[flv:Asou_Natsuko_Everyday_sunshine_line_PV.mp4 550 310]

With Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou concluded, I figured I’d better post about the PV of its ending theme now if I’m going to do it at all. So without further ado, here’s actress/singer Asou Natsuko‘s latest single, “Everyday sunshine line!”, which was been available ever since May 12th. For this bubbly song that Daimaou viewers are surely familiar with now, the music video with Natsuko riding through the city with a bunch of balloons is befitting, though not all that interesting either. Regardless, Natsuko is a fairly new and young 19-year-old artist whose singing career only really started around this time last year. This is only her fourth single, but she’s sort of made a mark on the anime scene by having her second one, “Programming for non-fiction”, featured as the opening theme to Yoku Wakaru Gendai Mahou and third one, “Perfect-area complete!”, as the same for Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu. Those familiar with either of those two series should recognize her voice fairly easily, but I was actually surprised to find out that I knew of her well before her major music debut.

“Knew yet forgot” would be the more correct statement actually, as anyone who was crazy enough to follow the Negima! Magister Negi Magi live-action drama that aired almost three years ago would have caught sight of her as Hasegawa Chisame there. I know, it’s pretty unbelievable that I sat through 25-episodes of that live-action drama and even liked a bunch of the theme songs that resulted from it, but the point I’m trying to make is that Natsuko was an actress first and foremost and had a role in that drama. Incidentally, this led to the creation of the Negima idol group “pRythme” (pronounced “Prism”), consisting of her and fellow actresses Kawase Yuri and Mukunoki Eri, who played Sasaki Makie and Murakami Natsumi respectively (for any Negima fans out there). It was an odd grouping going by the characters they played, but the composition was decided upon based on their actual singing ability. During their short stint, pRythme ended up releasing three singles, the last of which included a cover performance of the Negima!? opening theme, “1000% SPARKING!”. Below is their performance of it at the Negima live event in Shibuya at the time. (Natsuko’s the one in green and white.)


[flv:pRythme_1000_SPARKING_Live.mp4 550 310]

Anyone who has a strange and inexplicable fascination with Negima songs and all the crazy concerts where all 32 female seiyuus were involved (like myself) should enjoy that performance to some degree. In any case, it’s interesting to see a bit of Natsuko’s past and the earlier stages of her music career, which I’m particularly surprised about because I didn’t make the connection until now. I guess that’s what happens when I’m looking up information to write a post though, so here’s your little bit of useless anime-related trivia for the day.


  1. Ah, I looked her up way back when “Perfect-Area Complete!” came out. Making that discovery, it was brain explosion. Interesting connectivity.
    I also kinda watch the Negima drama. How did it end btw Divine? I got stuck at episode 7 or 9 I can’t remember and gave up. Mostly coz I cbs, and heard that Setsuna’s actress changed – the main purpose of watching the drama at all really. I liked the OP though, it was rather really catchy “Pink Generation” lol.
    I’ve been following her since Negima I guess but more so in the “Programming for non-fiction” – I LOVE this song the techno and her voice is really gripping. I was really surprised I didn’t catch her voice to Ichiban’s ED till my friend pointed it out after like episode 3, no wonder the song sounded like someone I knew, I was too absorbed with the sphere OP instead to notice xD
    Anywho, I’ll go off and check out those video links 😀

    1. Oh god, it’s been so long and my memory of the Negima story is pretty foggy. It was something about each of the girls disappearing one after another and one of them being the culprit. Negi is kidnapped as well and being turned into a crystal in the World Tree, leaving Asuna and whoever’s left trying to save him and everyone else. It actually wasn’t as bad as that may sound.

      1. That’s a pretty good recollection. Imagining that in my head, I visualised the CG magic, broom, tree, abilities, etc. Oh dear @_@ it was done pretty badly, which made me laugh a lot at times. But I guess it was an okay effort. No idea how or why they came up with the idea in the first place. In the end, the drama always makes me think: Negima needs more strong anime adaptations and not live actions xD

  2. Another Color (Balloon) Wars. Lack of blue is seriously disturbing. Wonder who was white balloon?

    Anyways, I never really liked the ending very much, I only watched it for the animation. Interesting to see Asou Natsuko sang the Baka to Test OP though.

    So I’m assuming pRythme disbanded after the not-well-received Negima ended?

  3. Whats a perfect-area complete, the area is perfect and complete too? wut? sounds like some game level thats perfectly finished with the bonus and enemies taken down, etc. lol random stuff.

  4. Okay… xD lmao

    Natsuko: “You want me to step on this platform?”
    Director: “Yeah you’ll be on it for a while…”
    Natsuko: “…? Okay..”
    Director: “Okay and… action!”
    Natsuko: *lipsings*

    lol I couldn’t help but laugh at how stiff she looked on that platform that seemed to take forever to get wherever it was going. xDD In any case, she has a nice voice. :]

  5. I’m a fan of her since Yoku wakaru Gendai Mahou op, and she’s gonna perform a live at Japan Expo in France from 1st to 4th of July I’ll won’t miss it for sure.She’s also in an program airing each week at Nolife, a french television about J-music, games and other otaku stuff.


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