「おぐらやま」 (Ogura Yama)
“The Autumn Leaves of Mt. Ogura”

Boring recap ep is boring… But you know, I’ve seen a lot worse. To be honest – I LOL’d.

I’m not terribly thrilled to get a recap episode in a series adapting an ongoing manga that isn’t going to be able to finish the story as is – it seems like a waste to me. But while I question why Madhouse is doing this (money or scheduling crunch being the usual answer) I have to confess it was one of the more entertaining recap eps I’ve seen.

There was some funny stuff here, and I know at least some of it was manga omake material – I recognized the “New Years Money” chapter for sure, because it was one of my favorite omakes (yes, Taichi’s family is loaded). It was also a blast to see everyone’s adorable 12 year-old forms again. I thought the running gag with Taichi in the “Describe your friends with Japanese idioms” game was clever, especially given that “Jack of all trades, master of none” is his self-confessed worst fear about himself. And the bit with Nishida’s sister made me LOL for sure, especially when she revealed her shotacon tendencies and thus, preference for Tsutomu (and Chihaya in last place as the least shota-like team member).

Like the “Animated audio commentary” extras that came with Oreimo, Chihayafuru slyly slipped some revealing character stuff in there too. I love it when a series breaks the fourth wall and uses it as a vehicle to illuminate character – sure it’s a cheat, but so what? I especially loved the second “Idiom” sketch, in which Kana gave Taichi a break with “Easy on the eyes” and Taichi nailed Chihaya perfectly with “Fools rush in”. Confirmed: Tsutomu definitely likes Kana-chan (and I sense there’s some reciprocal feeling there, too) and likes her hard. Well, they all chose her, even Chihaya – but when the second round of “Girl Talk” came around and little-seen classmate Michiru-chan demanded a “serious answer”, even though I knew I was about to be trolled I couldn’t stop myself from leaning forward in my chair, just a little…


      1. Not quite, I do actually know some – but not enough that I’d feel comfortable blogging a series raw unless I’d read the manga recently. I’m taking formal classes for the first time now, just to force myself to really stick to it and get the writing system down. The goal, of course, is to be able to watch anime raw and read manga raw, but that’s a ways off yet…

      2. That’s normal. Just be aware that the term “kana” refers to either alphabet, distinguishing them from kanji. The “ka” only requires a “dakuten” (double quotation mark) to turn it into the “ga” in hiragana, hence why the term “kana” encompasses them both.

  1. Lol, perfect victory for Kana. I loved the New Year’s money omake with Chihaya and her sister Chitose, especially since Chinese New Year was a couple of days ago. Like some others, I skipped through all the recap scenes and just watched the omakes.

    1. It’s actually kinda trollish that all their names (Arata, Taichi, Harada-sensei) can be matched with Chihaya’s “-a” wide-open mouth.

      But of course we all know it’s Harada-sensei. 😉

  2. I really couldn’t finish this recap. I did skip around to see if there was any decent new material but nothing of interest it seemed like. Everything seemed so fresh in my head already that this recap seemed pretty pointless to me. =/

  3. Late getting around to watching this, but for a recap ep. this was definitely one of the most enjoyable I can recall in a long while. I couldn’t agree more about the disappointment on a wasted ep. with the story not going to be concluded already, but at least just about all the omake made me laugh, and as you said it was fun seeing the trio in their younger years again.

  4. Awww, I thought you’d at least put a little remark of Arata’s appearance in this episode… oh well. I was surprised they included it in this type of episode rather than in the actual plot of the series. Funny and cute nonetheless. :3

    And I concur, why put a filler episode when most likely the series won’t extend to a second season? It just gets people’s hopes up… I really wish there could be a second season. Are you absolutely sure that this series won’t be prolonged? ): It’s sad knowing it’ll end in a matter of 8 episodes…

    December's Landing

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