Kagura doesn’t like that Erza covers for Jellal, Minerva dislikes how FAIRY TAIL has made her guild quite unsteady. Both Erza’s opponents dislike Erza for personal reasons. Erza’s companions are guessing that she will win, but the defeated Rufus says that no one can match Minerva’s strength.
All three girls rush in for an attack. Kagura and Erza are attacking with their swords while Minerva uses her magic. At one point, Minerva manages to hit Erza and send her flying backwards. Kagura takes that opportunity to kick Minerva from behind. Erza does the same to Kagura my dropkicking the girl. Minerva intervenes in the battle of swords and uses her magic on Kagura. While she is doing so, Erza jumps up to launch an attack on Minerva. This distracts Minerva who looks up, so Kagura attacks her with her sheathed sword.
Minerva uses her disappearing magic on her two opponents, “Yakuma’s spell of the eighteen combat gods” according to Mavis. Her magic causes the ground to shatter and parts of the platform falls crumbling down. Everyone is silent, anticipating the worst but it seems that both Erza and Kagura are fine. Minerva acknowledges her opponents’ strength and decides to make things more interesting to speed the battle up. She throws in Millianna in the battle who apparently had been caught by Minerva earlier during the battle. The magic she is caught in absorbs her powers, causing her to feel pain. Erza and Kagura are both angry at this sight, something Minerva had been wanting to see.
Back at the castle, Princess Hisui is still discussing Eclipse 2 with Darton. The latter seems to be wanting to end the tournament after hearing about everything that has been on the princess’ mind. Hisui says that she has been told about the tournament’s outcome by a person who can see into the future. Hisui wants to risk the future of the country because of that future vision. If that person’s vision comes true, she’ll have to open the gates to Eclipse. And it turns out – that person is Lucy from the future!
Okay, I did not expect Minerva to have purple hair… I think it’s safe to say that Minerva isn’t likeable at all. Whatever she does, she ends up making me feel irked, but she is a great villain for a companionship series! All three girls are strong, and they’ve been doing very well. It baffles me that they worked solo in the beginning of the battle. I’m sure the battle would have progressed a lot more if Kagura and Erza would have teamed up earlier to take down Minerva.
When Minerva brought Millianna into the battle, I was really pissed. Villains who overestimate themselves aren’t new to me, and while that is annoying, it’s not the reason why I felt so angry. I simply don’t like it when people use cheap tricks to have things their way. Good thing is, I am absolutely sure that by doing this, Minerva technically powered up her opponents. If there is one thing the good characters in FAIRY TAIL do, it’s to be stronger than ever when their friends are in need of help! Let’s not forget that both Erza and Kagura have only been physically attacking Minerva. None of them have used magic yet. Minerva’s magic is godly, no doubt, but is it strong enough to take on two passionate girls who are fuelled by rage? I don’t think so! But I do expect her to do some major damage. Minerva is definitely a tough opponent, perhaps the strongest one Erza has faced so far, or at least, one of them?
Well, leaving their “threesome”, which I doubt anyone really cared much about after the second half of the chapter, we finally – let me emphasise that word – finally, know who the cloaked girl is. And it seems like she isn’t the only one who travelled back in time because Hisui said “they” when she talked about the people from the future! It wasn’t very surprising to see Lucy hiding beneath that outfit, but still, I felt so excited. There are so many things I want to say about this. First of all, I’m slightly disappointed to see that it’s not Layla, but aside from that, I thought this development was great! Everything is now making sense!
Levy’s letter to Lucy who appeared to be gone in that chaotic future, seeing how the cloaked girl was around FAIRY TAIL so much, knowing that Lucy is related to Eclipse – everything was pointing at Lucy, so this was quite predictable. This also confirms that the princess is a good person. As for Arcadios, people have been saying that I doubt him too much, but I think anyone who worships Zeref should be doubted. Perhaps he was just supporting the princess to make her open Eclipse so he could make use of that opportunity? I’m not sure. Maybe I am too hard on him, but I don’t think it’s wrong to doubt a character.
Now that we know that a certain guild must not win the tournament, it makes me wonder what guild Lucy was talking about. While Sabertooth has a lot of mean people in it, the guild itself is not an evil one. And I hardly think FAIRY TAIL can be the guild Lucy is talking about. The princess said that she will open the gates to Eclipse, if, the “disaster” happens. That makes me wonder how Lucy travelled back in time. Did the princess open the gate in the future as well, and Lucy is just going back to see the same thing happen? I’m not sure, but then again, it’s almost 4 AM here (as I’m writing this line) and I haven’t slept in 36 hours, so maybe I should read again later on and see if I’m just confused now or not.
Anyway, things are certainly more exciting now. Having the cloaked girl’s identity revealed to us after all these weeks definitely fired me up. I can’t wait for the upcoming chapter! I’m not sure if there will be one next week knowing that it’s a holiday week, but I’m not promising anything. December and January are two months when the manga schedules can’t be trusted. Hopefully, we won’t have to wait too long.
Moete kitazou!
Here’s a toast that Mashima won’t redeem Minerva and she is the first to get killed or get put in her place once day 7/7 arrives.
Also T_T LUCY CHAN why you lose your right arm and double up on keys? Maybe, maybe not, but still double Lucy and Gemini. Means Triple power for a rehash of Urano Metero that will blast the crap out of those jerks who laughed at her in her battle and in the water battle. Yay go go team Fairy Tail and Stereoman!!
