It’s mid-April and without any additional notice, the old site at http://randomc.animeblogger.net finally went down today. Despite having the new Random Curiosity running here, it’s still a bit sad to see the old URL not load anymore with the Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière banner you see above. It also felt pretty weird deleting it from my bookmarks toolbar just now, as it was almost like I was laying the old site to rest. Gone, without a trace, except maybe in Google searches that won’t load anymore, but never forgotten. :'(
first comment.
Dam, by reflex I clicked on the old sites URL.
R.I.P. Old RC and Louise.
I actually feel sad.
ah, what a sad day 🙁
RIP … Even though I usually type the first three letters on the address bar, the old url is still the first on the list. 🙁
:[ makes me feel like theres somthing being torn outta my heart as i was deleting the bookmark… sad day. i was just there 2-3 hours ago also.
yeah i still haven’t fixed my starting pages.
I’ll leave that gaping hole for now.
On a sidenote i do really appreciate this site. And i hope you continue with it even when you get so busy to do one show. Or a random boob rant. I just love the style and feel of this site.
i am going to miss it.
goodbye old site, you have provided me with many hours of reading time that could’ve been spent on bettering myself. Although, I think I prefer things this way.
you shall be missed, old site.
*sniff* The old RC will be missed, but at the same time I’m glad for the presence of the new site.
I’ll miss the old RC *sob*
aww goodbye old RC. loved that site. least divine is keepin us goin 🙂
Question. Are you going to continue using the current favicon (black box with blue “RC”) or are you going to restore the old one?
I’ll miss the old site too. I always went to it to read up on anime series I was keeping a close eye on. All good things must come to an end. I’m grateful this website keeps those traditions going. This is my favorite anime blog. 🙂
Goodbye and thanks for the great memories
Goodbye and thanks for everything. I won’t be deleting the old bookmark anytime soon and thus, it will join a bunch of old bookmarks of wonderful sites that too had gone away…
:(( sad day
>Gone, without a trace, except maybe in Google searches that won’t load anymore
I liked the old banner. Gives off a peaceful vibe. That’s not to say I don’t like bakemonogatari.
senjougahara has hot legs
Too bad only one ankle is visible yeah? 😛
it will live on forever!!
it will live on forever!!
(salutes..) Old RC, you will always be remembered.
It really is a sad day. I didn’t expect it to be so soon. At least it lives on here.
and I had the last comment on that site… I feel accomplished… and sad T_T…
I’ll miss ya Omni.
our condolences (?) but WE WILL ALL SURVIVE!
the senior RC will be remembered.
the younger RC will be my new haunt
You did well old RC. <3
will miss omni’s RC but also looking forward to divine’s RC.
Will always miss the old RC *salutes* I’ll keep it in my bookmarks for the memories :]
Sayonara, old site~~ Q_Q
I’m just gonna weep in a corner now….
Made me a little sad…
so sad tht old RC is gone sob sob but i will still support the new RC!!
damn … seeing it finally go offline … kinda looks like rain today. If ya’ll get what I mean.
Though the old site is gone, I’ll still keep the old address in my bookmarks to remember it by…
I like the new banner.. but seeing Louise go doesn’t sit well with me. Keep her around somehow, it’s such a nice picture. :[
We will miss you old random…
It really is weird to finally delete the link off my bookmarks. Feels very surreal….
I will always love the old banner but progress and change is inevitable anywhere we go.
I salute you RC ver 1.0 :`(
it was a great site and it will be remembered by me.
the old banner also gave me peaceful vibe but this banner of senjougahara is not bad either.
ill miss it a bit though…
*Plays “The Best Is Yet To Come” from Metal Gear Solid*
Be at peace, old site… *salutes*
The end of the old means the beginning of something new
R.I.O Old RC you will be missed.
best of luck IRL Omni
and Thanks DIVINE and Jaalin for taking over and doing a damn god job at running the new site
gonna miss you old rc…
Ashes to ashes ,dust to dust
I’m sad to see the old RC go, but I’m actually very fond of the new one.
