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「ゆび切りげんまん」 (Yubikiri Genman)
“Pinky Swear”
I’m probably going to be repeating myself a lot here, but this series is very cute and heartwarming. Its strong start continues into the second episode, and it’s very straightforward and simple, almost like slice of life. Daikichi and Rin struggle through work, school, shopping, commute, and they are really just normal people facing an interesting situation. Daikichi may be a clueless new parent, but to be fair being a parent really is a learning process and few people get it right the first time. Rin is a snarky, witty little kid, but she helps him by telling him what she knows. Raising a child is no easy task, and Daikichi tries to figure things out by asking his cousin, checking the internet, and just general trial and error.
The episode proceeds through the first few days of their life together, as Rin figures out life at nursery school and Daikichi faces the difficult task of balancing his career and a new family all by himself. Given his busy job, I guess he should have been a little more careful in making promises, especially when using the very serious pinky swear. Unsurprisingly, he’s unable to keep his promise and ends up picking Rin up extremely late, getting a totally deserved pouty face. My eyes actually moistened a bit when Daikichi followed through and ate the paper needles that he swore on. It’s nice seeing him trying his best as he gets used to taking care of a child, and if there is one thing he is doing right, it would definitely be that he is perceptive to Rin’s feelings and does all he can to understand and address them.
Touching moments aside, Daikichi and Rin’s interactions are so darn cute and hilarious, but they also feel very realistic at the same time. There are plenty of subtle quirks, from Rin lecturing him on manners, fussing with each others’ hair, to directly calling him Daikichi (though considering she is technically his aunt, it’s not entirely inappropriate). Luckily for Daikichi, she’s pretty mature for her age, but in a lot of ways she’s like a normal little kid too — for example not wanting to be too close with dad in front of the other kids, being a bit nervous on her first day of school, making pouty faces, and denying embarrassing deeds. Rin’s antics and the faces she makes are utterly lovable, and I had a constant smile on my face throughout the episode. The way things are portrayed certainly makes me wish the best for the characters, and I’m trying very hard not to peek at the manga just yet.
This episode was a great follow up and it looks promising. I really enjoy their interactions too and the way they would “trade places” in certain dialogues and actions was pretty cute. Daikichi’s really trying his best and I’d like to see how this ends up affecting his life since he can’t really continue as is. Definitely looking forward to more of this show.
THIS, is what I call loli fanservice. 🙂
wrong show maybe?
No, you arent reading between the lines 😛
Like you said this show is very cute and heart warming. That to me is “fanservice” unlike the other stuff they pull in shows like Lotte no Omocha.
loli is the word used for sexualized young girls though, so you cant blame him for not understanding 😛
How many episodes are we getting btw?
11 episodes.
“Loli” just means “Lolita”, it has nothing to do with being sexualized or not.
Ano14, look up the origination of the term Lolita, and the book that spawned its popularity.
Actually I felt a bit uneasy watching this episode (in particular this and this . However, this show is simply perfect, so I decided not to think too much about it.
You must have a pretty sick mind if you actually think there was anything wrong with those pics,
our mind have been corrupted because we watched too many loli show
make us cannot appreciate pure heartwarming moments
oh god please forgive us
( just kidding, I can tell what is lolifanservices and what’s not )
Actually, those pictures depict realistic moments in any normal family – including the bed wetting.
As a viewer (of the Anime), we sometimes forget that we are granted a viewpoint that is not generally
granted to an outsider; we are uninvited guests and those scenes provide credibility and depth to the
you should have linked to this image instead
The only thing wrong with that pic is Rin being a chikan
you have a somewhat unique defenition of fan service XD
This series really reminds me of Aishiteruze Baby. I like that it takes a realistic tone but doesn’t take it self too seriously, and I love the chemistry between Daikichi and Rin.
Wow first … this is new.
But moving on, I agree with you about how much of an actual slice of life this is. I also like the pacing of the series, letting things take their natural course makes it all the more realistic. And I am also soo tempted to go peek at the manga!
Ok not first, orz
And this is why you shouldn’t try to announce first. Live, learn, then stfu when you need to.