*Tucks Stereoman to bed*
Aww, you’re too kind! ♥
Amen! I raise a toast to Minerva being pounded into the ground by the two ladies so hard that she would be unrecognizable by the end of it.
There’s nothing wrong with having doubts on Arcadios’s part, hell I still have some doubt myself. But I feel like people have been kind of hard on him and sort of brushed away every good thing he’s recently done. Because as I’ve said, no matter what kind of diabolic plans you may have, its pointless if you die. So his self-sacrifice was out of place if he really was evil.
What I’m getting at is that, at the moment, he’s more leaning towards the good guy for me, but if he were to become a villain in the end it wouldn’t surprise me since I keep a small amount of doubt in there.
I can sense a triple K.O. in this match up.
I brought this up on AnimeSuki but I’ll say it again here: I hate hostage-taking with a passion, especially when you say that you’re strong enough to do the job on your own and talk up such a big deal about yourself. *stares at Minerva* Just because she would have to exert enough to sweat, she stops and tries this ploy. Normally, I’d still like a ‘bad girl’, even if she’s killed or destroyed many lives (Ultear namely), but Minerva rubs me the wrong way and that’s rare.
Kagura’s probably the closest to Knightwalker as an opponent and as for Minerva, well, Erza can vent all of the beatdown that she may had wanted to lay on Ultear for tricking Jellal all those years ago (and for being with him all this time). Of course, Ultear might feel a bit awkward around Erza after seeing the beatdown…
Minerva is looking entirely too competent for a Fairy Tail villain in this arc. I predict her getting stomped to hell by Erza next chapter through the power of FRIENDSHIP because villains in this series aren’t allowed to look good.
Minerva’s a bitch. Hopefully Millianna will, instead of making Erza and Kagura more fragile, make then angry so they can kick the ass of that woman. Seriously, I’ve been waiting this for a loooong time.
Otherwise, now that we discovered that the hooded girl is Lucy, we can expect something bigger than a lot of people antecipated (much, much bigger!)
well….. i guess i ll say it….
that was one hell of a cat fight
Has anyone noticed that Minerva is not wearing any underwear, look closer I discovered it from last chapter and now I can confirm it a hundred percent from this chapter that she has no underpanties, take a closer look and you could almost see her fresh naked butt,
I almost forgot Future Lucy. Lucy was my number one guess on who the mysterious cloaked person was and now that we finally know the truth, I want to know if there are other members of Fairy Tail that survived a horrendous past and come from the future as well, we know of Future Levy and I hope to see Future Wendy or Future Exceeds.
LOL didn’t need to guess that it was Lucy. Mashima made it way too obvious. She had a great interest in Fairy Tail, Future Levy writing letters to as if she wasn’t there anymore, and when they pulled out the change the past crap I thought to myself “OMG Lucy is Trunks..”
You know, we keep calling her “Future” Lucy… but what tells us she comes from the future, and not from an alternate reality (a changed present) in which the timeskip occured “normally” for the Tenrou Island gang?
The Gate can travel in time, but what about alternate timelines? That is still a possibility.
I don’t think the disaster is referring to WHO wins the tournament but HOW the win comes about. That seems to square with Carla’s kinda appocolyptic vision.
You’d think they’d be less surprised after seeing another Lucy in Edolas.
Mashima you clever guy, even if the results were expected I quite liked the revelation of future lucy coming into play.
I can’t wait to see the end results of that threesome fight, I really like all 3 characters (Even if Minerva irks me ) so I find it difficult to even see who would win this outcome (though it seems Minerva would win considering Carla’s vision of the broken down castle).
Well now its a matter of waiting but this chapter has got me drooling for more… if you know what I mean XD
36 hours…
I like your determination to finish this post but that care of yourself man.
That first fight was intense, but Natsu’s and Lucy’s faces when they see future Lucy were priceless XD.
Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but Erza and Minerva are their guild leaders, right? So what will happen if they end up knocking each other out? Won’t that disqualify Fairy Tail and Sabertooth from the competition? In that case, nobody wins, plus we never get to see any of the other fights going on. I’m glad that Erza and Minerva are fighting, but I had hoped that Laxus would fight Sting before the end…so if he doesn’t, wouldn’t it have made more sense for him to fight Minerva, considering he is supposed to be the strongest?
Loving the fight so far though…not quite sure why Erza isn’t using her armor as usual.
What if Laxus is Fairy Tail’s guild leader, and He’s not the one who would be fighting Sting Gajeel is the one who would be fighting Sting and Rogue since Natsu took all the glory in their first fight I think it’s fair to give Gajeel the twin Dragons of Sabertooth.I believe Erza will be able to kick Minerva’s fresh naked no panties butt in the tournament but after that Erza and Kagura will settle their dispute about loving and hating Jellal some other time.
Laxus is stronger then Erza and I would say he is the leader. However the leader losing does not mean a team loses it just gives the team that beat them extra points.
Thanks for clearing that up. Still, since Minerva is supposed to be the strongest in Sabertooth, I still reckon Laxus should have gone against her since he is Fairy Tail’s strongest.
Short Brow always a bad guy.
I think there’s a short brow person in Ao no Exorcist and she’s one of the good guys.