Episodic blogging is hard work. Hours go into each post, and depending on what series, some hard thinking as well. Me? I’m surprised I went from, “oh, I don’t know if I can do one series every week” to “Five series a week? No problem.” If each post takes 2.5 hours on average, that’s almost 13 hours a week doing this blog. Heavy stuff.
And somewhere along the line, I started planning my retirement. There’s an amalgam of reasons, but simply put, I realized I’m a little tired of it all. Burnt out? I don’t really think so, but burnt out people do go into denial so maybe. It’s become quite apparent over the last half year that I’m more of a “quick thoughts on a series” guy rather than an “episodic impressions in detail”. There’s also a coming change in my schooling as well, and it’s going to require a lot more time and energy to focus on it to not become a hobo on the streets. So, rather than disappearing into thin air, I thought I’d do it properly with a farewell post.
Blogging here has definitely been an experience. It’s simply baffling that I do not view anime the same way as I did before coming here, but that’s actually due to the countless dialogues I’ve shared with Divine over the year. If you don’t want to get sucked into anime even more and watch things you swore you never would watch, do not talk to this person for any long period of time. He’s a little dangerous. Still, I think I’ll slink back to my picky elitist choices of anime to watch after this season soon enough (and disappoint Divine lololol). I also gained a very specific skillset of cropping and renaming a large amount of screencaps in record time, as well as make a post structured exactly like RC! …yeah probably not too useful in the future heh.
In the end, thanks for sticking with me. Time does fly, and it only feels like yesterday when it all started. There were the good times, the bad times, and always a bit of a struggle, but it’s been a decent run. Best wishes to the rest of the writers to continue on as long as possible, and continue to pray to your Gods that Divine doesn’t close the site if and when he burns out (the man is a beast so far hands down).
Just another writer making his mark on RC’s About Page, あばよ、ダチ公 (abayo, tachiko).
Ohh kiiragi! We’ll miss you so much! Thank you for all your hard work. I really enjoyed reading you posts. You made so many shows more interesting for me to watch!
will miss your posts
Abaiyo ja ne… *points to heart* isshou darou?
*shoulder shrug*
Indeed. You do what you gotta do, Kiiragi, but know that you won’t be easily forgotten. ಥ_ಥ
Aww, it really does feel like not too long ago that it started.
Thanks for all of your hard work and best of luck for the future!
It’s been fun reading your posts. Peace out, man, and good luck with real life and all that.
Thank you for your work here. All the best.
You said it best: It’s been fun, but so long…
Thanks for your help on RC and hope you have a happy life long after RC. 😀
Thank you and good luck.
following *salutes* to Kiiragi ^^
Where will all the funny comments go? All the best in what you have in plan for the future, will miss your posts.
thank you for all of your hard work and immense dedication in bringing an invaluable contribution to RC! i’m sure a ton of readers here will surely miss you, and it’s always a sad day to see a writer retire.
best of luck in the future! =)
;___; Well, goodbye. I’ll miss your posts…
And hahah, I’ve even watched stuff just because of Divine’s posts xD
Thanks. Enjoyed your posts. Best of luck.
I’ve always loved your writing, it’s been a pleasure following your thoughts on Ano Hana this past season.
It’s sad to see a good writer go off but I guess everyone has to graduate eventually. All the best for the future and thanks for all the memories 🙂
I didn’t realise AnoHana was *that* disappointing!
Okay, in all seriousness, thanks and good luck
Sad to see you go. But if you must, then go with our best wishes ^_^.
It’s been great reading so many of your reviews on shows I’ve adored. Sharing opinions and being at odds on other things. It’s been fun~ See you Again~
HAHAHAHAAAAAAA! ……but seriosly, i still dont understand how ANY of you Fu#kers do it!! it’s truly comendable!!! this coming from an “anime chair quarterback” <whatever the hell dat is!? i could see that, how you could get into this type of thing and lose yourself in this nonstop sea of anime "tripe and fillet minion" and not no which way to turn but OUT hehehehe.
I SALUTE YOU BRO!! i also SALUTE OMNI, I ALSO SALUTE EVERY MOTHER F&KER that has blessed us with their hard work on this site….in a society rampant with self entitlement issues and da mindset of no ones important but ME, you dudes went ABOVE AND BEYOND the call of duty for us. thanks man…i watched this site "only anime site i ever check" since the early beginning …,well long story short =if yall had stock i would consider investing LOL!!! thanks alot Pimpin!!!! although short…you paid ur Dues homie. BRING ON THE FRESH MEAT!!! until this site is down!!!
