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「切断」 (Setsudan)
So there’s your breather episode before the action picks up for the final arc…
As usual, it’s dangerous for me to discuss the meaning of events too much in the post (and please, you all know my spoiler rules for the comments by now). Safer ground is talking about the impact of the ep – which might have been titled “How the Hell Do We Animate This Without the Whole Ep Being Behind a Censor Bar” – and some of the timing issues. It’s hell to choose 36 caps for this one – I took well over twice that many and I could easily use them on reaction shots alone. Asread did a pretty good job of being creative in showing the horror of what happened in whatever way they could. It’s also worth pointing out that the breakneck pacing of the last few episodes has left the adaptation with four eps left to finish the story at a rate of less than two chapters per episode – roughly half of the pace they’ve been going for the last few.
Now, it’s certainly interesting to speculate on what that means. As you know I think insane pacing works well for Mirai Nikki, because the series works best when the audience has no time to do anything but react – so I’ve loved these crazy last few weeks. Is it possible Hosoda and Takayama-sensei have plans to materially change the ending? Or do they simply have plans to savor it, animate those remaining chapters in exquisite detail and flesh them out a bit? While they’ve generally hewn close to the author’s intent in matters of substance, the creative team has shown an occasional willingness to tweak significantly – but if I were a betting man, I don’t think we’re headed for an anime original ending. In that likely event that thesis is correct, it’s going to be interesting to see how the anime plays while adapting manga material at a much more leisurely pace than it has for a very long time.
As for the episode itself, well needless to say, an awful lot happened and not much of it was easy to watch. Strong opinions will be formed about the behavior of Yuno, Akise and especially Yukiteru here – and many guesses about just what Akise was trying to tell Yuki there at the end. What seems obvious is that the story Yuki was getting from Akise and Hinata was materially different from the one he was getting from Yuno, to the point where they seem to be mutually exclusive. Can the dead be brought back, or not? If you ask me, the reaction I had to Yukiteru’s behavior when I saw this material for the first time was, “they finally broke him”. It didn’t really seem like Yuki to me, pulling the trigger on that gun pointed at Hinata. How many times can one kid have the ground shifted under him, and another version of the truth called a lie, before he snaps completely?
In a sense, it almost feels as if the last several episodes have amounted to a giant game of chicken between Yuno and Akise, with Yukiteru as the prize. Was Akise’s love for Yuki real, despite Deus’ revelation that he’s a created being (aren’t all beings created by God, if you stipulate to this mythology?)? And that kiss was certainly real enough, as Yuno’s reaction will attest. It was a strategic kiss, but that doesn’t mean Akise didn’t enjoy it – and it did serve the purpose intended in infuriating Yuno. But playing chicken with a yandere, well – it should be self-evident. In the end, Akise blinked first, and bound Yuno’s wounds rather than letting her die. Never let it be suggested that Yuno Gasai is hesitant to take whatever steps necessary to achieve the goal.
Eighth’s role in all this was fundamentally different from the others, in that she never really became an active participant herself, instead existing as a strategic piece in the hands of other players. Her death scene has always felt anti-climactic to me, almost incidental to events in the episode – dispatched casually by Yuno as Yukiteru barely bats an eye, and her only request was for Yuki to remember her true purpose and act to honor it. So then, we’re left with Yuno and Yuki, much as it seemed would be the case all along. And Murumuru, of course, in the event anyone needs any omakes made. And all of them in a world that seems to be under a good deal of structural stress, under the shadow of a ticking clock…
soo Akise pulled a Kaworu Nagisa lmao. i knew it. XD
Everyone’s been saying Akise was a Kaworu clone from the beginning.
Oh…my… Just when I thought Mirai Niki couldn’t get any crazier.
Yuno’s phone call was the best part.
Fitting. Akise just lost his head over the matter…
Nice catch. Upside down.
Akise manages to walk while headless lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT91IQOmNqI
it was a chopping matter.
This anime will definitely be heading now to the final arc now that Yuno has finally cut-off most of the problem.
and will have a smashing ending?
Believe me: The end is mind-blowing. It’s crazy awesome to the core. No details for you guys who haven’t seen the manga so as not to spoil you, let’s just say we will now move the plot at neck-breaking speed.
Akise’s going to have a splitting headache~
Wow, so we’re alloed to make these jokes now.
Yes we are. Please try not to laugh your head off.
Guess he got ahead of himself
*badum tish*
Anime characters really doesn’t hv respect from us do they?
At least it wasn’t a 4 minute still of Yuno waiting to crush him…
And with that, we have less than two volumes left, which was where Tokyopop stopped publishing the english version.
2 players left. LET’S ROCK.