Haruko is his cousin, not his sister
yeah and I think she see Daikichi as something more than just her cousin
im really enjoying this anime 🙂
i love this show i hope they follow the manga and showher grow up
Normally I’m against killing but this article salughteerd my ignorance.
uniqlo FTW
Lets hope that they only animate the first half of the series, I would hate for you guys to see what the series becomes.
You make it sound as if the second part was terrible or sick, its not. People just make a huge deal out of nothing. I do agree though that the first part is insanely better.
Best show so far.
Sad, funny, the art is amazing, characters are awesome…etc.
A new challenger for Clannad?
Difficult to say as they are very different series. Clannad After Story was full on drama towards the end and tried to pluck every emotional string there is to pluck. This show is more of a slice of life which is cute and lighthearted. There are some similarities, but remember that (Clannad spoiler alert) Ushio is Tomoya’s daughter and it is possibly harder for him since she reminds him of Nagisa . In this series that feeling of loss isn’t there, but everything else is (trying to balance work and family, learning how to be a parent etc).
Yeah, but I don’t look for a new Clannad, just something as powerful as After Story (first season wasn’t that great at all).
I thought that Anoha or Hanasaku could be great dramas but my hopes are on Usagi Drop now.
And yeah the slice of life part is really great
I kind of want to start reading the manga to see if this will turn into a sad series or one with a happy ending, but I also don’t want to spoil the anime which is such a fantastic adaptation. Conundrum!
thought the show might be a slow one but the decision to continue on with the 2nd ep was a good one… will stick with it
You shouldnt be thinking of Daikichi as Rin’s father, never forget he is just a guardian and she is his aunt. Rin doesnt see him as a father either as you can already see from their interactions and he hasnt decided on what she is to him either, the matter will be setled in a later chapter… no, not in a controversial way you sick fucks.
Dont try to find any hiden meanings on this post or this anime, dont be afraid of it, you are way sicker than it, trust me.
Daikichi is doing a great job so far. Actually, better than most parents in my country. LOL.
This show, always puts a smile on my face but at the same time a chuckle and a tear. This series is heart warming and it feels so real cause of the interaction between the characters. 🙂 My kind of show
I rather liked how the manga got “translated” into the anime so far, with some of the open thought process changed into actions that we can understand without the characters speaking their mind…with some fluffy results…
I was going to complain about how manga Rin was way cuter than anime Rin, then that happened
Rin is too adorable, it’s almost criminal.
Why do people find some of this stuff awkward or suggestive? Honestly, has the anime world warped folk’s minds to the point where even something heartwarming needs to have some inherently wrong under tones?
you kidding me? Daikichi’s acting more as a foster father than a guardian to his “aunt” (yes, I’m quoting it…) for the time being, even if Rin doesn’t want to be officially adopted…
warning: manga/future episode spoilers:
we’ll see even more suggestive stuff in the upcoming episodes that would make this episode look tame
crud…should’ve made another spoiler tag for the first part…
There was nothing suggestive in this episode and there wont be anything in the future either, you are just sick
And I dont even know why you tagged that as a spoiler when not only its wrong, but also not really a spoiler. The first part was, but barely.
Thx for covering this anime, it’s always nice to see what you think even if there is not a whole lot of plot movement. I agree with you that this is a very heart warming anime. I’ll need to make time to see this anime through.
Oh man, a show like Aria and a show like Aishiteruze Baby. On top of that, Nichijou is continuing into its 2nd part.
This is truly my season!
Best anime of this season.Hurray for realism and real human behavior in animation.
More or less because even kids who are very smart don’t actually behave like Rin.
I think it’s pretty real, little kid only act spoiled brat if there are people to spoil her. In Rin case, it is clear nobody want to even bother with her. I’m guessing instead of being mature or anything, it more that she doesn’t know how to interact with other people( since crying and throwing tantrum won’t get anyone attention.)
Forgive the double post. How many episodes are we getting btw?
It´s a Noitamina show, they usually span 11-episodes series. If you ask me, as Kuragehime and Hourou Musuko isn`t enough Bunny Drop for me =/
Rin bouncing around on the futon was the cutest thing since Hakase’s and Nano’s paper scissors rock game with Nano having the shark puppet and going “I love you” XD
You know, if this series is successful, I hope to hell they make Yotsuba&! into an anime series. It’s virtually identical (except for the creepy incest factor).