Kiiragi noooo!! 🙁
It’s so sad to see you go!
I still remember when I saw your introduction post months ago, time flies.
Why must time go by so fast? TnT
Nevertheless, thank you so much for all your posts, hard work and dedication. You will be missed ! Good luck in the future! 🙂
Oh boy, starts the final countdown? Will you drop in sometime? You are cool guy, thanks for your hard work!
I just have one Sadfrog under my sleeve (it was for C but I missed the timing) but now it will serve a better purpose, take it! :Sadfrog:
Thank you for all of the hard work presented to us in the past and (near future). Though you seem to have grown increasingly cynical or maybe just more critical from the start till now so all I gota say is loose up a bit.
Don’t overwork yourself, because you may end up like me – having to work most of the time with short breaks to relieve the stress 😉
What is this? 🙁
Lack of internal communication??
Not really. That comment was in reference to something else ._.
Jumping off the cliff again? hehe
I must thank you for all the hard work you’ve done. You know I take quick shots at you here and there, but it’s all in good fun. I’m glad you’re thinking about the future and if it isn’t here, I’m sure you’ll make it wherever you go later on in life.
I hope you will do the occasional OVA or movie sometime in the future just so you keep your writing arm swinging. Thanks for all the great work and I hope to see you on IRC every once in a while.
Your friend,
Thanks for blogging..
All the best mate!!
i was gone for quite long and now i’m back, kiiragi’s going away? DX that’s sad.who’s next, divine?
LOL. ok, i was kidding.=}
you’ll be missed, dude.
thanks for your posts. XD
Divine already took a season break. Don’t start the jinx pls.
jinx isn’t real. LOL
anyway, Divine is a precious person on this site, so nobody wishes for him to leave. =}
Take care! Hope you stick around and pester the other writers like us others. 🙂
Thanks for all the work and best of wishes to you!
I’ll miss your over attention to details and your spot-on predictions!
Take it easy man.
Well, I didn’t see this coming. I’ll definitely miss your posts man. Hopefully you can comment some time or keep visiting IRC (even though I pretty much don’t use it).
Thanks for your effort mate, gonna miss reading your posts!
Thanks for all the great blogs!
Thanks, and good luck!
When i read this post, i thought i can’t be someone is quitting. After reading it, i say i’m pretty sad that you will be going. On contrary to the more popular episodic impression i actually prefer your quick thought more. In fact i remember you brought it up before, asking people preference to how you should write the blog.
Reason i like your blog better is because i rather want to hear the blogger thought of the anime compare to episodic impression. I know the latter have more detail of the episode but i don’t really need a description of anime i just watch on letter. Just hearing your thought of what you feel about the episode let me think more deeply regarding the episode more. No offense to the episodic impression writer.
**Kiiragi** Just because you quit as blogger, doesn’t mean you have to leave the blog, right? You can still write the comment here on you favorite anime.
So long and thanks for the fish. :3
Thanks so much for all your hard work! I really enjoy reading your blogs!
Thank you for your blog coverage Kiiragi! I enjoyed the Gosick posts and I will look forward to seeing the finale post. (Make it awesome!)
Good luck to you for where you’re headed next. 🙂
Thanks for everything and keep the anime dream in your heart!
You didn’t just dissapear in thin air! plus 96 internetz for you. Goodluck to all your future endavours.
Oh man I can’t believe this…
Cya around, and good luck with life.
‘s been good chatting with you in IRC. Hope you still stick around in there.
All the best with life and not landing on the streets like a hobo.
Sayonara Kii-crab
It was entertaining to have read your contributions to this blog, AnoHana was perhaps the perfect swansong.
Here’s wishing you all the best on whatever you shall be doing, RC will not be the same without you.
Abayo, dachiko.
Salute-Man, the ride was fun. No words can express the bittersweet feeling about your departure. Good Luck and THANK YOU for all the things you contribute.
you will be missed good sir ಥ_ಥ thank you for all your hard work *goodbye hug*(っ>_<)っ
Really enjoyed your blogging dude! Hope everything goes well for you…
Thank you for all the fish! Best of luck in the future, if only all of us were so lucky to have a mom like keima to buy us multiple video game consoles.
first Omni and now you
i gonna return to my room to cry all day again
Gaaaaaaaaaah thanks for everything. Disappointing, but understandable. We’ll miss you! Good luck with school!
Oh, too bad for us. You could keep following at least one series (even if it’s just an OVA series). ;( Either way, it was nice to have you here.
ah just when I really started to love your writing style, thoughts, and attitude.