Yeah, I really hope some other publisher picks up the last two volumes. This series is amazing, so I’d really like to buy all the manga volumes, too. Support the cause and all that.
This episode made fully remember why I just love this series. (and why I should get locked.)
yandere motto “love – by whatever means necessary…”
And Yuno is the epitome of that in all senses of the phrase.
omg i didnt realise his head got cut off until i re-watched it again! omg Akise-kun!!!! T.T
I loved watching Yuno go insane. That crazy look. Man. Wow.
I seriously can’t wait till next week. This is going to make me go batshit crazy.
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woah! i just remembered! where is the yuno’s most anticipated scene? 🙂 why did they cut if off?
Just rewatching the first portion of Mirai Nikki’s first episode (not a manga reader here).[i’m just re-telling what was revealed in the first episode. No manga spoils here since i dont read the manga XD] Two interesting parts occured (from how I see it):
1. In the first part of the story, we see a girl who looks like Yuno trying to wake up a boy who looks like Yukiteru, but beside him, there are ‘capsules’, I assume drugs were the one that made the boy unconsicous; whether he consumed it willingly or forcefully by the girl, that i’m not sure. Thereafter, the scene shifts to the haunted room in Gasai Yuno’s house, where they show Gasai Yuno squatting down at the side calling out to her Mum and Dad (and the screen shows a darkened view of the cage); with this, i assume that the parents have already died then. And I assume that because of this, that Gasai Yuno was guilty of killing them, not the one that we see now.
2. The interesting part thereafter was when Gasai Yuno was killed by what looks like a clown (it is unclear as the screen was dark). She screams out, “Amano-kun!”, but the Gasai Yuno here calls him Yuki, and with everything revolving over two Yuno-s, the real Gasai Yuno must have been killed then, and Murmur’s probably pulling the strings in her death.
what i cant link is the connection between the first part and the second. Especially the fact that both Yuno-s have a connection with Amano Yukiteru. But oh well, that’s for us to find out in the next episode. I wonder what Akise wrote in that text.
[RE-EDITED] Just rewatching the first portion of Mirai Nikki’s first episode (not a manga reader here).[i’m just re-telling what was revealed in the first episode. No manga spoils here since i dont read the manga XD] Two interesting parts occured (from how I see it):
1. In the first part of the story, we see a girl who looks like Yuno trying to wake up a boy who looks like Yukiteru, but beside him, there are ‘capsules’, I assume drugs were the one that made the boy unconsicous; whether he consumed it willingly or forcefully by the girl, that i’m not sure.
2. Thereafter, the scene shifts to the haunted room in Gasai Yuno’s house, where they show Gasai Yuno squatting down at the side calling out to her Mum and Dad (and the screen shows a darkened view of the cage); with this, i assume that the parents have already died then. And I assume that because of this, that Gasai Yuno was guilty of killing them, not the one that we see now. The interesting part thereafter was when Gasai Yuno was killed by what looks like a clown (it is unclear as the screen was dark). She screams out, “Amano-kun!”, but the Gasai Yuno here calls him Yuki, and with everything revolving over two Yuno-s, the real Gasai Yuno must have been killed then, and Murmur’s probably pulling the strings in her death.
what i cant link is the connection between the first part and the second. Especially the fact that both Yuno-s have a connection with Amano Yukiteru. But oh well, that’s for us to find out in the next episode. I wonder what Akise wrote in that text.
Just looked at the 1st ep to see what you were talking about. Saw what you meant. That room that Yuki and Yuno were in looked a lot like Kami’s room. Secondarily that “clown” looked a lot like one of those rabbit costumes from later on. I’m guessing it will come full circle and things will be explained next week.
Am I getting Pet Cemetary vibes here?
The dress we see “Yuno” wearing in the first scene of the show looks similar to the one she is wearing in this episode as well… But it’s hard to tell with the lighting.
I have not read the managa as well but I’ve been thinking for a while that Gasai Yuno were twins and maybe the parents were forcing them to live a single life or sharing time. That or one was live a proper life while they other was the one caged up watching everything through here sister diary… It’s why both girls know Amano-kun but the one that was murder was the extra diary that the current Gasai Yuno used as a bluff.
I just re-watched the intro of episode one again as well and I’m wondering Yuno finally took it upon her self to start clearing the obstacles in here way of getting close to her Yuki with her family being the first to go.
I rewatched the first few minutes right after I read your post. Holy crap, never noticed that the first time around, but I hadn’t read the manga at the time. Since I read and finished the manga after one of the later episodes, I know exactly what the scene is.
