bumbs in a damsel in distress then he receives help from the beard guy who alredy knew everything and at last tries to save the day. So there’s no mistery in the story as Meme solves it instantly. So what? Bakemonogatari is not a story about ghost rather a story about some people thate are involved in ghost stories. The real focus in on the dialogues about anything unrelated. Inside these dialogues there’s a lot of stuff mixed, like references, some hints to other chars (there’s a couple of middle arcs where Hitagi never appeared unless in the dialogues) and an awful lot of uninteresting subjects. This serie is character driven indeed. So at the end you watched to something that’s not what you thought it was. Not a ghost action story but another of the many harem out there. Not action but people chatting all the time. You didn’t see any action, rather they let you imagine it. And don’t come naming the fight between the monkey and Koyomi. If that’s the top of the action, well go hide in the corner in shame. It’d also wouldn’t call Bakemonogatari an animation rather a pretty colorful drama cd with visuals. Yes, you were bluffed by a drama cd dressed in an animated fashion.

    69. Making the long story short: Bakemonogatari is the best example on how is easy to fool the audience with good visuals lacking everything else im terms of plot, story and char development.


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