I was hoping this just meant you finished with school…
well hope you visit and blog from time to time.
Good bye and Good Luck! We’ll miss you!
As they say, you’ve only got two hands. Good luck with the career getup because it really boils down to good ol fashioned hard labor.
Didn’t see this one coming but I understand how hard this volunteer gig is especially with school. Most of the shows I’m watching this season are covered by you and even though I’m way (WAY!) behind in my shows I still read the weekly posts, spoilers included (S;G FFFFF…). Just want to say thanks and I always find your thoughts very entertaining.
Your witty comments will be missed and of course you too.
…but seriously, I really enjoyed your posts Kiiragi. You will be missed.
This is my second post in this blog…
Good luck !
Just wonder how many more farewell that i will see before my turn.. 🙁
Goodbye Kiiragi!!!!
Thanks for your hard work until now!
Can’t believe it’s been a year since you started blogging on IRC. I appreciate your hard work, will miss your cynical, though entertaining posts, and wish you good luck for the future.
Dude like… oh shit man, I wish you the best for the future man and it’s been fun talking a bit here and there with ya over at your Denpa posts ;D I sent an invitation to your gmail, not sure if you got it or not but I guess this is goodbye ey… I kinda started following RC more because of you Kiiragi 😀
Selamat Malam…
Hell, I hate changes!
Thanks for your hard work! I really enjoyed your posts. Goodbye! We will miss you!
See you later
Aww, that’s too bad! I was always looking forward to your OP manga post each week. But I understand where you’re coming from. So good luck with your school! What will happen to the OP posts? Will someone take it over, or will it disappear?
thanks for your time 🙂 i picked up steins;gate and ano hi mita thanks to ur posts.
good luck in the real world.
Nooooo! Not you Kiiragi :C. Don’t go. I love you! D:
But in all seriousness, it’s going to be a shame to see you go. I found your way of writing to be very fresh and rewarding as well as having some sort of easy charm to them. You were on my favorites. Have fun in your future endeavors though. Thanks for the posts. Cya later space cowboy. :3
Who wouldn’t? You were covering a fuck load of series!
Kiiragi – I (almost) always enjoyed your posts, good insights and very well written. All the best in the future.
You will be missed Kiiragi. Random Curiosity won’t be the same without you
Sad to see you go, Kiiragi. Thanks for all the thoughts and insights over the past year.
Thanks for working on the blog and writing for us!
It’s been a blast reading your posts mate. Thanks so much for all your hard work and best of luck for the future, wherever that takes you.
Aww noo.. : /
Thank you for your hard work, gonna miss you. *insert See you space cowboy here* Good luck!
Thank you for your hard work!!
Thank you for the work you have done, this blog site has opened up my eyes to more stories than I normal would have seen. Normally I would have stuck with shounen style but I remember reading the True Tears and Clanand posts and was blown away how much you guys cared for the stories. I then started watching them and you guys opened my eyes.
I thank you all, especially Divine for enriching my world.
Thanks for all the work you’ve done up to this point, and hope you have a good time after. 🙂
お疲れ様. Hope you will still troll IRC.
Ah, you were my favorite blogger on the site, able to smoothly inject some humor(Smoothsuke still comes to mind) into most of your posts. Would it be too much to ask that you drop back down to say 1 show a week instead of breaking off entirely? 2.5 hours a week seems a good deal easier to manage than 13. Either way. thanks for staying as long as you did, you will be missed.
Also, I know you said it wasn’t a burn out, but I wonder if things would have been different if more writers had been picked up back when Divine went on break. I recall some people saying even then that leaving the rest of the writers to take up the slack, even if they were perfectly willing to try, would likely lead to one of them burning out soon enough. Picking up additional people to split the shows would have likely lengthened that time frame, though it certainly would have meant more work in finding someone capable / training them to post.
Thanks for your hard work, Kiiragi. Should have realised you were burning out when you referred to yourself as a third person (Kii?) in the Ao no Exorcist post LOL
Your sarcasm and keen insights (fake Menma wearing a watch?) really set you apart from the rest of the writers and you will be greatly missed
Hope we’ll still get to read your input in the comments section from time to time. Take care and all the best.
Good luck and thank you for everything you’ve worked!
Thanks for all of your hard work. I wish you good luck on your future.
Kiiragi, you will be missed…
hope you will still hang around on IRC and such…
enjoyed a lot of your posts, quite fun to read!