Can’t tell you or Enzo will go yan on this post~~
“She screams out, “Amano-kun!”, but the Gasai Yuno here calls him Yuki”
Which coincides with http://images.randomc.net/Mirai%20Nikki/Mirai%20Nikki%20-%2022%20-%2032.jpg .
this is a big hint because real Yuno calling him by his last name indicates that Yuno wasn’t on first name basis with Yuki. They had only spoken a few times (or less) so that’s natural since they live in japan. Fake Yuno has called Yukiteru by the nick name Yuki since the beginning like she’s known him for some time. I have a hunch what is going on now with all that Akise replayed in his mind. There’s only one explanation why Fake Yuno was able to get into the Gasai Family Bank vault via retina scan and why she has two diaries that monitored Yuki’s actions. The thing I don’t know is why Yuno is doing all this to be with Yuki if she’s going to kill him (knowing she can’t revive him if she becomes God mind you)
Maybe she doesn’t mind if she can only bring back his body (without a soul). When Yuno held him captive in episode 14 ago he didn’t look very lively either, but Yuno was happy nonetheless.
Oh my!
Hail to my fellow Fujoushis! Some good old boy kiss boy action!
Akise definitely did that as a strategist move to send Yuno into a blind rage… too bad she had already pulled out her trump-card/phone inadvance. Akise has always shown an interest beyond professional for Yukiteru but just did see this coming as there was no romantic, longing, or lustful gestures he displayed. Akise really did play this game close to the chest.
I should have dubbed this Slasher Mondays weeks ago as I watch this and Another back to back. (I writing to try to calm down) O______o
Their is just something about dieing by a Neck Trauma that freaks me out. I got the same reaction watching someone impaled on an umbrella as seeing Yuno slicing into Akise throat the first time. At lest I seem to take decapitation better as I know that death by a clean one quicker.
It’s actually pretty amazing that Akise body was still able to move forward and lift something while hold the phone in his hand, as a normal human would have stopped functioning with all the signals cut for that final gesture.
“So there’s your breather episode before the action picks up for the final arc…”
Yeah, as soon as I finished this episode I read through the rest of the manga. I couldn’t wait anymore hahahah
When I saw that boxy compartment on Gasai Yuno’s belt, I thought she was going to imitate Yuki with his darts, or challenge Akise Aru to a (Yu-Gi-Oh!) duel. *Yes, I have a belt just for carrying my deckbox* XD
DAT KISS. I WILL NEVER UNSEE IT – EVEN IF I TEAR OUT MY EYES AND REPLACE THEM. It’s like the kiss between Jim and Stifler in American Pie 2, but not funny. Yaoi fangirls must be in emergency rooms now because of massive blood loss.
Akise Aru, don’t get ahead of yourself. You lost to the Yandere Queen fair and square, for Yandere Love IS the purest love. XD
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If only… Deus made Akise female. Akise Aya-chan!!!
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2 hour long movie
You’ve clearly never experienced a stalker-ish love in the real world. Believe me, it’s not fun. Nothing pure about it at all.
You can say that again. Restraining orders anyone?
May I recommend a does of Brain Bleach?
Well that kiss really isn’t terrible, I mean, Akise is sexy in a way.
And Yeah: Yandere is the purest form of love. Probably you can say that it is love without reason or common sense. It’s “just love”.
Bleach is a good show for brain bleach.
You know what would have been great if NTT Docomo or other brands advertised lol. Mobile sale’s would hit the roof. It would have worked so well.
Nearing the end and what a gore fest it was blood blood and more blood.
Alas, poor Akise-kun… He finally confessed his feelings for Yukiteru before being decapitated by Yandere Yuno!
DAT KISS. Even after reading that chapter of the manga, my mind will forever be scarred. And what do you know, I’m a fujoshi. Which simply means I like it 8D
Kaworu Nagisa has just made an appearance in this show, for some reason. And it’s inside Akise Aru. XD
Crazy!Yuno is also fun to see because it’s her real personality anyway~
Crazy, but a crazily good show. Cannot wait for the rest of the episodes.
And here I was hoping that they’d REDEFINE Akise’s origin instead of using all of it from the manga. I was hoping that they’d at least use something from Paradox. Or use Paradox as Akise’s true origin. While many would definitely disagree with me due to the fact that Paradox sets in alternate time line, making it non-canon to the main story-line, the ending in Paradox suggest otherwise. If anything else, I always believe (or choose to) that Paradox is the prologue to the main story-line.
Regardless, I still enjoy this episode. Now I’m all crazy waiting for the next episode.
I did read Paradox but up to the point before I spoiled myself of the main storyline.
So u might be right!
Awesome episode. Probably the best although it did not retain everything from the manga. Probably for dramatic purposes in the next episode.
I also believe that Paradox is meant to be the prologue to the original manga’s story line.