Very neat stuff, Divine!
First Omni, now this? We can only take so much! D’:
Just me or does it feel like someone just died…too sad..T_T
OLD RandomC – Definitely never forgotten….unless I’m an alsheimer’s patient…can’t blame that one on me.
Ah technically if you are an Alzheimer patient, then you would only rmb old Random Curiosity and not new. Either way! I give my respects to old Random Curiosity.
It’s actually sad (even though I’m pretty much a lurker here). But at least the banner right now satisfies me well… just a little bit shorter on–Oh, nothing. 🙂
RIP old RC…
Farewell old friend, we knew you well. 🙁
Will miss the old URL, but RC still lives on here and awesome work Divine! Respect.
Farewell, my love =<
RIP. old RC..
btw, i just made a gravatar account..how do i use it here? i want to see a picture with my name..and that’s the only reason i signed-up. xD
I’ll really miss the old header too.
Farewell former randomc 🙁
I told myself I should remove the old link from my favs but just couldn’t do it. Good memories, you don’t want to let go. Man, I guess I was in denial.
Many thanks can’t give justice to Divine for keeping the RC spirit alive and doing so much work. Cheers for the years to come!
The old RC is dead…All hail the new RC!!!
RIP old RC. I’ll miss that Louise banner… T.T
Bwuah? That logo was Louise from ZNT?
Damn, I’ve been reading for 1 year and I always thought it was some random/original art. I guess the lack of pink hair and wizard suit threw me off.
Sad indeed, but from what I can tell RandomC No2 might as well do the same good ol’job the first one did. Keep up the good work.
It is just missing one thing though, Omni. then It would be just as great. However, I still like Divine’s style of posting. I, like many others, never really read the summaries and just read the impressions and looked at the pictures for amusement.
never deleting it from bookmarks the old site will hold a place of honour right where it is for all time
She was a fine old site, and has been my front page for many long seasons. She has led me through numerous shows I’ve now seen. And now as we go about with our lives, we won’t forget her. Let’s make the new site live up to its predecessor.
Well, supposed to happen sometime, but, on the positive side, we kept going, errr, Divine, kept the ball running, I do appreciate that Divine kept going, dude, great.. you are doing great.. Keep it up 🙂
I miss the old site already. I havent been with RC for a long time like most of the majority here but i enjoyed being a part of the family when it was still up.
damn, this is sad, so freaking sad
Still,Random Curiosity are still the best…
Even through many changes,it’s like the same old RC to me…xP
Hah, I’ll probably keep it up there. I like the look of the Green/Yellow button. (Blue Black one is really nice too.)
You could probably use the old URL and look it up on an internet archive site like http://www.archive.org/ if you ever cared to look at it from the past. No guarantees that it has every page or pic though. But if you ever felt like getting nostalgic. =P
The end of one chapter, and the start of another.
Bye Louise. we’ll miss ya!
Good job for the past years.time to pass the torch to this site.
It has been a privilege to have been a reader of Old Random Curiosity and as an honor to that site, I will never take down Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière wallpaper off of my Windows Live Messanger background : )
Shame to see it go, but thanks for keeping this going Divine. It’s alot of work, just keep in mind there’s always others out there willing to contribute if you ever feel it becomes to much.
Sigh, time to retire my 2006 RC bookmark…
At least we have Gravatar and threaded comments now.
<- Sad 🙁
Gone but not forgotten. Forever loved and missed in my heart. ;_; Now more than ever I am thankful for this site. <3
A sad day indeed… I miss the old banner. =( I guess change is inevitable. Fortunately Divine is keeping up the new RC, keep up the good work Divine! =D
This is so sad 🙁
By the way, is there a way to get the screens from the old page? I often used RC as a source for reference pics… :'(
… ): RIP.
Good bye old friend, we’ll miss you ^_^
don’t feel sad guys.. old RC reincarnated here in new RC..
Webarchive will probably access the site, but since this is a copy site of the old one, I’m not sure why would you go to webarchive.