Best wish to your life in general 🙂 and hope you won’t get too picky with anime :3
kii-hime! nuuuuu…. you’ll still visit us on IRC, right?
I’ll give him a nice boat ending if he doesn’t
This is your bro in the Philippines saying; goodbye and thank you for all the fifteen minutes I got from visiting you.
Wish you luck man 3D world is harsh.
You’re my favorite writer on here. Thank you and wish you the best for everything.
Farewell Kii-kun. Had a blast with your sarcasm and such. Good luck in the real world.
It was fun while it lasted…Right, Simon?
Like many said…
Your posts were a fresh addition to the site; it’ll be sad not to have you around anymore. I liked reading your posts even if they were about animes I didn’t know a thing about….You balanced analysis with humor So. Good.
…I’ll really miss them and, above all else, you!
Take care, and good luck with life dude! You better kick reason to the curb, and do the impossible 😀 !
Sayonara ._. and thank you
Ok. Thanks for your time and contribution to the site.
abayo we will miss you
Man Kiiragi…. We’ll miss you, but hey, real life trumps. I’ve really enjoyed reading your posts over the past months; here’s hoping you’ll come back and visit sometime, huh?
you will be dearly missed!! thanks for all your hard work :’)
Thank god…
I will certainly miss you Kiiragi, thank you for your time and contribution to this awesome site. Good luck with everything in your life, I hope you drop by every once in awhile.
Thank you for your insightful posts. You will be missed.
Thanks for the hard work Kiiragi~
Everyone on RC will miss your posts~
Don’t forget to drop by from time to time~
^^WHat they said, at least pop in from time to time and comment on stuff.
Thank you for everything.
As one of you’r fan i bid you FAREWELL!SAYONARA!
MATHANE KIIRAGI-chan, or kun? 😀 😀 😀
thx for all the hard work you’ve done so far!!
and Good luck with real life stuff!!
So long, and thanks for all the posts!
I am actually thinking on applying to blog a show or 2 next season…
Bye Kiirage ;w; ! I never post here … but I always love your posts |D ~
Good luck with life !
Awww 🙂 … thanks for all the fish! And come back when you feel like it again!
thanks for being a gangsta on this site man. Good luck and have fun with whatever your gonna do :D.
I’m really going to miss your ultimate eye for detail. With the exception of Ao no Exorcist ep 7, you have the sharpest eye for the smallest details I’ve ever scene.
T_T. i can stop crying
Awwwww i cant believe it D:
You were my favorite RC writer and you will be missed <3
You will be missed but not forgotten!
You will be forgotten but not… hum, what is the best for this?
Good luck in future endeavors and you’d best keep in touch over IRC otherwise Croos may/will hunt you down and nice-boat your ass!
Love you Kiiragi! いきてるよ!
Let your wellspring of wisdom be filled with… wisdom, and thou shall not be forgotteth.
We will all miss you Kiiragi (and your OP manga post with mouse-over captions. Who will take over and continue this trend?).
Good luck in life!
thanks for the year Kiiragi, appreciate it.
Gosh you’re leaving? I’ll miss your posts…
But I hope you’ll comment from time to time, if just to keep up with new shows.
Thank you so much for all your hard work here, Kiiragi! Long life and happiness to you.
Ah Kiiragi ç_ç we will miss you !! Thanks for everything !!
And good luck for your study (gambate ^^)
well.. at least you said goodbye. you will be missed.. you made nice overviews of your shows.
will you still be commenting as “Kiiragi”?
We will miss your posts Kiiragi
Good luck with school and God speed!
NUUUUU. Oh well I liked your posts. Have fun at school and in your future life, haha. ^_^ Keep commenting on these blogs as well though. :O
Thanks for all Y_Y
Good luck!
wow, kiiragi ur gone now too; whew, good luck to you man ur posts were always interesting and intuitive. I know about hard course schedules and i wish you luck too, hope those guys find someone to take your place, though it would be pretty tough, peace man
Well I’m probably repeating what, like, fifty people have already said but none the less I feel like I have to say it too.
Your posts are always entertaining and I will miss them buckets!
Good luck with school~ I’m pretty sure we all have comparable horror stories about it…
Drop by once in a while and tell us how’s life, it’d be great to know that, you know, you aren’t dead or anything exciting like that.
And MOST IMPORTANTLY good luck and enjoy yourself and I hope all your future endeavors are successful etc etc etc.
….I like you a lot ^///^
Thank you very much for your blogging- it was very helpful.
I enjoyed every single one of your posts and am glad for all your work. Enjoy the time off from doing this, and though I’m being wishful, maybe someday you’ll return.