That being said, there’s absolutely no reason why his origin here would be any different in Paradox, and I’m really questioning why you’d think that would make such a big difference. Show Spoiler ▼
And I’m being totally honest when I ask what you think is different about Akise’s origin in Paradox because I don’t see any difference nor a reason for there to be a difference there.
For the benefit of those that haven’t read Paradox, let’s keep the specific info from that story in spoiler tags, please.
Sorry about that. On the bright side, I didn’t exactly spoil the Paradox bit, in a way.
oh my look like mirai nikki armageddon has either make everyone going crazy, shock, looney, shion’s laughing crazy, etc yep or even yet cabin fever from Muppet Treasure Island?!
after getting answer answer from deus akise try to escape but grab by deus.
to reveal akise is observer created by deus & now be sliced to pieces.
but manage pull last second save with help to get himself apprentice diary to save yuki.
yuki & yuno running so get big 8th yet here akise telling yuki something.
but yuno the blocker pull knife yet akise ok then tazer then safe again.
cause now read all moves yet to change future then yuno tell yuki get big 8th.
yuki see hinata telling yuki the truth from akise that you can’t bring back the dead people.
hearing that yuki has got BSOD while akise got yuno yea yuno stab self for WHAT?!
yuki wondering what hinata said while aru trying call yuki then out of no where.
yuno just pulled the biggest Wounded Gazelle Gambit ever on yuki.
so yea yuki now shot hinata, then mao, & kousada.
yuno still hurt seeing to do next got another hidden ace.
akise arrive trying reason with yuki here yuno then akise pull “all or nothing” on yuki.
akise vs yuno with akise smash phone but nothing happen then got neck yuno cut.
akise wondering how can this be from two yuno, two phone, etc going must be hmm…
yuki ask yuno give she said it’s a fake?
then yuki still wondering after last saying of big 8th yuno finish it.
akise seeing two of everything that “it’s must be?”.
deus all in pieces with murmur all “happy” ha ha.
akise in pain going to tell yuki still neck cut then yuno stab show yuki the “message”.
ok now yea the end is near now wonder what next?
well what did you expect that everyone going crazy, shock, looney, shion’s laughing crazy, etc yep or even yet cabin fever from Muppet Treasure Island?!
due it’s now mirai nikki armageddon with the end is near!!!
yea yuno pulling that Wounded Gazelle Gambit http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb480/Yumekichi11/picture17/12ece67b.jpg OH he!! no yea cabin fever has risen.
with 4eps yea got get it all wrap up?
How was Akise’s love strong enough to convince Deus? Deus said that it was false which I interpreted as having been ordered by Deus, rather than something Akise naturally felt.
Correct. Enzo needs to watch that part again because it was Akise’s plan to change the game with his new detective diary rather than remain an observer that proved his independent will.
Not his love for Yukiteru.
Yes, I’m surprised that it was mentioned that way in the summary. Akise’s love for Yukiteru was according to Deus’ will, not his own. He did resolve to protect Yukiteru after that, but more important was his resolve to be an active participant in the game’s events.
And the way Deus put his creation made it seem like Akise literally didn’t even exist until the start or close to the start of the game, so he was a lot more artificial than every other human being we’ve been introduced to.
It’s true, I phrased that rather badly and have since corrected it.
Love revives people.
I am Zanibas von Cakes.
You killed my Hinata.
Prepare to die.
>so there’s your breather episode
You call this a breather episode?! Even though I read the entire manga and know what happens next I can’t agree with that. My eyes were like this O_O half the time. Crazy crazy series filled with crazy crazy characters.
I’m not into man on man, but I just love that kiss. Who’s brave enough to kiss Amano in front of Yuno of all people?
It shouldn’t even be call a breather episode. Normal breather episode doesn’t have a guy kissing the MC and his head got cut off by the jealous GF.
Um – it was a joke, Peoples…
Do not fear, Enzo, I’m sure the mayority did get the joke 😛 !
Too much craziness to pick up on a joke like that :p
Yeah, next episode is the true breather episode amiright?
I laughed but I’m a sadist at heart…. Not really but I love black humor and it was appreciated after seeing all that shit hitting the fan.
you make funny joke to throw people off…
S!!! haha
It was indeed a crazy ep. No doubt.
Interesting how pretty much everyone is dead now. If Yukiteru really can’t bring back the dead, then there’s no hope for a happy ending. I mean, it’s just him and the crazy lady.
BAD END incoming?
I was gonna make a ME3 ending joke here, but I guess it’s only applicable to Sci-Fi endings.
Please, don’t twist the knife any deeper
I’m still bleeding out from being stabbed in the back from Bioware… goddammit my soul is broken
all hope is lost…leave me in the ditch to rot EA, you’ve already taken my money-oh right I forgot who I’m talking to. They already did that
Cx Was ME3’s ending THAT bad?!
