「新生六魔将軍(オラシオンセイス)現る!」 (Shinsei Orashion Seisu Arawaru!)
“The Reborn Oración Seis Appears!”

The new Oración Seis have escaped from their confinement, probably with some help from Cardinal Rapowant whom I assume to be Brain from the old Oración Seis, or at least related to him (look at their faces, also, it makes sense if it’s him). But I wonder why he is part of two teams now (Legion Corps and Oración Seis)?

I was a bit surprised to see Legion Corps get defeated so easily. Oración Seis was imprisoned for seven years, when did they become so strong? I expected Byro to be more impressive in this battle, considering that Gildarts had a hard time with this guy, so I was a bit disappointed when he lost. Oh well, he will have more opportunities in the future as he clearly wasn’t completely defeated.

I’m wondering if Legion Corps will join FAIRY TAIL’s side – it seemed like they would for a while until Dan fell in love with Angel. I hope he doesn’t give up on Lucy after this because she is way more gorgeous than Angel in my opinion, (please don’t kill me).

It’s a bit amusing that Asuka, a child, read the book and got the message at once while Lucy didn’t. So it turns out that collecting the clock parts was what the book was trying to prevent. All this hard work turned out to be a big mistake, and now the clock resides in the hand of Oración Seis… I’m wondering why they want it and what they will do with it. Also, I’m eagerly awaiting Kinana and Cobra’s reunion.

Blue Pegasus saved FAIRY TAIL from the very one-sided battle. Forget crazy fangirls – Gray’s fan base includes old and bald fanboys now! Poor Juvia, she has too many rivals now… But I don’t think Gray likes Bob more than Juvia so she shouldn’t worry too much.

Poor Coco, I hope nothing bad awaits her. We’ll see more of her next week. It looks like we’ll have some info about Gildarts and Laki’s adventure as well. We saw them heading off somewhere a few episodes ago but I’d completely forgotten about that. I wonder what they’re up to. Also, a new character will show up (she is in the opening sequence) with a green Nikora (Canis Minor) – looking forward to that!

Moete kitazou!

Full-length shots: 3, 8, 29




  1. Wow… I didn’t expect bald man to be Erigor

    The powers this new Oracion Seis were probably granted by the guy that broke them out. It really doesn’t make any sense how they managed then.

    Great episode.

  2. The preview really gave away the fact that the head priest knows how to use magic.
    I’m guessing the clock is like another huge vessel weapon that Brain 1 tried to use.
    I know this episode is just to get us psyched up about how Fairy Tail is going to beat the new Oración Seis and I can’t wait to see it happen. Let’s see if the new character is really a Celestial Wizard or something next week.

    random viewer
  3. The Michelle storyline keeps getting interesting and mysterious 🙂 I have read a lot of theories 🙂 and they are good 🙂 how about you guys? any speculations about Michelles storyline?
    P.S Angel Is Hot and Pretty


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