Tbh, the only creepy incest factor is in your head
Are they even biologically father and child in Yotsubato? I can’t remember, but I don’t get any creepy vibes from that series at all even if they are.
Nope. Yotsuba is supposed to be a war child and her “daddy” found out she had absolutely no one to take care of her, somewhere outside of Japan. Then he decided to be the one.
It reminds me more of “My Girl” by Mizu Sahara in the way the so lovely and rather quietly told. “Yotsubato!” is rather.. loud and funny. “Usagi Drop” and “My Girl” are more realistic and artistic
I think you have a good show/manga when characters react rather realistically to certain situations. I would have been very irritated if Daikichi started having stupid perverse thoughts about Rin sleeping next to him.
I find it especially nice how despite being a josei manga, it can appeal to both the male and female audience
Confirmed: Daikichi is a pedophile.
Let me fix it for you:
“Confirmed: Mega Masher is not a pedophile, Mega Masher in the other hand…”
“Confirmed: Daikichi is not a pedophile, Mega Masher in the other hand…”
Yeah, should double check when I edit a sentence after changing my mind
I love how Rin gots up really fast at the end to tell Daikichi “it’s sweat!”
I swear, this show is going to be the death of me one day. It’s like seeing Tomoya and Ushio again. T^T
Daikichi’s reaction at the end was priceless! It made me ROFLMAO!!! I’m loving this anime so far!
Welcome to the master of slice of life. Damn right.
The animation of this show is just *gorgeous*. That scene where Daikichi was dreaming of the cat was lovely. Really really impressed.
Look like i get to be the first one to say this;
Kidding aside this was a rather enjoyable episode. It’s a nice change of pace from what has been on lately. My only gripe is animation style they use for some of the expressions; mostly Rin’s. (I know it’s just a different animation style, but it still looks weird.) Though that’s only a minor issue.
What lies ahead is uncertain, but it’s only a matter of time before ‘s*** gets real’ for Daikichi.
Nobody even thought of that, and Daikichi already beat you to it. Brought Rin home.
I.G seems to be trying to stick closely to the manga’s style in terms of character design. A good thing in my book. I’m getting sick of seeing the same walking embryos in every single anime.
This is a good show,bring drama even when they are not really trying. Whenever i thought it only be 11 episode, i just feel that it’s not enough.
Technically his aunt not her aunt.
Cute ep, will def continue
fixed the typo
Remember to Prooofread!
thanks a lot for covering this ! i downloaded this by mistake but its a terrific slice of life show, something really different
I’m rooting for Daikichi to find a way to handle things much better & easier, but to have such a cute & unique adopted daughter in Rin is helpful.
Rin is so adorable. I also had a good chuckle from the end scene.
In a way I sort of envy Daikichi, to have skipped past the dating and marriage phases of his life and going straight to the child-rearing phase, thus not needing to go through any of the drama that forms part of the emo-package with the first two phases. lol
(Though he did quip about getting a girlfriend so as to make his job of raising Rin easier. )
I somewhat agree with you…I’d love to have my girlfriend and I go over the pregnancy phase and just raise our kids. Rin is incredibly adorable!
…adopt a kid, maybe? (do note the trolling…)
Hey Prooof, I was wondering whether you are still going to blog Kami-sama no Memochou.
He should be getting around to it soon. I already prepped the new ending video for him.
my bad I’m a bit slow this week
I fully agree with your opinion, Prooof. Cute, but in a realistic way. Its pretty cool to show her compared to the hyperactive and very childish Reina. I dunno how long I can surpress the impulse of reading the manga @.@
I’m surprised some people find this show disturbing. O_O
I’m going to assume its the whole east vs. west ordeal, the difference between parenting in the east and parenting in the west. There were similar reactions for even My Neighbor Totoro where some people were saying the dad was a pedo because he was taking a bath with his 2 little girls. Or he was just “too close” to his daughters.
I remember when I watched the first episode, I thought the animation was a little bit weird at the beginning before the opening. Guess they do it on purpose. Great episode by the way.
I died when Daikichi thought it was him who left the wet spot in the bed before he thought it was her. DIED.