I heard there are multiple endings so…Isn’t it a matter of getting the one you’d like the most?
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They just dropped the price to $40 on the microsoft store. Doh!
This anime don’t have enough blood hop BD version will be Gore and Yandere
Interesting episode indeed (anime-only watcher here).
I must be one of the few heterosexual men who found Akise’s kiss a welcome development for his character. I see it as a nice little twist that explains lots of stuff: why Akise always tried to help Yukiteru, why he was always worried about him. It may have come a bit out of the blue, but it’s always better late than never.
Funny too how Yuno never liked him since the first time they met. I always found it funny how Yuno’s tone would always change when speaking with Akise (and to some extent, the rest of Yukiteru’s friends)…Her yandere senses foretold he was competing for her Yukki’s love…?
Unfortunately, this episode had the same holes the whole series has had, which someone like me hates in volumes:
So Yukiteru’s friends were running away from him to who-knows-where with Eighth. But when Yukki kills them all, they find Eighth under a pile of rubber(!!)? Did the studio skip that part to reach the end of the episode in time, manga-readers? I mean, is Eighth that incompetent that the moment she is left alone she basically locks herself in a cage, thinking it’s the safest measure?
I understand Eighth is *not* meant to be an important character, much like Enzo said, she’s just a strategic piece for plot’s sake.
…But it’s those little things that can ruin the whole atmosphere for me. Seems like a really cheap excuse for plot progression.
I’m also waiting for the *big* turn of events that everyone seems to be looking forward to. This episode sure had a lot of things happening, but it never made me go “OH MY GOD.”
Everything that’s related to Yukiteru’s friends always bothered me. Glad they’re all dead: they were like an on-off switch, appearing in the story whenever the plot needed them, much like GC’s characters(I’m so getting flamed for comparing these two). If they had been killed earlier in the story, before they started not-doing-anything-useful, then it would have had a much greater impact, or at least in my person. The same goes for Akise: he has always been built up to be a genius, a detective who makes no flaws. But in his entire life-span I have yet to see a flawless act by him: most of his plans to help Yukiteru usually failed and put the main character in even bigger troubles (Kousaka mansion). The fact he never admitted having made the wrong decision, or never apologizing to Yukiteru for all troubles caused, made him all the more irritable.
The only ‘huge’ plot twist I’m seeing here is Yuno: she (all of a sudden) has two diaries, and apparently plans to kill Yukiteru and become God. She’s the supposedly new bad guy. Okay, I can buy that…but why stick with such a whiner the entire time? I can’t remember the amount of times Yuno was that close to being killed because of Yukiteru’s mistakes. You could have chosen someone more useful to ally with, Ms. Gasai…
Of course, I don’t think she’s entirely a bad guy and that her feelings for Yukiteru are all a lie. She has had many flashbacks where she stalks Yukiteru because she really loves him, after all. But that issue should tie in with her two diaries, and her messed-up family story…
Now, if I were Yuki, I’d kill the woman without a second thought:
–>Either his friends were right and she really plans to kill Yukiteru or…
–>They were lying, but Yuki will have to kill Yuno anyway to become a God.
That’s not to say I didn’t enjoy the episode: it was a good one, really. But whenever you slap a good streak of episodes to a series that had been going downhill, the cons will always be brought up after seeing the really good pros. The episode started with a welcomed twist about not-being-able-to-bring-back-the-dead, and now I’m eager to see what Murumuru’s plans are all about. How/What does she win in all this? Does she want to become the God?
Well for 8th being trapped under rubble it’s an anime only part that was edited in in lieu to save time. It could be explained by the fact that the destruction of the world is inherently causing buildings to lose structural integrity and thus allowing concrete to fall on you at any random point. So 8th could be unlucky like that. In the manga though Akise caught up to Yuki and knocked him down for a bit but in order to not change the future his diary predicted he went on ahead with 8th and knocked her out waiting for Yuki to eventually kill the rest of his friends so that he could have a chat with Yuki and take down Yuno but we all know how that turns out.
As for usefulness of Yuki, he is the most useful partner for her as he is both the foil and the main source of information for her to unleash her brutality. It is obvious that in terms of killing prows Yuno is the hands down winner but the inherent flaw is that she cannot change her own future without assistance from another diary and thus she is doomed to fail in any fight against another diary user who has prepared beforehand without the power to change the future. Yuki on the other hand has one of the most powerful diaries but is inherently weak. In order to seal Yuno in a fight you must take out Yuki somehow because the other way is inherently harder even though more rewarding if successful.
Thanks for the reply, KoroshiyaKi…Interesting to know what happened in the manga.