Thank you for your time and writing.
its been fun reading your writings, good luck with you
Thanks for your hard work 🙂 Wish you good luck !
Been a lurker for a time now, but have always enjoyed reading your posts Kiiragi. Thank you for your blogging and I wish you a good luck in the future.
Kiiragi……We’ll miss you. Please visit every once and a while!
Thanks for your hard work, Kiiragi~! Good luck on whatever you do now! “Don’t be sad it ended. Be happy it even happened” <– All of us fellow readers will miss you!
You will be missed
ah kiragii even your good bye note was awesome. Thanks bro, you’ve been awesome, I wish you success in life 🙂
Thanks for everything,
I had so much fun reading your posts,
we’ll miss you
See ya, brother, you will be missed…… Your posts were consistently entertaining to behold
clap clap clap… bow
Kiragii i bid you farawell and wish you good luck, i had fun reading your posts in the blog, and as some old man once said, nothing its absolute, XD
Thanks for everything you do here and good luck to you in the future. 🙂
thank you for all your post you make your writing a part of my life.
Awww… I really enjoyed your posts on RC 🙁
We do not forget our own. May your travels henceforth be safe, but with enough darkness to provide caution and grant you the adversity necessary to obtain experience for later, even greater adversity. Not tyring to say you’re gonna have a hard time, but you’d best prepare for it so it doesn’t kick your ass. If it does, get back up and dish some of your own!
And don’t be a stranger.Stay on IRC please. (And I should probably put RC back into autojoin on trillian…)
I’m sorry to hear that you’re leaving. I’ll miss your posts! 🙁
Goodbye, good luck and you’ll be missed taht’s all i can think besides a big THANK YOU for all the time that you have spend for the rest of us writing about what we love most.
Sorry “that’s” is what it should be written
Always sad to see writers leaving from this site, since this blog is always so enjoyable to read. Oh well, thanks for all the great reads!
Thanks for everything. <3
Good luck in the future.
Gonna miss your great work and many contributions to RC. I don’t want to sound selfish or anything, but will someone be picking up One Piece?
Thank you so much for all your posts! I will certainly miss you. 🙁
Thanks all your hard work. Good luck with your school.
Bro…I always thought you’r one passionate guy when I read your blogs. Good luck in your schooling. While I always claim I’m watching anime for more than 20 years now, there is some point at that very long record where watching anime hit all time lows, particularly during my college years. I prioritize studying over anime at that time. But now that I’ve finished passed that point, I’m truly proud I’ve made that decision because today — not only I’m getting closer and closer to achieving my goals one step at a time in life, but also I’ve become an even more anime lover after that, even today.
Awww. It’s been really fun man, I hate to see you go so soon. I just recently became a fan of these posts (especially yours!) and now you are leaving :(. Well I hope you had a good a time as I did reading your posts when you wrote them. Good luck in the future and the best to ya!
Bro fist.
Well… I guess it comes around to that again…
Kiiragi… live well… we’ll miss ya…
Though, if you do have spare time, maybe you could pop in? For old time’s sake?
thanks for everything you’ve done up ’till now kiiragi, I’m guna miss your style of blogging but you got to do what you got to do yea?
also good luck with school and all that jazz
Hey, it was a pleasure reading your input for the past year. Thanks for blogging!
& Good luck on your endeavors! I certainly shall miss your invaluable input on anime.
I’m mostly here for for stuff like previews and I hardly ever read the posts, but out of the posts I’ve read, I liked yours the best. They didn’t seem like they were trying to appeal to an audience but instead they felt easygoing and you just saying what was on your mind. Good luck with your life.
I always wanted to ask something. Are you this Kiiragi?? http://www.mangareader.net/boku-wa-tomodachi-ga-sukunai/8/35
yup thats him alright.
Whoa, never noticed his name there.
Been nice readin your stuff. Good luck with life and remember this place fondly.
man… i get really sad when the blogs i love lose one of their writers. i’ll miss your posts and of course, you, Kiiragi; RC won’t be the same without you T_T
good luck with everything!
I will miss your posts T_T. Thank you for everything and good luck!
wow, time sure flies…feels like you only started blogging here half a year ago. (do note that I have forgotten when exactly you started helping out Divine…and I’m not gonna check on whether the guess was correct)
Best to your future Kiiragi.
Thanks for everything, including your great Madoka posts. Good luck in the future~!
Takaii did those. :/
You were probably one of my favorite bloggers (even though I only just… glanced at your paragraphs hah….)