A little sad to see old RC go down, but things are looking pretty good here at the new RC.
salutes to the old site…
RIP, old RC. We will miss you.
The old RC will always been remembered… this new site will always remind us of the old RC -it is more or less the same after all-.
*sob* Good bye and thank u for everything old RC *sob*
im a little sad..
Dude. This sucks.
Im forever keeping it in my toolbar!
farewell old RC.
you will always be remembered. T.T
RIP old Random Curiosity ):
R.I.P Random Curiosity, you will be missed along with Omni. Bonzai to RC v2!
i know everyone’s still grieving about the loss of old RC but does any1 have a full size of the Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière banner?
Check the About This Site page (which I really need to update at some point).
That’s why back in April the 1st, I immediately updated my bookmarks with the URL of the new site and started to get myself used at visiting the new site’s URL.
I could not bear the thought of visiting the OLD Random Curiosity site day after day after OMNI’S departure just to find out sooner or later that the old site will never load anymore.
Thankfully, we can contribute to the new site so it can stay as long or even longer than the old one did.
Kudos to DIVINE for the new site!!
🙁 It will be a site always remembered.
Thanks for the memories Louise, for you are the image of the previous RandomC. May you continue to rest in peace.
:'< ggs d(;_;)
D: ;O; thanks Random Curiosity for all these years! I’ll miss the old RC a lot.
RIP old RC and GG
Gone but not forgotten
It’s finally the final farewell to http://randomc.animeblogger.net/
Goodbye ;>_<;!
*salutes with tears*
T_T A sad day indeed… but thanks to Divine it wasn’t as sad as it would have been, had there been no new RC site.
well, nothing last forever…
Bye bye old Random C. Long live new Random C ^^
after going there for a few years, its kind of sad to see it go down
Rest in peace.
I want to old site. It R.I.P. I am sad. good-bye, old Random. T_T
Awwww… sad to see it go =( I liked the old banner ^^ or maybe I was just too familiar with it.
Hot damn.. good memories there.. hope you do well divine
Sayonara RC senior (:-(. You’ll be missed. Hopefully Omni will drop by once in a while in RC Junior. And goodbye Louise, you’ll always be my moes-tes princess ever hu hu…
I miss it already. :'(
To its successor: live well and prosper.
dawwwwwwww RIP
gotta admit, the new RC is really bangin
btw… from what manga/anime is the new banner from.?
Kinda like end of an era, yeh….
Goodbye Louise,
Senjōgahara will continue your success
6 years ago I had to quit blogging because of the site closure. Webmaster stopped so the site went down. Similar situation to this. After that I was following three anime blogs; Jeff Lawson’s NoWhere, We are Mizuho and Random Curiosity. All three are gone now. I keep them in my bookmarking engine and every time I open my web browser I can see three dead links. Random Curiosity senior joined the list recently. R.I.P.
i was trying to load the page again and again yesterday but i wasn’t working.
that made me sad.
Maybe it’s about time to delete my bookmark too… but i’ll never forget everything i learned there
I’ll leave the old URL in my Bookmarks anyway, for posterity. Just like Memento 😛
I will miss the old site 🙁
Bwah…so sad to see it go.
Please don’t over work yourself Divine ; A ;
Try and get some other bloggers to help you cover some show : 3
(That’s been worrying me for a while now = m = )
its sad to see the old site go but this site is awesome too thanks again for your hard work divine! and i agree with drunken veggie you should see if you cant get some other bloggers to help you out!
p.s. I’m available to help out if you really feel swamped though I dunno how much help i’d actually be. Contact me if you’re interested. (I assume that the email shows up when you read the blog through administrator eyes XD)
out with the old in with the new i guess.. T_T
Oh well, I’m gonna miss that banner. I’m glad we still have Random Curiosity alive though. Thank you very much for your hard work, Divine. It’s very much appreciated.
RIP. And thanks again Omni for all your hard work! I wish you the best for your future!!
And you Jaalin, best of luck with running this “new” RC site! You’ve accepted a very heavy inheritance..
RIP to the old RC 🙁 but my compliments on the new one 🙂