As for Yuki…Well, it’s a valid point that Yuki and Yuno’s diaries are arguably the strongest and the weakest respectively, so it’d be logical for Yuno to want to team up with him…
A kiss was only natural given how fond Akise is of Yukiteru. It shouldn’t come as a surprise at all to the watchers, given how everyone was willing to make gay jokes before, so I’m actually surprised at the people who were shocked with it. He’s pretty possessive of Yukiteru as well, so once again, the kiss is as much for himself as it is for his plans.
And you’ve pretty much hit the nail on the head for why I’ve never been so emotionally invested in Yukiteru’s friends. They really don’t do all that much unless the plot requires their assistance, and even then they contribute fairly little. You’re also right about Akise as well, since he does make a good effort, but his plans always come up short, leaving Yukiteru to rely on Yuno once again. As much as Akise wants to protect Yukiteru, if he’s unable to do so, then he’s pretty much just Yuno without the bite to back up his bark. His plans either backfire or fail because of the holes in them that are able to be exploited (Mao turning on everyone to try to destroy Yukiteru’s diary, Yuno not giving two shits that Akise knows about the corpses, Yukiteru being accepting Yuno whether she’s an imposter or not, Yuno taking advantage of Akise’s value of Yukiteru’s opinion of him, etc.). Granted he really couldn’t have predicted Yuno’s two diaries, but up until that point his track record wasn’t all that great to begin with.
Also, given how Akise is prone to making mistakes, his logic regarding Yuno’s motives is pretty shaky as well. It’s not quite as simple as he’s making it out to be.
Right on. Honestly, I want to like Akise as a character, but his actions won’t let me. I’m sure the author/studio wants us to look at him as the cool, intelligent guy whose Awesome-factor is outsmarting Diary owners when he himself doesn’t have the power to predict the future (well, until he became a Diary Apprentice of course)…And that’s awesome indeed, but he never really outsmarted anyone (ironically, his only real victory was against Deus)!
So in the end, he’s the guy who makes risky plans that endanger people, while he stays out of the danger (HOLON towers, Kousaka mansion). I know he’s a good-willed person, he’s in the good side. But part of me cannot help but see him as an arrogant kid who likes playing detective, while the rest of the world is ‘playing’ Hunt-or-Be-Hunted.
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Your comment wasn’t spoilerific, but seeing how you read the manga I’m guessing you are right with your assumptions, which would suck indeed for a non-reader like me 😛 No spoiler hints next time, please!
Given I do not know what will happen next, I’ll just comment on my impressions this episode gave me…
If Deus’ revelation of Akise’s person was supposed to be mind-blowing about being in fact an ‘Observer’, it definetly wasn’t mind-blowing to me. I couldn’t help but be reminded of Shutter Island’s twist by the end of the movie, only that here in Mirai Nikki it was poorly executed.
Seriously, the scene with Akise trying to prove he wasn’t being controlled by Deus was laughable:
“But what about me trying to help Yukiteru?!”
“I made you think that way.”
“But what about me following Eight?!”
“I made you think that way.”
God’s explanation were rather poor (but true, of course…He made him, after all).
In any case, I was led to believe through the latter half of the entire series that Akise was the Smart, Detective and Wild Card of this game. Then God throws in a few minutes that he made him thinking of him as an Observer. Also, Akise is barely affected by this, he still believes he’s the detective. What am I left to believe in, as a viewer? What will I think of Akise the next time I see him?
He’ll be the detective guy.
Sure, if you think of him as an Observer, then I guess he served his purpose. But for whom was he observing, KoroshiyaKi? For God? The same God who is omnipresent? I’m sure Deus’ infinite knowledge isn’t because Observers record it for him; he doesn’t have Observers spying when Yukiteru takes a dump in the bathroom, but he still knows he’s doing that. Seriously.
“Your comment wasn’t spoilerific, but seeing how you read the manga I’m guessing you are right with your assumptions, which would suck indeed for a non-reader like me 😛 No spoiler hints next time, please! ”
You do realize I’m not opposed to misleading people on purpose. Evaluate my statement and see if it’s true or not. You will never know really until the end truly so all you can do is judge so far with what you know.
“If Deus’ revelation of Akise’s person was supposed to be mind-blowing about being in fact an ‘Observer’, it definetly wasn’t mind-blowing to me.”
It’s actually more suppose to be along the lines of ‘Oh that makes sense now.’ Because…
“In any case, I was led to believe through the latter half of the entire series that Akise was the Smart, Detective and Wild Card of this game.”
… you were suppose to also question why Akise was all those things but completely useless at the exact same time. Why could he not be useful despite being dressed up as an super detective of sorts.
