「男・鮎沢塾!」 (Otoko / Ayuzawa Juku!)
“Ayuzawa School of Guys!”

Takumi finally steals a kiss! The timing couldn’t have been any better either, as Misaki was freaking out like crazy after she knocked his prized photo out of his hands, causing it to fall from the rooftop towards her new faithful followers — the Inuyama quintuplets. Credit goes to Takumi for locking lips with Misaki and saying that he likes her, so it’s a shame that didn’t sink into the student council president’s head by the end of it all. After seeing him jump off the rooftop after the photo and seemingly to his death, she was way too distraught to think clearly about anything, including the kiss itself. But damn, I have to say that if you need someone who knows how to woo a tsundere, Usui Takumi is your man. Hands down, no contest. Like seriously, I don’t know how a girl tsundere or otherwise can possibly deal with a quick confession and a kiss on the lips before a guy puts his life on the line for something that’s not life-threatening but simply important to her. Now throw in the fact that Takumi’s supposed to be the most popular guy in school too. That scene was unquestionably the moment to watch for, but it actually came as a complete surprise to me since the episode was already really good leading up to that point with the Inuyama brothers. It just became utterly awesome after it. 🙂

So as the episode title suggests, this week we have the Inuyama quintuplets becoming Misaki’s new disciples and adopting a new way of life they like to call, “The Ayuzawa School”. With all five brothers played by Suzumura Kenichi, they were an absolute riot and really fun to watch due to their overzealous yet completely loyal and respectful personalities. Even the male-hater Misaki couldn’t help but like her new junior followers as they aspire to be like her. She was even going to tell them about her secret part-time job at a maid cafe at the end — after spending the majority of the episode trying to conceal it — which to me speaks volumes about how Misaki feels about their earnest nature. It was somewhat cute to watch them follow her around like a pack of dogs who absolutely adore their owner, but the real laughs came from Naoyo putting the hopes and dreams of Ikuto and Ryuunosuke in his hands when he tried to beat Misaki in a game of Speed and land them a photograph with her. It was evident that Naoya put a lot of blood, sweat, and tears (mostly blood) in preparation for this one chance after filling up their point card, so it was hilarious seeing Misaki destroy him before he could drop a single card. Quite a drastic difference from Takumi to say the least, who beat her with ease since he seems to excel in practically everything.

Anyway, if there’s been a moment I’ve been looking forward to the most in this series, it’s this first kiss between Takumi and Misaki. I actually like how I was totally caught off guard for it, as it made the shock value so much more prominent. Next time, it looks like we have some male cosplay going on at the cafe, along with a bunch of new characters to be introduced. The preview shows Misaki blushing with Takumi pinning her against the wall though, so that’s already a win in my books. Misaki is the best!




      1. What are you complaining about? Just don’t look at them. This website is surmised entirely of summaries so of course there will be spoilers. Omni please keep the pictures, but instead you could avoid using ones that are critical for the story for the six shown on the front page. If some one clicks on the link for the episode and haven’t seen it yet, well then they are just dumb, but its hard to avoid when you are at the front page looking for another episode you have already seen. Maybe use ones that show the main characters like Usui and Misaki or shots from the preview of the present episode from the previous one. This way the show is still easily identifiable on the home page but not spoiling anything. I haven’t had this problem because i always used caution but i can see how someone might be upset about it. If you choose to not do anything about it i am perfectly ok with the way things are now. It is just a suggestion. Thanks for blogging and reading this incredibly long post. I am actually going to edit this its so long.

      2. I agree with J-P, divine, you are always asking us to use Show Spoiler ▼

      3. As the site is intended to bring you impressions on the latest episodes, the rule of thumb has generally been that anything that’s aired is fair game. I strongly believe that if you’re knowingly visiting an episodic blog, the unwritten consensus is that you should expect to be spoiled a bit for the latest episode out, but never any more than that. Manga of course is a different story, since they’re far ahead of their respective animes and reveal more than what’s been shown there.

        That’s kind of the niche with the site, as we’ve found our regular visitors want to preview the most recent showing of a series they’re following and have something to look forward to, but not have the entire series spelled out for them beyond that. To that end, the front page excerpt images are always picked based on what we feel will attract the most attention to the episode and make people want to check the post out.

    1. Together they sound like a Transformer…Decepticon Inuyama?

      Also, Usui is made of total WIN for taking the KISS so early in the series, sparing us countless DRAMA…

  1. OH WOW!!!!!

    This show actually bulldozed a certain stereotype that keeps delaying stuff like these. AWESOME SAUCE!!!!!!

    Now this reminded me again to follow this series on a weekly basis. 10 out of 5 for me!

    1. Like, wtf! How does he go from good looking to smashingly good looking???

      If I jumped off the top of my school building, I don’t think I’d end up looking infinitely better than I did before I jumped.. *scorn* I am JEALOUS!

  2. Wooww… Total winnage. That scene was definitely the highlight for me too. I can’t wait for next week’s episode and the one’s after because Misaki now knows that Usui likes her! The blushing scene in the preview makes me all the more impatient. x3 omgomgomgomg another week!!?!?!? -dies-

    p.s. I lol’d mad hard at the was Misaki ran away from the bed-ridden Usui at the end. xDDDD

  3. I’m a bit confused. I just recently watched the episode, i thought Usui first kissed Prez before confessing, then he jumped, instead of confessing first then the kiss? not really a big deal though, i just thought about it after reading your post. =)

  4. subs finally out
    well it was funny how she would run away then being hidden by usui before reaching the cafe.

    I wonder how did his shirt get shredded by mere bushes after he landed.

  5. So far, I really like the way this series has been paced. Emotionally things seem to be moving forward which is good in my books, but they have added in some fun things as well. I haven’t read the manga so I’m not entirely sure how quickly it moves, but I know it is hard to woo a tsundere.

    Another great writeup Divine! Thank you.

  6. This is Special A season 2 if you ask me. Comparing those 2 series is a great example of how main characters in different series can have the same roles & genre yet totally different personalities – and still pretty much do the S.O.S. But I loved Special A & the same can be said for this. Isn’t it great when you get a series that has absolutely no direction yet it’s still entertaining & funny as hell.

  7. Aww…just a small glimpse of Misaki going Grade S with her zettai ryouiki (also the scene where Takumi pwns her with ease)… I guess J.C. Staff are genre-savvy enough to avoid overloading this shoujo show with moe fetishes…

    And only one word can describe that kissing scene:


  8. This anime’s good but does anyone else dislike Misaki? I’m getting tired of girls who ‘hate’ the guys and they’re really tough,cool,cute,nice,smart and perfect, not that I like main shoujo characters who are weak and average but cute.

  9. I already read the manga chapters in english, so i know pretty much everything about to happen. I like this kind of story, since it’s not about fighting monsters, or something to regain family honor or something, not like i hate them but, i like stories with quirky plotlines and such. This anime is one of the best I’ve seen, and obviously and manga isn’t something to skip. If you love anime and manga you should definitely try theirs!

  10. i <3 KWMS.it's an awsome anime n also my fav anime………^-^
    all the characters r soooooooo cute but usui can not b compared with any1…..he's the hottest anime male character i've ever seen.wish he was in real……….
    n this message's 4 usui:USUI,NO1 <3S U MORE THAN ME……..I <3 U MORE THAN ANY1 ^.^


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