But ye, I’m graduating too. Good luck to you man, and hope you still watch anime.
Also since does this mean you’re going to keep posting about One Piece until it ends…? ;D
I think Oda’s like 3/5 of the way done.
Nah, everything’s dropped.
Dang… Gonna miss you man. Hope you still update your MyAnimeList at least.
Thanks a lot for helping keep this site alive Kiiragi and for all the hard work and great posts! Good luck in RL and you will definitely be missed! T_T
I will truly miss your posts. Thanks for all the hard work!!
It’s the Omni-Syndrome, so who’s getting it next??? xD
Cya! ..and ty!
will someone take over steins gate after it or will there be no blog after todays epi?
thanks alot and good luck 😀
I hate changes and goodbyes, but most importantly I’ll love your witty reviews!!
But wish you all the best 😀 I hope you’ll come by and drop some reviews some times. Thank you very much!! :’D
thanks for all the good posts, and i wish you the best of luck with your studies,
i salute you good bye.
would you still be posting here as reader?? Makes me feel warm and fuzzy knowing everyone that was involved, are still… well.. involved.
No promises.
Aren’t you another alias of Omni? xD
Good luck dude. I hope to see you back blogging a few shows some time
Kiiragi. I Love you. Please dont leave.
Thanks for your hard work and good luck with your new life.
Trust me, you will really be missed.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and reviews!
Good luck!
I’m really sad to see you go, Kiiragi, you’ve always been one of my favorite writers here. The Kamina-reference just makes it all worse ;w;
But of course blogging anime should be a hobby and when your hobby starts to burn you out, something must be wrong… I wish you the best of luck in the future and hold on to the dream that one day you’ll return 🙂
I really enjoyed reading your post. Thank you.
I hope To see you in the blogging scene sometime in the future.
I always enjoyed reading your posts – you had a lot of good thoughts about shows and gave me new insight on things – so I’m sad to see you go. Best of luck with everything in the future, and take care! I hope that someday you’ll be able to come back.
I don’t know why and i hardly even know you, but I strangely feel sad,like something important just been rip off of my life.
For all it worth, I think you are 10% of Kamina to me(I can’t give more than 10%). I’ll missed your post.
Goodbye,Kiiragi *salute*
Well that’s a surprise. I admit I’ve been really busy these last months, and I didn’t had much time to visit here and read most of your posts, but I liked how you blogged Anohana and Denpa Onna. Also, I don’t know if you’re the same Kiiragi or not but I secretly hoped you would stick around until Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai starts airing to blog it. It would have been interesting to see the point of view of someone who knows a lot about the story already. (thanks for working on it btw)
Well goodbye then.
There’s not a lot of story in BTS so far, and it doesn’t seem like there will ever be that much until a while later in the light novels, which the anime obviously won’t get to. Blogging BTS would probably kill my enjoyment of the show, if the adaptation didn’t already, because it’s simply a comedy. I can’t blog comedies and still make my posts worth reading (to me at least). There’s few who can. *cough* Jaalin
Hmm yeah that’s true.
Take it easy man.
Gonna need lots of drinking to put this off 😐
Well your Gosick chaos arrangement post was excellent, catching things that everyone else that i read in the blogsphere missed. Good journey then
Wow… time sure goes by fast! Thank you for everything that you have done at Random Curiosity! Good luck!
Thank you for your contributions. RC has been my go to place for many seasons.
I love most of the shows you wrote about, they were the few shows that I actually read posts for this season.
Good luck where ever life takes you.
Its been short,but your posts were interesting to read.See you later.
It wasn’t a long run, but it was a good one. Shall miss you.
Ganna’ miss your posts Kiiragi. Ima go get papercut and be emo.
Gah, this was so sudden, I didn’t really took it seriously when you said you’re going to retire in IRC. Well anyway, good luck to you dude, That was indeed a fun ride.
AH fck I still can’t believe it.
T.T I’ll miss you and your posts, thanks for the hard work, good luck in your life ^^
Thank you for everything. We’ll miss you!
Your posts have always been well-written, insightful, and a joy to read.
You will be missed, sir.
Thank you for all of your hard work! We’ll miss you.
Been a long time lurker but i always looked forward to your posts. Thanks for all your hard work, and best of luck for your future endeavours!
Timeleaping to bring your ass back to RC……. 🙁
Been kinda busy recently and just happened to get some free time on my hands, so I went to check out Retrospective Look..and saw that you were leaving(or have already left). Thought I’d drop by to say good luck, anyway.