「そこに本物のガンヴァレルがいます!」 (Soko ni Honmono Ganvareru ga Imasu!)
“The True Gunvarrel is in there!”

We’ve finally made it to the Tokyo Expo 2020! Aki and Kai (along with the entire crew from Space Candy) make it to Tokyo for GunPro-2’s debut. Unlike the Robo-One tournament (back in episode 3), this is more of an exhibition to showcase what your robot does and what is expected in the future (especially for companies like Exoskeleton). There’s a lot of excitement in the air as people crowd around to see the different robots and the energy is pretty contagious (if anyone’s ever been to like an auto show or anime expo, you can probably relate). Anyway, I take back last week about the cheese in certain scenes. When your robot can genuinely make one little boy happy, I think that’s a sign that your efforts aren’t to waste. I was so touched when Aki turned around to see Kai, Mitchie and Sumio posing with GunPro-2. It’s incredible sweet to see the whole team backing up Aki’s efforts and their willingness to go that far for one girl’s dreams. The robot itself was less than spectacular compared to others, but it still has great “impact” for our group.

Aki and Kai get a little alone time this week in their hotel room. It wasn’t as romantic or embarrassing as I thought it’d be, but still good from a development standpoint. I’m sad to see the rest of the Robotics Club kind of put aside for the time being, but this final stretch is really focused on Misa and Aki. There are still many hints that point to the unveil of Kimijima Kou though – the awakening of Airi is one and the very brief mentioning of the reports being distributed (anyone notice that their hotel does not have a TV?). Overall, I still feel that strong connection between Aki and Kai. They’re good childhood friends and this point is never forgotten by Aki who points out how distant she’s been feeling lately. I do agree that Kai’s been pretty much around the block these days, so these next few episodes should bring him back to Aki.

The relationship between Aki and Misa is another matter though. We caught glimpses of it last week (and probably throughout the entirety of the show) that Aki is really trying to prove that she’s not just “ordinary”. She really wants to make her sister proud but it’s a shame that Misa never sees that. I feel incredibly bad for Aki now because she seems ignorant to the overarching story that’s been going on. So I’m glad that Misa had a change of attitude after talking to Kai; from the final scene, it sounds like Misa was trying hard to sound normal and friendly towards Aki. I wasn’t expecting that – nor was I expecting any of those final two minutes. Sounds to me that Misa has her own agenda up her sleeves. Whether or not Sawada knew that the entire time, is unknown. What is Misa running from and who is she working with? Could it be Kona’s mother? Or perhaps Kimijima Kou really isn’t dead? Who really knows… but this has got to be one of the biggest cliffhangers of this show thus far and I’m dying to see next week’s episode. We’re only 4 episodes from the finale folks!

Full-length images: I think this episode has the most full-length caps from me to date. Yay!


  1. Any of you noticed Misa’s hand trembling when she was told about Mizuka’s last words? she might try hard to be in control, but she was definitely shaken…
    Also, it is quite obvious now she is somehow in opposition to her boss… a mole in Exoskeleton? But working for whom? 300 committee? Government? Kimijima Kou?
    BTW, is the new launch at JAXA somehow related to the actions mentioned in the Kimijima reports? And if so, is it to cause or prevent them?

      1. Well I don’t know if someone edited my version but there definitely is one though. Just before Kai battles Tagiringer you get a nice vision of the flatscreen on the wall. There is another glimp of it in his nightmare of Mizuka san and after he wakes up even though not clearly visible there is on in the upper left corner. You can see it the moment you get a across view of the room. here it is

  2. So the company whose robots ran wild through the city builds a giant spike legged insect death machine and everyone gathers in awe…

    Meanwhile a couple of high school kids that built a robot that looks like an unpopular anime character get jeered at and trash thrown at them…

  3. This show keeps getting better and better. I felt bad for Aki when people started jeering at her robot but I would have thought that she would be more aware of the animosity toward gunvarrel, but then again she has a bit of tunnel vision when it comes that that anime.

    1. I agree. I don’t think Aki realizes all the negativity around Gunvarrel and how severe its gotten. It’s great that she’s so supportive of the show, but bringing GunPro-2 to the Expo is not exactly good PR for Space Candy or the club… >_>

  4. Didnt really like this episode sorry =/
    what i got from it-
    KaiXAki fans gratz
    People still hate Gunvarrel
    and that the shooting scene seemed really forced imo
    P.s. would be EPIC if Kai activates slow mode and catches the bullet =P

    1. Only because the other robots a powered by conventional electric motors while GUN-PRO2 is run using monopoles so is immune to Kagome Kagome. That said maybe we will get an epic robot battle with GUN-PRO2 vs Sumeragi.

  5. Am I the only one afraid of all those conventionally powered robots standing around that concentrated number of people?

    Aside from that GUN-PRO 2 looks like it might be immune to Kagome Kagome, maybe a super robot battle with it an malfunctioning giant robots?

    Misa-nee is sooo definitely brainwashed. And of course the cause of al these mishaps in EXOSKELETON

  6. Somehow I’m hoping Misa-nee’s cold demeanor is just a face she’s putting up to distance herself and prevent her loved ones (Aki and Kai) from getting hurt in the potentially dangerous things she’s involved in.

    1. That’s what I’ve thought it was the whole time. Misa’s been involved in something dangerous and she wanted Aki and Kai to stay out of it. That’s why she keeps discouraging her sister to not be involved with robots and Kai to not be involved in the Kimijima Kou business.


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