“Sure, if you think of him as an Observer, then I guess he served his purpose. But for whom was he observing, KoroshiyaKi? For God? The same God who is omnipresent? I’m sure Deus’ infinite knowledge isn’t because Observers record it for him; he doesn’t have Observers spying when Yukiteru takes a dump in the bathroom, but he still knows he’s doing that. Seriously.”
The manga generally says the same stuff as the anime on this topic, he was made to record the changes in the future made by the diary owners (that’s why his diary predicts the changes in the future the diary owners make, that’s what was in his black notebook). The reason why Deus states is because the rapid changes made to the future are too fast for himself so he made someone who could. The why is never explained beyond that.
You do realize I’m not opposed to misleading people on purpose. Evaluate my statement and see if it’s true or not. You will never know really until the end truly so all you can do is judge so far with what you know.
Glad to hear that!
It’s actually more suppose to be along the lines of ‘Oh that makes sense now.’ Because…
… you were suppose to also question why Akise was all those things but completely useless at the exact same time. Why could he not be useful despite being dressed up as an super detective of sorts.
What you say does make sense, but maybe the reason why I’m being so skeptic about it is because all this came in a single episode, lessening the impact of the revelation/explanation. Akise was like Yukiteru’s friends in the sense that he’d appear when the plot needed him, the only difference with him being that Akise was slightly more useful.
If we had had one scene where we could see Akise alone, truly suffering the fact his help usually leads to more trouble, or at least hinting at it indirectly, then it would have been a much better set-up than nothing at all. But given how it is, Akise has barely had any appearance in the entire series, so it’s normal for a viewer to discard him as not-important; almost to the same level of importance that Yukiteru’s friends have. Which is a shame, because the premise his character portrayed had lots of potential and cool factors…but they were never exploited.
This episode was Akise-focused, which was a good thing, but a bit too late in the game for me to be emotionally affected by his fate. And now he’s dead (apparently).
The manga generally says the same stuff as the anime on this topic, he was made to record the changes in the future made by the diary owners (that’s why his diary predicts the changes in the future the diary owners make, that’s what was in his black notebook). The reason why Deus states is because the rapid changes made to the future are too fast for himself so he made someone who could. The why is never explained beyond that.
Well, that was more informative than what I was told in the episode. But, personally, given the scarce reasons, and the timing of this revelation, I can’t fully buy it and say “Awesome!”. I see it as another rather poor device to the narrative as a whole, much like this story has had its unique, strong points, but some really bad points too.
…Question to a manga reader: Is the series skipping a lot of scenes with the fast pace this adaptation has had lately? Scenes that may not be necessarily important, but interesting nonetheless, sheding some more light into some unexplained facts (Much like the FMA:B adaptation did)?
“…Question to a manga reader: Is the series skipping a lot of scenes with the fast pace this adaptation has had lately? Scenes that may not be necessarily important, but interesting nonetheless, sheding some more light into some unexplained facts (Much like the FMA:B adaptation did)?”
Yes, the past two to three episodes have been on break neck pace in particular and have cut out much of the exposition between Nishida, 9th, and 1st along with a bunch more exposition by the friends about whatever current situation they are in.
maaan I’m going crazy trying to figure this out, What if yuno is actually 2 people in 1? like for starters we now know that you can’t completely bring back people from the dead as deus has mentioned but you can bring back the flesh, he also says you can’t bring back the soul but deus says he made akise, does that mean akise has a soul ? If so that means theoretically you could reuse a person and implant a soul you created. This could also count as two people since your using yuno’s flesh and a randomly made soul also a possible reason to why yuno has 2 diaries. I’m guessing murmur is something on the lines of being a demi god so she could also do something like this. If its not this then the only other thing I could think of is other Time lines seeing as this whole anime revolves around time
you know what after watching that first part of episode 1, its probably something to do with time lines but its kinda confusing because If I assume yuno went back in time and killed the other yuno, wouldn’t she be erasing herself from existence? ooooor maybe in that first time line she becomes god enabling her to do those things without being affected or maybe murumuru made a deal with yuno that allowed her to go back and killing yourself in the past doesn’t have any ramifications because its actually like you never left since your now replacing that person in that time. It would seem the first time we see yuno, she is next to what looks like a dead yukiteru, this already tells me her motive for going back in time and it explains why yuno calls throughout the series the yukiteru, yuki because if your calling him by a nickname that would imply you guys have spent some time together. I AM THINKING WAY TO HARD lool
This guys has obviously not seen Steins;Gate
*and it explains why yuno calls yukiteru thoughtout the whole series, yuki.
I’m pleasantly surprised.
This is the first Anime I watch that uses homosexual feelings in a realistic way, as a valid plot point without making use of cliches or slapstick.
