Shirokuma Café – 04

「スマフォに夢中/わくわくドライブレッスン)」 (Sumafo ni Muchū/Wakuwaku Doraibu Resson)
“Obsessed with Smartphones/Super Fun Driving Lesson”

Panda: representing the spoiled brat we all don’t ever want to land ourselves with in the future.

Note: no, this image setup isn’t going to be a regular thing 😛

Eureka Seven AO – 03

「スティル・ファイティング/secret operation」 (Sutiru Faitingu)
“Still Fighting”

On every scene change this week I kept thinking “It can’t be over yet, can it?” I wanted this ep to keep going and going but it felt as if it flew by, and that’s a sure sign that everything is clicking. With a setup this interesting, a MC this good and a beloved franchise that’s still being held mostly in reserve, the potential for Eureka Seven: Astral Ocean seems almost unlimited.