I would like to say that soon people would not be surprised by this kind of plots… but I know it is not so.
I wouldn’t say it was that realistic. His feelings were imprinted on him by the god of time and space. I know it’s not a choice, but I’m pretty sure that’s not how most unborn children end up born that way.
Watch Gravitation. I haven’t, but I’ve heard that it’s a good shonen ai with realistic-ish drama.
It’s actually hard to find a realist male gay relationships in japaniess media as most shonen ai/yaoi tittles end up with males acting out a helpless female/submissive stario types. Gravitation is one of the few that tries to build on something a little more substantial in there that very surreal setting. (and yuri is only used as male fan service in most shows a plot device.)
I have to agree with the above it’s when a series were the shonen ai elements are not the main reason for the plot that it become much more believable setting. If Akise was a female we would be questioning when Akise would be in love with Yuki and even if Dues took credit it would have been a moot point. It make me want the read the bonus charpters know to know more about Akise background in this series.
NOOOOOOO AKISE-KUN…i do feel bad for him, even if he is “re-“created by Dues, he is still a person and it was actually nice of him to help Yuki out.
Yuno is NOT my favorite character, i would never have a (girl)friend like her. EVER.
You can’t bring people back from the dead? There goes my Real/Fake Yuno harem ending.
Akise…. Nuuu whyyyy? I’m not going to watch this episode now… too sad…
Best character in the show gone. I wish that Yuno bitch was killed in the first few episodes. At first the yandere aspect was cool. After 2 or 3 episodes it gets old really fast.
The best character left in the last episode, where have you been?
Ninth? Hell fucking no when she died I didn’t give a shit.
So Akise Aru not only pulled off the “Kaoru” stunt a la EVA
but Gasai Yuno being the crazy protective psycho that she is had to go and make Aru a “Tomoe Mami”
(yes that was very corny of me,)
Oh yes, that kiss! No more sexy Akira Ishida voice though.
Waited for this episode for a while. I remember this being one of the moments in the manga which made me recommend series to my friends :). It seems Akise’s revelation will be told in the next episode though, but this episode was great anyway. I always found massacre of Yuki’s friends by his own hands somehow… epic? Maybe after seeing him whining and crying for 21 episodes I was just happy to see him doing something so radical for a chance, made me respect his character a little bit more. Still mostly waiting to see reactions of anime-only to truth behind Yuno.
For someone with a diary that is supposed to 1-up Yukitteru and Yuno’s diaries it’s strange he still got pre-empted by Yuno’s call.
Well Yuno’s diary only shows Yukiterui’s actions and Yuki’s only shows what’s around him. Since Yuno was by herself on the floor by herself neither diary would record her actions and Akise’s diary wouldn’t be able to predict them.
Mirai Nikki should have been at episode 23. Is it delayed one week in Japan?
ep21 was on a break I believe and aired last week instead.
And why is that?
Not sure as to why per se, but they did say at the end of ep20 that they were going on a one week break and wasn’t going to air ep21 until the following week.
I believe the timing was set up because Hyouka is taking the time slot, and is only 21 episodes.
lol I have this crazy idea about Murmur giving birth to crazy twins and calling them Yuno…. 😀 Crazy shit
this season’s theme is mostly about fakes, frauds and imposters
from nise- to BRS to Another to Mirai Nikki
just to name a few off hand
celebrated a bit when kousaka got shot :/ first class single ticket to hell >:)
Your review has some heady issues, but I think we can all agree that Akise just couldn’t stay ahead of the Yandere competition. Really lost his head when it came to Yukiteru. That’s no way to get a- *shot*
“Gender is but a minor obstacle in the face of true love!”
Unfortunately, Yuno is not.
I’m incredibly confused with the whole two cellphones and two Yunos thing but I assume that it’ll be cleared up in the final arc. Also, dat Murumuru picture O_O
This episode reminds why I like yuris better…
Yaoi not that bad. If you learn to be more “open-minded” if you know what i mean.
The fact that I like Yuri means I’m simply not liking Yaoi, it’s not about being open minded and all.
Hey, its ok since everyone got their prefered choices.
Me, yuri Check, big boobies Check, yaoi(as long as its not too squicky) check.
I just realize we still have 4 episodes for this series, I guess there are still plenty of story to tell.
As much as Yuno being a crazy psychotic person she is, I still like her character, I hope she survive this game.
This is crazy, this episode was like the climax to the final one, and there are still four more!!!!!! I’m in despair!!!!!
Just saying.
Yuno is using Yukki because her diary only records Yukki’s actions, if he dies Yuno’s diary would be useless. So having him alive till everyone is dead Yuno will just have to finish off Yukki and become God. -YOLO LOL